Ceredigion Care Homes

On Tuesday 2 June, Cabinet was updated on the residential care review and approved the next steps of the process.

​ Analysis of the 440 responses that were received as part of the 12 week consultation period is currently being completed. Cabinet members will take this analysis into account in making their final decision, which is due to be made on Tuesday 28 July 2015.

Members approved to hold a further month-long period of consultation. This consultation will explore the key factors to be taken into account by Members as they seek to make their decision. Careful attention is being given to ensure the review’s consistent compliance with equality requirements.

The key reasons for change in the provision of residential care have been summarised by an independent report as follows:

  • Demography – a significant projected increase in the number of older people, especially over 85, some of whom will have complex health and social care needs.
  • Expectations – the next generation of older people will expect different services and solutions.
  • Choice – these expectations are already being experienced in a greater number of older people choosing to be cared for at home.
  • Demand – the above factors translate into increased demand on home care services particularly and decreased demand for residential care, creating higher levels of empty places in Residential Homes.
  • Pressures – in turn, this creates pressure on the Adult Social Care Budget, in particular on the home care budget, where the greater part of the overspend lies.
  • Limitations – the potential for adapting the Authority’s homes is limited and they require a high level of capital investment.
  • Unmet need – the balance of care provision to meet the range of need has to be readjusted towards more nursing and dementia nursing as well as lower level provision e.g. extra care.

The Council would like to hear from the citizens of the county if they believe that there is any other information that should be taken into account when coming to a decision on the future of Ceredigion’s residential care homes.

Councillor Catherine Hughes, portfolio holder for social services, said: “A good number of responses were received during the last consultation period, and I would like to sincerely thank all who contributed. As we embark on a further period of consultation, I encourage the residents of the county to make their views known if they think that there is any other information that should be considered before we make a decision.”

Those who wish to make their view known can do so by writing to the Council at:

Care Home Consultation,
Vicarage Hill,
SA46 0DY.

Or email contact-socservs@ceredigion.gov.uk for further information.

This consultation period will last from Friday 12 June until Monday 13 July 2015.

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