Oxfam Cymru reaction to the Welsh Government’s newly published Programme for Government


Reacting to the publication of the Welsh Government’s Programme for Government, charity Oxfam Cymru maintains concern that a focus on tackling Poverty has been lost.

Kirsty Davies-Warner, Head of Oxfam Cymru said:

“We welcome commitments to improve childcare provision, review procurement policy and increase take up of the living wage – which can play a big role in tackling Poverty.

However, it is estimated that poverty costs the Welsh economy 3.5 billion a year. Given that the Programme for Government does not reference tackling poverty, and that earlier this year the ministerial position with direct responsibility for tackling poverty was axed, it is difficult to see how the Welsh Government will deliver ‘a stronger, fairer economy’.

The Programme for Government is also unclear on the future of the Communities First; the Government’s community focused tackling poverty programme which supports the most disadvantages people in the most deprives areas of Wales. Our experience of working in communities in Wales shows that, for change to happen, the Government must embed a people-centred approach in all future poverty programmes and services.

We want to see a Wales where poverty is a thing of the past and would therefore like to see more detail on how the Welsh Government intends to help the thousands of families who are struggling in our communities every day.”

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