Deputy Minister encourages FUW members to engage positively with new strategic framework for agriculture

Deputy Minister encourages FUW members to engage positively with new strategic framework for agriculture
Deputy Minister for Farming and Food, Rebecca Evans, today spoke during the Farmers Union of Wales (FUW) AGM at Aberystwyth University and encouraged members to get fully involved in shaping the future of agriculture in Wales through the new strategic framework.

Earlier this month the Deputy Minister took to the platform at the second annual Wales Farming Conference, alongside the President of FUW, to launch a consultation on the Strategic Framework for Welsh agriculture.

The new approach seeks to enhance joint working arrangements between government and the industry with the important goal of helping farmers to make their farm businesses more sustainable, both economically and environmentally.

The Deputy Minister is keen to invite views from across rural Wales and is urging FUW members to have their say on the proposals via the consultation on the Welsh Government website.

She said:

“Our new strategic framework for Welsh agriculture is an exciting, joint exercise between government and our key stakeholders, including the FUW, and evidences action taking place already on co-production and co-delivery. I hope that we will receive many considered and positive responses to our consultation over the coming weeks.“I would like to thank the FUW for its leading role in helping to produce and share with me the industry ‘Principles’ paper which has helped inform the Strategic Framework for Agriculture that we launched our consultation on at this month’s Wales Farming Conference.

“This paper was an excellent example of industry bodies coming together and presenting their shared thoughts to Government. That positive, proactive approach is exactly the kind of behaviour we are trying to encourage through our Framework. This is precisely what’s needed if we are to realise our shared vision and ambition of a modern, professional, sustainable and profitable agriculture industry in Wales.

“Your commitment to being at the forefront of a new partnership approach between industry and Government to deliver positive change is to be commended.”

The Deputy Minister also thanked the FUW for recognising the work of the Welsh Government’s Farm Liaison Service who were at the AGM also and were to be presented with the union’s External Award.

“Validation of this kind from our customers, and partners, is important to us and makes me proud,”

she said.

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