Letters to the Editor – My View of Today


We all know the facts, we seen the stats and we’ve watched pro-immigration ‘’experts’’ tell you why someone working for minimum wage is helping the country while ignoring the benefits ‘’tailback’’ and the net loss to the economy.

Alright if you are a rich capitalist looking for a cheap worker not so good if you are working class British and can’t get a job because there is always someone willing to work for less.

In this country you need to make something, grow something or sell something in order to make money and have a cascade of money earned by your labour going down through the food chain and keeping everyone in business.

A lot has been talked about employment in the Welsh valleys and let’s face it the situation is dire. For all her good points Margaret Thatcher carved a swathe through British industry with the assistance of the Trade Union movement who forgot what their purpose was and ended up killing the golden goose.

The Government is dead set on carving a railway line through the heart of England which is now dated technology and which none of us will be able to afford to use.

What joy there must be among EU construction companies and what misery among households and farms in the path of this leviathan waste of money.

Meanwhile the Government is attempting to send us into the start of another pointless Middle Eastern War when will they ever learn?

David Cameron’s referendum on Europe was forced on him by his own Parliamentarian colleagues, If he not willing to accept the decision of his own party (still trying to stay in at all cost) what chance have we, the Electorate, got. The answer is, none.

When we have our referendum and the ruling political class have lost out they will simply say ‘we failed to explain ourselves properly to the general public’ and they will order another vote or just do what they want anyway.

Now is the time to stand up and tell them we have had enough of their lies and duplicity.. You have to say don’t be afraid to challenge them and makes them act for fear of their own Jobs.

There are only 800 more Jobs to go in Britain and those are in Westminster house of Lords!

James Cole

Name and address supplied.

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