Chance for Wales to show leadership in the UK by banning snares, says animal welfare charity


Wales could lead the way in animal protection by being the first UK nation to ban snares, suggests League Against Cruel Sports Wales.

A petition handed to the Welsh Assembly calling for the complete ban on the manufacture, sale and use of snares in Wales represents a significant move to bring Wales into line with most of Europe.  The UK is one of only five remaining European countries where snares are still used.

Every day in Wales, an estimated 1,000 animals are caught in snares.  These lethal wire nooses are indiscriminate.  Mostly set by game-keepers on commercial shooting estates to catch foxes, three-quarters1 of the animals that are trapped, mutilated or killed in snares are non-target species like deer, badgers and even family cats and dogs.

Additionally, these government-sanctioned snares may be contributing to the demise of the endangered species that government agencies are working so hard to protect.  Tax-payer funded conservation schemes to restore otter and pine-marten populations in Wales risk being undermined as long as snares remain legal and continue to trap wildlife indiscriminately.

Public opinion is heavily in favour of ending the cruel practice of snaring, with 80 per cent of people across Wales agreeing that these dangerous wire traps should be banned.

Rhiannon Evans, Senior Public Affairs Officer for League Against Cruel Sports Wales said:  “Snares are cruel, indiscriminate and archaic.

“People are often shocked to hear that these primitive devices are still in use across the United Kingdom.  Most of Europe banned them years ago and it’s time Wales took the lead in the UK by banning them here too.”

The League Against Cruel Sports believes that this is a great opportunity for Wales to show the way in legislating against animal cruelty.

Ms Evans continues:  “Since devolution, the Welsh Government has often led the rest of the UK in animal welfare.  It was the first to ban electric shock collars on dogs, and has spearheaded non-lethal initiatives to tackle bovine TB rather than imitating Westminster’s inhumane and unscientific badger cull.

“With such an excellent track record, and with the Westminster Government intent on letting the shooting lobby call the shots on animal welfare, the Welsh Government has the opportunity to lead the way again and end the cruel and indiscriminate practice of snaring animals.

“It’s time for a ban on snares.”

In 2015, the Welsh Government introduced a Code of Practice on the use of snares.  However, compliance with the code is entirely voluntary, and there are no checks in place to ensure operators comply, or penalties for those who do not.
Years of self-regulation have shown that it is simply not possible to effectively regulate snares.  The League Against Cruel Sports believes that the only solution is a complete ban.

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