People still have the chance to enter the Admiral Swansea Bay 10k.
Although the official race deadline expired at the end of August, organisers are making 200 more spaces available due to huge recent interest.
The Swansea Council event between St Helen’s and Oystermouth Square, sponsored by Admiral for the tenth successive year, is taking place on Sunday September 18.
Close to 5,000 people are expected to be taking part this year.
Race Director Nigel Jones said: “The Admiral Swansea Bay 10k is a fantastic event that’s gone from strength to strength since its inception back in 1981.
“Although the official race deadline has now passed, we’ve decided to allow 200 more entries over coming days to cater for demand. I’d advise anyone who’s still interested in taking part to get their entry form in as soon as possible because places are filling up very quickly, now that the Bank Holiday weekend has passed.
“The beauty of the Admiral Swansea Bay 10k is that you don’t have to be super fit to tackle it. We do cater for elite athletes and keen runners looking to set personal bests, but we also get many hundreds of people who do the race at their own pace, either to raise money for charity, kick-start a new fitness regime or conquer a challenge. We even have pacers who run with timed flags to encourage other runners to achieve personal time goals by running with them.
“Finishing the race gives people a great sense of satisfaction and accomplishment.”
The Admiral Swansea Bay 10k, one of the most popular races in the running calendar, also includes an inter-area match featuring men’s and ladies teams from Wales, the midlands, the north of England and the combined services as part of the event.
Each race entrant will receive a technical t-shirt and all finishers will receive a medal.
Visit to enter the race online.
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