Bridell Manor appeal lost


A Planning Inspector has upheld a decision by Pembrokeshire County Council to refuse planning permission for a caravan to be sited in the grounds of Bridell Manor Nursing Home near Cardigan.

The appeal by Mr Edward Coupe was dismissed by Inspector Iwan Lloyd because it conflicted with local and national planning policies that sought to control residential development in the open countryside.

Mr Coupe had applied to site a static caravan on the rear grounds of Bridell Manor Nursing Home to provide a temporary residence.

The application was refused by Pembrokeshire County Council in June earlier this year and Mr Coupe appealed.

In dismissing the appeal Inspector Lloyd said the main issue was whether there were material considerations sufficient to outweigh any conflict with local and national planning policies that sought to strictly control residential development in the open countryside outside settlement boundaries.

“Whilst this nursing home is located in the countryside the proposal which is aligned with the nursing home use does not require a countryside location and is not a land based enterprise which derives its primary input from a countryside location,” he said.

“The evidence provided does not indicate that it is essential for the continued operation of the nursing home to have on site presence at this location, as opposed to any other location or that there is no alternative provision which could meet that need.”

He said the proposal did not conform to national or local planning policy and for these reasons a temporary or permanent permission was not justified on the basis of the available evidence.

“The personal and economic benefits put forward by the appellant do not outweigh the strict control over locating new residential development in the countryside.”

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