A “legitimate national” debate on the EU would involve all parties, not just Plaid


The First Minister must embrace talks with all parties, not just Plaid, say the Welsh Conservatives. The calls come after Carwyn Jones delivered a statement on ‘EU Transition’ in the Senedd.


Responding to the statement, the Leader of the Welsh Conservatives – Andrew RT Davies – said:


“The First Minister claims that his government is ready to listen, and he admits that the Welsh Government does not have a monopoly on the answers, yet his listening extends only to Plaid Cymru.


“A new Labour-Plaid committee on EU issues will do little to foster a legitimate national debate, nor does his continued resistance to talking to a range of voices.


“I have been clear from the start that Welsh Conservatives are willing to enter constructive discussions, and if Carwyn Jones truly wants to speak for Wales as a whole then he must also be willing to engage with politicians who campaigned on both sides of this issue.”


Mr Davies also highlighted one glaring amendment to the ‘6 Key Priorities for Wales’ first outlined by the First Minister on June 24th – the day after the referendum.


Carwyn Jones has now dropped his commitment to retaining the free movement of people.


Today’s statement (priority 3) called for “continuing access to the single market for goods and services”, but the First Minister’s statement on the 24th June went further.


On June 24th, Mr Jones had said: “it is vital that the United Kingdom negotiates to retain access to the 500 million customers in the Single Market and that we retain free movement of people.”


Mr Davies said:


“The First Minister’s position on freedom of movement is confused to say the least.


“He’s dropped his calls for the free movement of people, but maintained a red line on the movement of goods and services. All the while insisting that the only way to achieve this involves accepting both.


“It’s an impressive PR sleight of hand, but makes little sense logically.”


Finally, Mr Davies urged the First Minister to confirm that farmers and rural communities will continue to receive the same levels of support.


It follows guarantees from the UK Government over EU funding until 2020.


He said:


“The Chancellor has issued guarantees over CAP funding, but we are yet to hear from the First Minister where his government plans to spend that money until 2020.


“Earlier this summer the Labour MP for Wrexham called for cuts to the level of subsidy paid to farmers, who he dismissed as “wealthy landowners”.


“It’s time for Carwyn Jones to condemn these comments and offer similar guarantees as those provided by the Chancellor, that Welsh farmers will not be worse off under the Welsh Labour Government.”


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