Loteri Cymru promises a ‘win-win’ for Wales

Wales is to have its own weekly, televised lottery, with tickets set to go on sale on Monday 10th April and the first draw to take place on Friday 28th April.

Details of Loteri Cymru, a new all-Wales society lottery have been unveiled today (31st March). The weekly ‘loto’ draw has a guaranteed jackpot of ÂŁ25,000 – the maximum the lottery can offer under society lottery rules – with proceeds raising money for grassroots community causes throughout Wales.

The loto jackpot winners will need to match 5 of 39 drawn numbers and other prizes will also be on offer for matching fewer numbers. Tickets are priced at just £1 and players will have a better than one in nine chance of winning a prize – better than the National Lottery Lotto.

Every ticket – unless it has scooped the jackpot – will also be entered free into loto+, a monthly raffle offering 10 guaranteed £1000 prizes. The first loto+ draw will also take place on 28th April.

Tickets can be bought online only by anyone aged 16 or over  at www.loteri.cymru from 00:01 on Monday 10th April, with the weekly loto draw to be broadcast on S4C at 8.00pm every Friday from 28th April.

Operator Loteri Cymru is a not-for-profit Community Interest Company (CIC) chaired by WRU Chairman and former Wales rugby international, Gareth Davies. Its chief executive, Sue Carter, was previously a director at Yahoo!, and is a former BBC journalist, producer and editor.

A charitable arm, Hanfod Cymru, has been established to distribute a minimum of 20% of the proceeds from Loteri Cymru ticket sales to good causes. Hanfod is chaired by Mrs Deris Williams and its interim CEO is Marc Phillips, who was formerly Head of Policy at BBC Children in Need.

Local charities all over Wales will be invited to apply for support for community projects with educational, social and cultural benefits. Further details on the charitable arm are to to be announced in the coming days.

S4C is Loteri Cymru’s exclusive broadcast partner, with the rights to broadcast each draw on its TV and online channels, and to all programming around the good causes.

Loteri Cymru Chair, Gareth Davies, explained that Loteri Cymru will add to the amount of money raised in Wales for good causes while offering an attractive jackpot and affordable ticket price.

“We are launching Loteri Cymru to create a win-win for the people and communities of Wales, where individuals can afford to try their luck at winning a life-enhancing jackpot and their local communities benefit, too,” he said.

“Our research has shown that people really like the idea of a dedicated Welsh lottery that benefits local causes. We want Loteri.Cymru to become a real part of life here, so that, as soon as possible, everyone in Wales will know someone who has won a prize or be aware of a good cause that has benefited.”

Mrs Carter explained how the team had set out to devise a lottery that would give people a “genuinely good chance of winning”.

“Firstly, we wanted to make sure the ticket price was set at £1, so that people feel they can afford to join in,” she said.

“Then we wanted to offer an appealing  guaranteed jackpot plus a variety of prizes for matching from two to five balls – so that the overall odds of winning are a really attractive 1 in 9 and then to give players a second chance to scoop a prize with loto +.”

Carol Bell, Chair of SDML, S4C’s commercial arm, said: “We are delighted to be able to support a uniquely Welsh lottery that will generate great programming opportunities as well as much-needed funds just for Wales.”

More information is available at www.loteri.cymru and www.hanfod.cymru.




Loteri Cymru yn addo Cymru ar ei hennill  

Mae Cymru i gael ei loteri wythnosol ei hun, a ddangosir ar y teledu, gyda’r tocynnau ar werth o ddydd Llun 10 Ebrill a’r rhifau cyntaf yn cael eu tynnu nos Wener 28 Ebrill.

Datgelwyd manylion Loteri Cymru, loteri cymdeithas Cymru gyfan newydd sbon heddiw (31 Mawrth). Mae gan y loto wythnosol jacpot sicr o ÂŁ25,000 – yr uchafswm a ganiateir o dan reolau loteri cymdeithas – gyda’r enillion yn mynd i achosion cymunedol ar lawr gwlad ledled Cymru.

Bydd rhaid i enillwyr y jacpot fod wedi dewis 5 rhif yr un fath o’r 39 rhif, a bydd gwobrau llai am gael llai o rifau sy’n cyfateb . Dim ond ÂŁ1 yw pris tocyn ac mae gan chwaraewyr siawns well nag un mewn naw o ennill gwobr – gwell na gĂŞm Lotto y Loteri Genedlaethol.

Bydd pob tocyn – oni bai ei fod wedi ennill y jacpot – yn mynd ymlaen i gystadlu mewn loto+ misol, sy’n gwarantu 10 gwobr o ÂŁ1000 yr un. Bydd y loto+ cyntaf yn cael ei dynnu ar 28 Ebrill.

Gall unrhyw un sy’n 16 neu’n hŷn brynu tocyn ar-lein yn www.loteri.cymru o 00:01 ddydd Llun 10 Ebrill, gyda’r loto wythnosol yn cael ei dynnu a’i ddarlledu wedyn ar S4C am 8pm bob nos Wener o 28 Ebrill.

Loteri Cymru sy’n rhedeg y loteri, sy’n Gwmni Buddiannau Cymunedol. Y cadeirydd yw Gareth Davies, Cadeirydd presennol Undeb Rygbi Cymru a chyn-gapten tîm rygbi Cymru.

Sue Carter yw Prif Swyddog Gweithredol Loteri Cymru a fu’n gyfarwyddwr yn Yahoo!, ac mae hefyd yn gyn-ohebydd, cynhyrchydd a golygydd gyda’r BBC.

O ran yr ochr elusennol, sefydlwyd Hanfod Cymru i ddosbarthu o leiaf 20% o enillion gwerthiant tocynnau Loteri Cymru i achosion da. Cadeirydd Hanfod Cymru yw Mrs Deris Williams a’r Prif Swyddog Gweithredol dros dro yw Marc Phillips, sef cyn Bennaeth Polisi Plant mewn Angen y BBC.

Gwahoddir elusennau lleol o bob cwr o Gymru i wneud cais am gymorth i’w prosiectau cymunedol sydd â buddiannau addysgol, cymdeithasol a diwylliannol. Bydd mwy o wybodaeth am yr ochr elusennol yn cael ei chyhoeddi yn ystod y diwrnodau nesaf.

S4C yw partner darlledu egsgliwsif Loteri Cymru sydd â’r hawl unigryw i ddarlledu’r  tocynnau’n cael eu tynnu’n wythnosol ar ei sianeli teledu ac ar-lein, a’r holl raglenni sy’n ymwneud â’r achosion da.

Eglurodd Cadeirydd Loteri Cymru, Gareth Davies, y bydd Loteri Cymru yn ategu’r arian sy’n cael ei godi yng Nghymru ar gyfer achosion da, tra’n cynnig jacpot deniadol a thocynnau fforddiadwy.

“Rydyn ni’n lansio Loteri Cymru i greu Cymru ar ei hennill ar gyfer pobl a chymunedau, lle gall pobl fforddio trio’u lwc ar ennill jacpot a fydd yn gwneud gwahaniaeth mawr i’w bywydau, ac i fywydau eu cymunedau lleol hefyd,” meddai.

“Mae ein hymchwil wedi dangos bod pobl wir yn hoffi’r syniad o loteri unswydd i Gymru gydag achosion lleol yn elwa. Rydyn ni am i Loteri Cymru fod yn rhan o fywyd y Cymry, cyn gynted â phosib, lle y bydd pawb yng Nghymru yn nabod rhywun sydd wedi ennill gwobr neu’n gwybod am achos da sydd wedi elwa.”

Eglurodd Mrs Carter sut roedd y tîm wedi mynd ati i greu loteri a fyddai’n rhoi “cyfle go iawn o ennill” i bobl.

“Yn gyntaf, roedden ni am bennu pris o £1 y tocyn, fel bod pobl yn teimlo y gallent fforddio cymryd rhan,” meddai.

“Yna, roedden ni am gynnig jacpot sicr oedd yn ddeniadol, yn ogystal â gwobrau amrywiol eraill yn ôl faint o rifau oedd yn cyfateb – fel bod yr ods cyffredinol o ennill, sef 1 mewn 9, yn wirioneddol ddeniadol. Ac yna roedden ni am roi cyfle i chwaraewyr fynd ymlaen i loto+ yn awtomatig gan roi ail-gyfle iddynt ennill gwobr.”

Meddai Carol Bell, Cadeirydd SDML, braich fasnachol S4C: “Rydyn ni wrth ein bodd i gefnogi loteri gwirioneddol Gymreig a fydd yn creu cyfleoedd am raglenni heb eu hail, yn ogystal â darparu arian mawr ei angen i Gymru.”

Mae rhagor o wybodaeth ar gael yn www.loteri.cymru a www.hanfod.cymru.


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