Fantastic Four Film Review.


With the 2005/2007 Fantastic Four movies seemingly left in the dust now, we have a new team up for the cast in the mix. Although when I first heard of who the new cast would be I wasn’t entirely enthusiastic. But I don’t like to judge a film before I see it. And I have to say, somehow, it works!

Four young scientists work together to build a device in order to transport themselves to an alternate dimension.  A dimension where they hope to use the land’s recourses to improve our way of life instead of exploiting our earth’s environment in this dimension.

When exploring this strange new world with its harsh environment, something unexpected occurs when they return home.  They discover that their biological forms have been altered and they now possess special abilities, but I don’t need to tell you that if you’re a fan!


Reg E. Cathey brings life to the character Dr. Franklin Storm, father to Susan and Johny Storm.  Dr Storm is a well respected physicist who discovers Reed Richards and his incredible mind during a school science fair as Reed Richards demonstrates his teleportation device with Ben Grimm which Dr. Storm just so happens to be working on as well.

As it happens though, the device doesn’t teleport so much as it transports to another dimension.

Miles Teller who you may remember in the Divergent series, plays Reed Richards aka Mr Fantastic, a more nerdy representation than Welsh actor Ioan Gruffudd did in 2005.

He’s a kind of geek that spends most of his time to himself working on his projects like a flying car or what have you. That is until he meets and befriends Ben Grimm. Teller gives an extraordinary performance and really makes the character his own.

Jamie Bell. Known for his performances in Billy Elliot, King Kong and The Adventures of Tintin, plays an extremely rock hard performance (no pun intended) as Ben Grimm aka The Thing, his character is basically Reed’s protector and has a tough exterior as Michael Chiklis did in the previous films.

Interestingly Jamie Bell’s performance as Grimm gives a sort of vibe implying that he’s been held back, and as such that he’s doomed to inherit the junk yard his family owns.

Before Chris Evans went on to star as Captain America, he had the roll of Johnny Storm aka The Human Torch. He basically had the character down to a tee. He was cocky, stubborn, a show off, he was a hot head!

Michael B. Jordan displays none of these features, but somehow he makes the character work for the film. He’s just a kid who puts himself in trouble most of the time because he feels it’s the only way to get attention from his father . All in all, he  managed to bring a new perspective to the roll as Johnny Storm.

Susan Storm aka The Invisible Woman played by Kate Mara gives a grade A performance as adopted daughter to Dr. Franklin Storm. Which gives a good explanation to Susan and Johnny’s relationship as brother and sister.

I was incredibly skeptical about the casting choice to begin with, but now seeing the film, it actually gives a sense of realism to the story. Each character displays real believable backgrounds which in my opinion gives added value to the movie, something the franchise has needed for a long time.

The villain of the piece is a character I really wouldn’t mind playing, all actors know that playing the part of the villain is something you can really sink your teeth into and make it your own.  That is what Kebbell did for the roll of Victor von Doom.

Kebbell’s portrayal invokes the bitterness of a man who feels more than slighted by life.  Toby Kebbell gives a fantastic performance as Doom (again no pun intended) and I can’t wait for the sequel.

Review by Adam Roberts.

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