Welcome news from the EC brings launch of the next RDP closer


Deputy Minister for Farming and Food, Rebecca Evans today welcomed news from the EC which allows us to take the next steps in planning the implementation of the new Rural Development Programme.

The Welsh Government yesterday received the ā€˜letter of comfortā€™ for the Wales Rural Development Programme 2014-2020 (RDP) from the Director-General for Agriculture and Rural Development at the European Commission (EC) Jerzy Plewa.

The letter provides informal approval of the new RDP for Wales, and confirms that the Programme will be recommended for formal adoption by the College of European Commissioners.

This formal approval is due to be given after the Commissionā€™s revision of their Multi-Annual Financial Framework, expected within the coming weeks.

The Deputy Minister said:

ā€œI am pleased we have received the letter of comfort which represents an important milestone in our ambitious plans for the new RDP. We can now proceed with confidence to do the detailed planning for individual schemes that will benefit communities the length and breadth of Wales. I will provide you with further detail once we receive formal approval but todayā€™s news is further recognition of the strength of our plans for rural Wales.ā€

The total projected budget for the RDP for Wales 2014-2020, based on 2014 exchange rates, is Ā£957m across the programme period, compared to Ā£847m in the 2007-2013 RDP.

Welsh Government consulted extensively with stakeholders to inform the development of the new RDP and we submitted our application to the Commission back in July last year.

Detailed formal feedback was received late last autumn and we have remained in negotiation with the Commission until the re-submission of the RDP on 24th April 2015.

The RDP is a seven year European Union (EU) and Welsh Government-sponsored programme which aims to:

  • improve competitiveness in the agriculture and forestry sector
  • safeguard and enhance the rural environment
  • foster competitive and sustainable rural businesses and thriving rural communities.

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