Protect Your Property


Police are reminding people to protect their homes, vehicles and valuables – old and new – over the Christmas period.

Thieves will be on the lookout for easy targets such as open windows, valuables left in view of windows or doors left unlocked. These are easy mistakes to make but the consequences of not carrying out security measures can be upsetting and frustrating.

Superintendent Chris Curtis, Head of Neighbourhood Development for Dyfed Powys Police, said: “Becoming a victim of crime is not a nice experience at any time of the year, but at Christmas can feel even more upsetting. By issuing reminders to people about securing their vehicles, homes and outbuildings over this busy festive period we hope to minimise the opportunity for them to be targeted by thieves. It’s about making life difficult for criminals and it is so easy to do just that.

“I also recommend people mark their valuables with their postcode and house number with a UV pen and register items such as mobile phones, TVs and stereos on This is a national database of property that could help reunite owners with their valuable items should they ever be stolen.”

In addition to offering advice, police are working hard throughout the festive period to prevent and deter thieves from operating in our town centres. In some areas there are Steal and be Banned initiatives up and running that involve shopkeepers working together and with police to ban shoplifters from their businesses.

Operation Santa Tips on Protecting your Property:

  • Lock your vehicle, even if unattended for a short space of time
  • Lock valuables away in the boot. This includes Christmas shopping and even a coat draped over a seat could be tempting to a thief
  • Always lock your doors, even if upstairs just for a short period
  • Check doors and windows are locked at night or when going out
  • Don’t advertise your new items to potential thieves – put boxes of Christmas gifts out for recycling on the morning of collection or take to your local Civic Amenity Centre
  • Leave a light or radio on when going out to give the impression that someone is in the room.
  • Keep house and car keys out of sight.
  • If you’ve got an alarm, use it. At night when sleeping set the alarm for downstairs only.
  • If you’re going away remember to cancel the milk and newspapers and ask a neighbour to keep an eye on your house.
  • Make a list of property including the serial number and descriptions. Use an ultraviolet pen to mark electrical and other items with your postcode and house number.

For more top crime prevention tips this Christmas visit our website or follow us on twitter @DyfedPowys.

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