Wales’ best interests lie in a prosperous Europe says First Minister


Speaking at a major event to promote and raise awareness of the European Union (EU) with a focus on jobs and growth, First Minister of Wales Carwyn Jones has today said that Wales’ best interests lie in a prosperous Europe.

The event, arranged by the Welsh Government as part of its EU Strategy, ‘Wales and the European Union’, was aimed at raising awareness of EU-related issues and the benefits that EU membership brings to Wales.

Participants had the opportunity to hear about the latest initiatives to address jobs and growth in an EU context and from the European Commission about the EU’s new Investment Plan for jobs and growth as well as the funding opportunities available from the European Funding Programme 2014-2020.  They also had the chance to share experiences with Welsh companies who have traded successfully within the European Union.

The First Minister, who opened the event in Cardiff this morning, said:

“I am completely clear that Wales’ best interests lie in a prosperous Europe.

“We remain fully committed to playing a positive and active role within the EU. The benefits for Wales of EU membership are clear. The EU removes trade barriers to boost growth and create jobs and allows us to work, live and study in other Member States.

“The creation of the Single Market is one of the EU’s greatest successes and it is the world’s largest free trade area (in GDP terms) with over 500 million consumers.  It plays a key role in our efforts to create jobs in Wales and stimulate economic growth.

“About 500 firms from other EU Member States are based in Wales, employing over 54,000 people. The Single Market is also Wales’ primary export destination. The total value of Welsh exports to the EU in 2014 was £5.6 billion.

“I will keep on making the most robust case possible for the UK’s continued membership of the European Union, which is essential for the prosperity of the wider UK as well as to Wales. We are working with our European colleagues, day in day out, to help improve prosperity in Wales, and this conference can help galvanise that work.”

Minister for Finance and Government Business Jane Hutt, who also spoke at the event said:

“EU funds – particularly the Structural Funds – are making a valuable contribution to driving Wales’ economic transformation, and contributing to growth and jobs.

“Europe is vital for our communities, people and businesses. Meeting people across Wales who have benefited from training and visiting companies that have created jobs or developed new and innovative products brings home to me the real value of the EU funds to Wales, and of course, UK membership of the EU.”

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