Petition: Demand justice for the cats of Ty-Nant Sanctuary.


An investigation and conviction is ongoing with police regarding the theft of a number of cats from Ty-Nant Sanctuary in Port Talbot.

It has now been realised that the cats stolen were to be used as bait and for torture by the two men that were arrested in connection with their theft. Three of the cats have thankfully been found and appear to be ok but sadly this is not the case for all. Some are still missing and some have been found dead after having been stabbed and shot, some were found in cages covered with ferns ready to be set upon and ripped to pieces by the dogs owned by those currently in custody.

In response to this unbelievable cruelty Jenna Satterly created an online petition to demand justice for the cats of Ty Nant Cat Sanctuary.

Jenna wrote:

“I am asking that if these persons are found guilty of this crime that the absolute maximum sentence is given and that they are never allowed to own animals or weapons ever again.

I am sending this petition to the local AM Bethan Jenkins in hope that she will be able to help stop crimes of this nature by speaking for those that sign and influencing a maximum penalty to those that have committed this crime. I have also included that this petition be sent to the Crown Prosecution Service. I hope that they will see how outraged  the public are and the impact this crime has had on so many people.”

You can sign Jenna’s petition here, (at the time of writing 81,000 people have already signed, you can add your name here and demand justice for the cats of Ty Nant Sanctuary.

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