Powys County Council children’s services must improve following inspection/Mae’n rhaid i wasanaethau plant Cyngor Sir Powys wella yn dilyn arolygiad


Powys County Council children’s services must improve following inspection
In July 2017 CSSIW conducted an inspection of Powys County Council children’s services.

The report, published today, finds a number of serious concerns and that children and young people are not well served by the current arrangements for accessing support services in Powys.

In particular, significant changes to leadership and management arrangements in children’s services, with only interim appointments in place, has disrupted the workforce and as a result the service provided to children and their families.

A lack of assessment, care and support planning combined with an inconsistent approach to working in line with the child sexual exploitation guidance and the management of sexual exploitation and risk assessment framework process placed children at risk of harm. In addition, child protection processes did not always comply with statutory guidance with delays in investigations and assessments being undertaken and completion of statutory visits.

Inspectors found that staff have shown commitment, resilience and professionalism whilst coping with significant changes in leadership and management. However, there are serious performance issues with front line services arising from instability in management, poor and confused direction and weak governance. Without effective support and capacity to undertake the work, frontline staff cannot be expected to undertake the complex work required in children’s social services.

Since the inspection, CSSIW has been in close discussion with the chief executive and senior officers of Powys County Council to ensure urgent action is taken to improve children’s services.

Powys County Council is expected to produce an improvement plan in response to the recommendations in this report within 20 working days of publication. This plan will be closely monitored as part of CSSIW’s programme of inspection, engagement and performance review.

Mae’n rhaid i wasanaethau plant Cyngor Sir Powys wella yn dilyn arolygiad
Cynhaliwyd arolygiad o wasanaethau plant Cyngor Sir Powys gan AGGCC ym mis Gorffennaf 2017.

Mae’r adroddiad, a gyhoeddwyd heddiw, yn canfod nifer o bryderon difrifol, ac nad yw plant a phobl ifanc yn cael eu cefnogi’n dda gan y trefniadau ar hyn o bryd o ran cael mynediad at wasanaethau cymorth ym Mhowys.

Yn benodol, mae newidiadau sylweddol i drefniadau gwasanaethau plant o ran arweinyddiaeth a rheolaeth, gydag apwyntiadau dros dro ar waith yn unig, wedi tarfu ar y gweithlu, a’r gwasanaethau a ddarperir i blant a’u teuluoedd o ganlyniad.

Roedd diffyg cynllunio ar gyfer asesu, gofal a chymorth, ynghyd â dull anghyson o weithio yn unol â chanllawiau cam-fanteisio’n rhywiol ar blant a rheoli proses y fframwaith cam-fanteisio’n rhywiol ac asesu risg yn rhoi plant mewn perygl o niwed.

Yn ogystal, nid oedd prosesau amddiffyn plant bob amser yn cydymffurfio â’r canllawiau statudol, gydag oediadau o ran yr ymchwiliadau a’r asesiadau a oedd yn cael eu cynnal ac o ran cwblhau ymweliadau statudol.

Canfu’r arolygwyr bod staff yn dangos ymrwymiad, gwytnwch a phroffesiynoldeb wrth ymdopi â newidiadau sylweddol o ran arweinyddiaeth a rheolaeth. Fodd bynnag, mae problemau perfformio difrifol o ran y gwasanaethau rheng flaen yn codi oherwydd y rheolaeth ansefydlog, arweiniad gwael a dryslyd, a llywodraethu gwan.

Heb gymorth effeithiol a’r gallu i wneud y gwaith, ni allwn ddisgwyl i’r staff rheng flaen gyflawni’r gwaith cymhleth sydd ei angen mewn gwasanaethau cymdeithasol plant.

Ers yr arolygiad, mae AGGCC wedi cynnal trafodaethau agos â’r prif weithredwr ac uwch-swyddogion yng Nghyngor Sir Powys er mwyn sicrhau bod camau gweithredu brys yn cael eu cymryd er mwyn gwella gwasanaethau plant.

Mae disgwyl i Gyngor Sir Powys greu cynllun gwella o fewn ugain diwrnod gwaith i’r cyhoeddiad, mewn ymateb i’r argymhellion a wneir yn yr adroddiad hwn. Bydd y cynllun yn cael ei fonitro’n agos fel rhan o raglen arolygu, ymgysylltu ac adolygu perfformiad AGGCC.

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