H0ome away from home


It’s finally the Monday I’ve been waiting for. The Monday in my cosy New house in sweet little Tumble where Iā€™m finally unpacked and its warm enough to have my morning coffee and start typing without the instant need for heating. Since moving to Wales it has been brought to light that anyone living in the southeast of England fully take for granted that as terrible weather the UK in general has, the southeast has it best. I hadn’t owned a coat, only hoodies, since I was 16.; I now own 4 coats. So as some of you may know, I have the column ā€œbee positiveā€ – unfortunately I’ve never been good at taking my own advice and have been holding back on writing for a while now. Alas, with a website reboot I am here to start a fresh.

Nearly two years ago now, after a heartbreak and poor life choices, I decided that I needed to get away and take a break from the hectic life back in High Wycombe and chose to live with my nan in Llanelli. 180 miles away from home and the most adventurous thing I’ve done.Ā  It is the best choice I have ever made, despite the struggles I have had down here. Sometimes a little break is what you need, if you feel like the only option is to run away, then run away. Just know that it’s not really running away and it certainly isn’t being weak, it’s making yourself deal with things in a different way. I wish I had done it sooner, next time you think you’re going to breakdown? Give your distant relative or friends a call. I would add use a place that’s got plenty of scenic walks and nature to soak in. The more time I spend here the more I wish my friends and family would uproot and come live here, the place is beautiful. The mountains, the beaches and of course, the pubs! Talking to people here I can pick up that a lot of people have forgotten the natural mood enhancers that are all around you here. Whenever you feel out of sorts you’ll be amazed at how sitting on an empty beach or the top of a mountain can do go you. Wales is full of friendly strangers who always say hello and if ever in a struggle someone will always try to help.

Obviously moving away for a long period has its downsides; homesick, anxiety, the way to tackle it is to stay in contact with your family and friends and make proper plans for when you go back. Keep yourself busy and keep working on your issues that you were struggling with back home. use the time to get to know yourself. Going back home always presents you with issues. The hardest one is leaving to return to your new home. I won’t lie; it doesn’t get easier but it does bring the motivation to keep going and keep trying to get to where you need to be so you can go home and stay.

The best thing I have done is starting my new hobby; writing. I have a blog (www.ichosetobee.WordPress.com) about my life and more self-help and writing for this newspaper, mainly focusing on mental health. Sometimes when you can’t help yourself, you can pick yourself up by helping others. The team here is fantastic and any trouble, they will always be there to help. We are always looking for writers, so drop us an e-mail if you fancy joining us. If you writing doesn’t appeal to you but you feel a topic needs to be discussed please also drop us a message, we want to help others.


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