A major project has been launched in Pembrokeshire aimed at supporting children and young people who are most at risk of disengaging with education across West Wales.


The Cynnydd scheme will work with those aged between 11 and 24 years old by providing them with access to a broader and more innovative range of learning options, enabling them to gain vocational and higher level skills.


It will also help to give them a better understanding of the workplace through the use of work experience placements appropriate to their needs.


The £19 million project is part-funded by the European Social Fund and will run until 28th February 2019. It will work with an estimated 4,500 young people across West Wales.


Cynnydd will be led by Pembrokeshire County Council and delivered in partnership with fellow local authorities and FE Colleges together with Careers Wales in Ceredigion, Pembrokeshire, Carmarthenshire, Swansea and Neath Port Talbot.  Private and third sector training providers will also be involved.


It was launched yesterday (Thursday) at the Bridge Innovation Centre in Pembroke Dock.


Kate Evan-Hughes, Director of Children and Schools for Pembrokeshire County Council welcomed everyone to the launch and expressed gratitude for all the hard work done by officers within Pembrokeshire County Council and the partner organisations to secure the funding.


Cllr Jamie Adams, Leader of Pembrokeshire County Council, said “For many young people there are few positive role models who can introduce them to the concept of working life. This is an opportunity now for us to excite and energise these young people, raise their enthusiasm and show them what we can deliver for them.”


He added that it will help young people with difficulties at school and college find meaningful and productive careers.


“The project aims to support those most at risk of becoming NEET – otherwise known as not in employment, education or training – by identifying their needs at an early stage and giving them extra support,” he said.


“This will help ensure that businesses in West Wales have access to a suitably trained workforce for the next forty years.”




Pictured at the launch of the £19m Cynnydd project are (left to right, seated) Ruth Prosser, Gower College; Sarah Hughes, City and County of Swansea; Mandy Ifans, Careers Wales; Caroline James, Pembrokeshire College; Matt Morden, Carmarthenshire County Council; Cllr Jamie Adams, Pembrokeshire County Council; Kate Evan-Hughes, Pembrokeshire County Council; (standing) Liz Dennis, Neath Port Talbot Borough Council; Mari Shufflebotham, Neath Port Talbot Group; Cllr Keith Lewis, Pembrokeshire County Council; Theresa Jones, Coleg Ceredigion; Michelle Davies, Ceredigion County Council.

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