Appning: from Rome to New York for Love

With Appning you can view in real time all users around you, directly on the map of your city... Let Appning take the first step for you by simply writing a message to a person you like and delivering it anonymously to help you find your soulmate, who could be just around the corner. Download Appning for free from AppStore and Google Play Store.

This is Love according to “the age of the Apps”: Appning simply makes the first move for you!

Say goodbye to blind dates. Love at first sight must happen in the real world before any virtual interaction takes place; before starting any kind of virtual chat, you will have to look in the eyes of the person you are interested in. This is where Appning, a new social app designed in Rome and now also available in the USA, comes in handy. Appning allows shy girls to take the first step without running the risk of being rejected. This is because Appning will only connect people who harbor a mutual interest.

A girl who passes in the street a man who simply leaves her breathless has two options: pluck up her courage and make the first move or send an SOS to Appning. By downloading the app, she lets Appning search for that mysterious man’s virtual profile, if he has one, and, once found, she can write him a message. This way, Appning users don’t have to take the first step, because Appning does it for them. The recipient receives an anonymous “someone wrote you” notification and Appning reveals the name of the sender only if they can guess who sent them the first message. They can do so by browsing the list of all the users who are registered in the same area as they are. In other words, two people need to message each other for the app to “unlock” the communication between them. If only one of them messages the other and doesn’t receive a message back, everything remains anonymous and within 24 hours every trace of their messages is deleted.

Appning is a free to download app for smartphones:

for Android:

for iPhone:

Thanks to the premium version, an Appning user can also take advantage of another amazing feature called “dropping a bomb”, which means sending the same message simultaneously to more than one person in a given area in the radius of 2 km. It’s a discount coupon working instantaneously at a given point in the city, without the need to be previously acquired.

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