Future looking brighter for Wales’ youngest


The Welsh Government is making real headway in improving the life chances of under sevens, a new report shows.

The 2014-15 progress report for the Welsh Government’s “Building a Brighter Future” plan highlights the real achievements made  over the last 12 months that  will positively  impact on the  lives of  Wales’ youngest people in the years to come.

The report covers a wide range of issues including health and well being, family support, education, childcare and housing. It highlights that over the past year the Welsh Government has:

• Taken the decision to legislate to ban smoking in cars carrying children
• Already exceeded its 2016 target for Flying Start  with over 37,000 children in Wales  benefiting from the programme last year.
• Increased funding to under 5s from low income families through the extension of the Pupil Deprivation Grant
• Published and accepted the recommendations of the Successful Futures report which lays the foundations for a radical new curriculum for Wales that will ensure young people are well prepared for 21st Century life.
• Passed the pioneering Well-Being of Future Generations (Wales) law – legislating to ensure the social, economic, environmental and cultural well-being of our future generations.
• Announced an additional £7.6m for children and young people’s mental health services

Education Minister, Huw Lewis said:

“We know that the formative lives of any person’s life are crucial to their health, wealth, education and general  development, which is why we are working right across  Welsh Government to support our youngest people.

“No child in Wales should be disadvantaged by their background and I am particularly pleased that this year we have been able to  extend  our Pupil Deprivation Grant –  which ensures additional funding for those learners eligible for free school meals –  to our  3 and 4 year-old pupils.

“This extension means  that right from the start of a child’s education we can take direct and targeted  action to break down the  stubborn link between poverty and low attainment.”

Minister for Communities and Tackling Poverty, Lesley Griffiths said:

“Our vision for children is clear – we want a Wales where each and every child has the opportunities they need to reach their full potential.

“Our flagship Flying Start programme is playing a key role in achieving this aim. I am delighted 37,260 children benefited from Flying Start last year alone – exceeding our ambitious target more than a year early and demonstrating our absolute commitment to giving children the best possible start in life.”

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