Warning about romance scams | Rhybudd am sgamiau serch


Warning about romance scams

CARMARTHENSHIRE County Council’s Trading Standards team has warned people to be careful about striking relationships up online following reports of several ‘romance scams’ in recent months.

The team has highlighted the issue as part of Scams Awareness Month, a national campaign taking place throughout July, which encourages people to report and talk about scams.

Officers say they have become aware of a number of scam victims who have been in an online relationship – in some cases for up to two years – then finding out their love interest was only after their money.

Throughout the awareness month, officers will be working with Citizens Advice to encourage people to report scams and help prevent future scams.

They will also have pop-up shops in Halifax and Barclays bank branches throughout the month to advise consumers about scams.

Robin Staines, Head of Housing and Public Protection, said: “Many UK dating websites and chat rooms operate legitimately. However many people, men and women, have lost a lot of money to romance scammers.

“Scammers quickly start to gain your trust. They make conversations personal and try to draw information from you, but never really tell you much about themselves – especially things that can be checked or verified. They tend to steer away from communicating on a legitimate dating website as they know it could be monitored. Instead they try to communicate via email, text and phone.”

Scammers can strike at any time, from cold-callers with fake investment opportunities to online adverts for products or services that don’t exist.

Reporting scammers means people can receive advice and support to try and get their money back. Victims will also be advised how they can protect themselves and loved ones in future.

Cllr Philip Hughes, Executive Board Member for Public Protection, said:  “People are reluctant to talk about scams, leaving the authorities unaware of a large number of them – if our team is not aware of the scams we are unable to prevent them.

“Knowing how to spot a scam will help defend yourself and others against being scammed. For us to support and educate people we need to be informed of ongoing scams such as the recent romance scams. I encourage you to play your part and act on scams.”


· As part of Scams Awareness Month Carmarthenshire Trading Standards will be taking to social media. Follow the Twitter hashtag #scamaware
on @CarmsCouncil.

· Further information about scams can be found on the council’s website www.carmarthenshire.gov.wales

Rhybudd am sgamiau serch

tîm Safonau Masnach Cyngor Sir Caerfyrddin wedi rhybuddio pobl i gymryd gofal wrth feithrin perthnasau ag eraill ar-lein yn dilyn adroddiadau am sawl ‘sgam serch’ yn y misoedd diweddar.

Mae’r tîm wedi tynnu sylw at y broblem fel rhan o Fis Ymwybyddiaeth o Sgamiau, ymgyrch genedlaethol sy’n rhedeg drwy gydol mis Gorffennaf i annog pobl i drafod ac adrodd am sgamiau.

Mae swyddogion yn dweud eu bod wedi dod ar draws nifer o ddioddefwyr sgamiau sydd wedi bod mewn perthynas â rhywun ar-lein – hyd at ddwy flynedd mewn rhai achosion – cyn darganfod mai diddordeb yn eu harian yn unig oedd gan eu cariadon.

Bydd swyddogion yn gweithio gyda Chanolfan Cyngor ar Bopeth drwy gydol mis ymwybyddiaeth o sgamiau er mwyn annog pobl i adrodd am sgamiau a helpu i atal sgamiau yn y dyfodol.

Bydd ganddynt siopau gwib hefyd mewn canghennau banc Halifax a Barclays drwy gydol y mis er mwyn cynghori defnyddwyr ynghylch sgamiau.

Dywedodd Robin Staines, Pennaeth Tai a Diogelu’r Cyhoedd: “Mae llawer o wefannau caru a stafelloedd sgwrsio ar-lein yn gweithredu’n gyfreithlon. Fodd bynnag, mae nifer o bobl, dynion a menywod, wedi colli llawer o arian i dwyllwyr serch.

“Mae twyllwyr yn dechrau ennill eich ffydd yn gyflym iawn. Maen nhw’n ffurfio sgyrsiau personol ac yn ceisio casglu gwybodaeth oddi wrthych, ond nid ydynt mewn gwirionedd yn dweud llawer am eu hunain – yn enwedig gwybodaeth y gellir ei gwirio neu ei dilysu. Maen nhw’n tueddu osgoi cyfathrebu ar wefannau caru cyfreithlon am eu bod yn ymwybodol bod modd eu monitro. Yn hytrach, maen nhw’n ceisio cyfathrebu drwy e-bost, mewn neges destun neu dros y ffôn.”

Gall twyllwyr ddod i’r golwg unrhyw bryd, o alwyr heb wahoddiad sy’n cynnig cyfleoedd buddsoddi ffug i hysbysebion ar-lein ar gyfer nwyddau neu wasanaethau nad ydynt yn bodoli.

Mae adrodd am dwyllwyr yn golygu bod modd i bobl dderbyn cyngor a chymorth i geisio ennill eu harian yn ôl. Bydd dioddefwyr hefyd yn cael eu cynghori ynghylch sut y gallant amddiffyn eu hunain ac anwyliaid yn y dyfodol.

Dywedodd y Cynghorydd Philip Hughes, yr Aelod o’r Bwrdd Gweithredol dros Ddiogelu’r Cyhoedd:  “Mae pobl yn amharod i siarad am sgamiau, ac mae hyn yn golygu bod yr awdurdodau yn anymwybodol o nifer fawr ohonynt – os nad yw ein tîm yn ymwybodol o sgamiau, nid oes modd i ni eu hatal.

“Bydd gwybod sut i adnabod sgam yn eich helpu i’ch amddiffyn eich hun ac eraill rhag cael eich twyllo. Er mwyn i ni gefnogi ac addysgu pobl, mae angen i ni gael gwybod am sgamiau parhaus megis y sgamiau serch diweddar. Rwy’n eich annog i wneud eich rhan a gweithredu ar sgam.”

· Fel rhan o Fis Ymwybyddiaeth o Sgamiau, bydd Safonau Masnach Cyngor Sir Caerfyrddin yn gwneud defnydd o gyfryngau cymdeithasol. Dilynwch
yr hashnod Twitter #ymwybodolosgamiau ar @CarmsCouncil.

· Gellir dod o hyd i wybodaeth bellach am sgamiau ar wefan y cyngor – www.sirgar.llyw.cymru


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