Nature and nurture?


I have been known to be quirky and different. I look for many different ways to help me with my depression and anxiety. It always goes back to nature. When I was a little girl my grandad had the proper Secret Garden. There was an avery, stream round the back, a hidden bit behind the shed, two lawns and patio with chairs and a pond…. All being welcomed in by an ivy archway. It was truly magical and I have many fond memories there. Anyway, I was tidying the garden, which is mainly patio, picking up dog poo as you do. As I was putting some in a rubbish bag I noticed a small snail on my and all those childhood memories came flooding back. The one thing I did every spring/summer with my granddad without fail was collecting snails and tadpoles till they were froglets. With this memory flashing lights in my head, I took the little snail inside and started to make a little habitat for him/her. I am going to share with you something that maybe you could do or if you have kids do it with them and get them off that playstation and outside.


It is scientifically proven that nature releases endorphins and maybe I’m just a hippy but put me on the beach or in a forest and everything that was a problem, isn’t with me while I’m there. The only things that matter is to enjoy the surroundings and remember the basics. This is how cavemen lived so I’m pretty sure I feel safe in these places.


So I have heard there is a little campaign about painting snails so people don’t stand on them. Well I’m about to up that game and hopefully you reading this will too. Please tag me on instagram @beecanflyy or post on my facebook page Bee Positive to let me know how you get on (:

➔     Take an empty clear container or an empty fish tank and fill just a tiny bit on the bottom with soil and make sure it is damp.

➔     Find some small rocks, pebbles, twigs and bark and place around the container or fish tank and if you can, some grass turf to have fresh grass growing inside.

➔     Now go outside and find yourself or your children your new temporary pets; snails.

➔     Instead of just painting the snails, we are going to raise the snails till they are big enough to not be missed. You can paint them too but let’s get them to a healthy strong size first.

➔     Snails diet can contain; lettuce, kale, cucumber, carrot, pretty much anything you would find in a salad. They also enjoy; eggshells, bread, forms of oat, dandelion leaves.. Make sure the food is placed into a clean tank and when you have put the food it place the snail on top of the food so it doesn’t miss it. They are known to have a sweet tooth as well so occasionally put some fruit in there. You will be able to tell quickly how often you need to feed them but don’t let the food go rotten before you replace it.

➔     Spray water over the tank 3 times a day to keep the tank moist and hydrated.

➔     Clean the tank 3 times a week minimum depending on how many snails you have in the container. If you have good quality soil opposed to the soil I took from my nan’s garden it could be just once a week again depending on how many snails you have.

➔     Make sure there is enough ventilation, I found getting a square fish tank was great as it was spaceious and the lid comes with loads of holes.


I think this is a brilliant idea to get the kids learning about pets and how to keep them (if they’re begging you for a hamster this is a good idea to show then the effort needed to look after one) and getting them involved in the garden some more. Might save your plants too!! Please remember there is no law about keeping garden snails you find as pets but they do belong in the wild, so please bare that in mind when they become big enough to release. Next rainy day you have, what to do? Start a mini habitat for these little cuties. I have one big snail (to show the others how to snail) and a few little ones. I have colour coded their shells so I remember who I got first so who needs to be released first. However I did enjoy naming them. Meet speedy and swirly;


After finding out that snails can be used in cosmetics now really made me sad. We have taken the fur from all the beautiful animals in this world, taken honey from the honey bee’s, is it really necessary to use the slime (not garden snails but that is besides the point) from snails to put in anti-wrinkle cream. An average garden snail can live for up to 15 years and I for one would like to help as many as I can to reach that age. I can’t stop the fur industry, I can’t stop the dog farms in Korea but I can do this little piece for Mother Nature. So can you.


Be safe, stay happy and convert to hippy.

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