Things are Looking Cosy for Ceredigion’s Fuel Clubs


​Ceredigion residents who use oil will now find it easier to join their local voluntary fuel club, and keep warm for less thanks to a brand new webpage.

The new webpage – hosted by Ceredigion County Council – has been developed as a result of the Club Cosy Project, delivered by Ymlaen Ceredigion, and one of the first projects of its kind in Wales.

Club Cosy is a county-wide network of fuel buying groups in Ceredigion with the aim of helping members of the club to buy oil fuel in bulk, helping them to save money on their fuel bills every year.

The new easy to use webpage is designed to help oil heating users find their local fuel club, sign post to additional fuel saving opportunities, and be a vital source of winter warmth advice with simple information packs like Cymdgoion Cynnes available to download.

People need just go to the webpage, put in their postcode and find their local fuel club or volunteer co-ordinator. The webpage is also home to a ‘toolkit – the first to be produced by a project like Club Cosy. This will be shared with other councils in Wales to demonstrate how to build an effective county-wide network.

The new Cosy Club webpage was launched on Thursday 12 November by the Leader of Ceredigion County Council, Councillor Ellen ap Gwynn. She said: “This project is the first of its kind by any local authority, and a great resource for our residents. The fuel clubs are all run by volunteers who work together to help households reduce fuel bills by coordinating bulk buying. The network of members has been fundamental to the success of this project, and should be applauded for their commitment to helping others in their communities.”

In the last 18 months the number of oil clubs in Ceredigion has increased from just six to 20, spanning the entire length and breadth of the county. This work is key in helping to address fuel poverty, reduce carbon emissions (with less and better organised deliveries from oil suppliers), and keep people warm without wasting money.

Mark Williams MP attended the launch event, he said: “This project has brought Ceredigion’s scattered rural communities closer together, by giving them the opportunity to work closer on a very important project. It’s vital that such an essential project is embedded in our communities.”

The amounts saved by ordering with a fuel club can be huge and in some cases, individuals have saved up to £300 on their yearly fuel bill. It can also be a way of allowing members to order smaller amounts of oil, helping to make their household bills more manageable.

Elin Jones Assembly Member said: “Informal syndicates between friends and families already exist in our communities, and this project has formalised a process that already exists, which is why it is so successful. It is clear that people have benefitted from pooling resources, and that Ceredigion residents will continues to reap the benefits of this pioneering project.”

The Cosy Club project is delivered by Ymlaen Ceredigion on behalf of Ceredigion County Council, and funded by the Welsh Government.

For more information and find your local fuel club please visit the website

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