More people become British citizens

Citizenship Ceremony at Carmarthen Register Office.JULY 2015.New Citizens with Superintendent Registrar Andrea Rowlands,Registra Mrs Victoria Boswell,High Sheriff of Dyfed Mr JWP Lewis and Harpist Mrs Susan Berry. Pic Jeff Connell 28/07/15

More people have become new British citizens at a ceremony in Carmarthen Register Office.

The citizenship ceremony was held to formally welcome on behalf of Her Majesty’s Government new people to Britain and to Carmarthenshire.

Participants came from countries across the world including Slovakia, Zimbabwe, Russia and the Phillipines.

Designed to enhance the significance and importance of becoming a British Citizen, the aim of the ceremony, provided by Carmarthenshire County Council’s registration service, is also to provide each individual with a memorable occasion and help them celebrate with their friends and family a new sense of place and belonging.

Certificates were handed to the new citizens by High Sheriff of Dyfed James W P Lewis, and music was provided by harpist Susan Berry.

Carmarthenshire’s statutory services executive board member Cllr Pam Palmer  said: “The Citizenship ceremony reflects the importance of becoming part of the British democratic process.

“We welcome the new citizens and trust that they have already experienced the warmth and welcome of their own communities.”

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