Midsummer Concert


Dance legends


The Legends of Dance take centre stage for the Midsummer Concert at the National Botanic Garden of Wales.


The 45-piece orchestra Symphonica Tywi will play from 7.30pm until dusk on Saturday June 24th and the evening promises to be a feast of classical dance music.


Conductor Mike Cottam says: “There’s so much to choose from but we will be putting our best foot forward with the likes of Gilbert & Sullivan, South Pacific, Sleeping Beauty, Danzón No. 2 by Arturo Márquez and much more.”


Garden spokesman, David Hardy said: “It’s always a wonderful occasion. People bring along picnic hampers and really make a night of it. In truth, there’s not much to beat sitting in among the marvellous Mediterranean plantings as the sun goes down, listening to this fantastic orchestra play their beautiful music.”


Bring your picnic and celebrate this Year of Legends and a midsummer’s night to remember.


Tickets are on sale now at £14 (£12 for Garden members). Buy yours by calling 01558 667149.


The National Botanic Garden of Wales is a registered charity, partly funded by the Welsh Government and Carmarthenshire County Council.


For more information about this or other events or anything Garden-related call 01558 667149 or email info@gardenofwales.org.uk  or visit  https://botanicgarden.wales/

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