Young people from across Carmarthenshire have given their thoughts on the council’s budget proposals as part of an activity which saw them play the role of the Executive Board.

Sixth form pupils from six local comprehensive schools took part in Insight – an exercise which saw them look at various budget proposals and make decisions as if they were actual Executive Board Members.

Proposals included reduced budgets for library facilities, Meals on Wheels, highway maintenance, post-16 transport, school crossing patrols and street cleansing.

During the exercise they each had the opportunity to speak with the council’s actual Executive Board members and senior officers to question them about various services and the impact a reduced budget would have on each.

Each school then chose a Leader, who presented their budget proposals saying which services they believed could be reduced, run differently, or protected completely from cuts.

There was a range of opinions – most were in support of reduced budgets for libraries and street cleansing, but in favour of protecting budgets that affected schools.

Others thought that the council could raise income by increasing litter fines or hiring out school resources, such as gyms and IT suites, to the community.

Their thoughts and opinions will now be included as part of the council’s actual budget consultation.

Council Leader Cllr Emlyn Dole said he was impressed at the maturity shown by students, and has invited them to repeat their presentations at Full Council.

Speaking after the event he said: “It was a pleasure to be there with them, to work alongside them and to listen and learn from their views on the budget as they attempted to get to grips with prioritising services in the context of ever decreasing resources.

“They did give us many valuable insights and their enthusiasm was admirable as they applied themselves to the tasks that were set.

“They are an example to us all and I do hope that as the budget goes out for public consultation we can all get involved as enthusiastically and constructively as they have.”

The schools taking part in Insight were Ysgol Maes Y Gwendraeth, Ysgol Y Strade, Ysgol Bro Dinefwr, Queen Elizabeth High School, Ysgol Gyfun Emlyn and Amman Valley Comprehensive School.

Each school’s Executive Board also appointed their own press and communications officer, who was responsible for communicating their council’s key budget proposals, and an elections officer responsible for encouraging young people to join the electoral register.

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