Ysgol Bae Baglan wins top UK construction industry awards/Ysgol Bae Baglan yn ennill prif wobrau diwydiant adeiladu’r DU


Ysgol Bae Baglan wins top UK construction industry awards


Ysgol Bae Baglan has proven its cutting-edge credentials once again, claiming two leading national awards in quick succession.


The school development was recently judged the UK’s ‘Building Project of the Year’ at the 2017 Constructing Excellence Awards, exactly one week after being awarded the title of ‘Best Educational Building’ at the grand finals of the 2017 LABC Building Excellence Awards.


The build was supervised by the Architectural Services and Project Management team of the Council’s Property and Regeneration section and delivered on time and on budget by Bouygues UK.


Cllr Annette Wingrave, Cabinet Member for Regeneration and Sustainable Development said: “I am very proud that the quality of Ysgol Bae Baglan has been recognised at two of the UK construction industry’s most prestigious awards ceremonies. The Council worked closely with Bouygues UK and other partners to ensure the project delivered the maximum possible benefits in both the construction phase and in the longer term”.


“Pupils at the school benefit not only from the latest technology in the classroom and systems such as cashless catering and library software, but also exceptional sports facilities and a learning environment that is specifically designed to have a positive effect on their well-being”.


“Our strategic schools improvement programme aims to make the best possible use of investment such as the Welsh Government’s 21st Century Schools funding to develop educational facilities, which support every child and young person to fulfil their potential.”


Ysgol Bae Baglan progressed to the national finals of the LABC Building Excellence Awards, having already won at both regional Wales-wide level and local Neath Port Talbot award ceremonies earlier in the year.


The finals are the largest business to business awards in the building control sector and recognise quality in all types of building project. The award was presented to project partners Bouygues UK in front of over 700 attendees at the Westminster Park Plaza in London.


Similarly, triumph at the Constructing Excellence Award finals held in London followed earlier success at the Wales-wide ceremony in July.


The project was also awarded the ‘Gold Medal for Architecture’ at this summer’s National Eisteddfod of Wales.


Bouygues UK worked alongside many local businesses on this major £40m development and helped the Council to realise its vision for a 21st Century, state of the art community school. Bouygues UK is also the main building contractor for two new major school build projects in the county borough, Ysgol Gymraeg Bro Dur and Ysgol Newydd Margam.


Rob Bradley, Managing Director at Bouygues UK, said: “It is fantastic news that Ysgol Bae Baglan has been honoured both at the 2017 Constructing Excellence Awards and at the LABC Building Excellence Awards. The project was complex and challenging however working with Neath Port Talbot County Borough Council and its partners, we were pleased to be able to complete three weeks early. We are always delighted to work on projects that provide the best possible educational opportunities to young people.”


Ysgol Newydd Margam, a new £30m all-through school for pupils aged 3 to16, is being built on the current Dyffryn Upper School/Groes Primary site.


Ysgol Gymraeg Bro Dur, a new Welsh medium school for pupils aged 11 to16 is being built on the site of the former Sandfields Comprehensive and Traethmelyn Primary Schools. The £19.3m investment will provide Welsh medium secondary education in the south of the county borough.


The projects are being jointly funded by Neath Port Talbot Council and the Welsh Government, as part of its 21st Century Schools Programme.



Ysgol Bae Baglan yn ennill prif wobrau diwydiant adeiladu’r DU


Mae Ysgol Bae Baglan wedi dangos ei gwerth arloesol unwaith eto, gan ennill dwy wobr genedlaethol flaenllaw yn fuan ar ôl ei gilydd.


Barnwyd datblygiad yr ysgol yn ddiweddar yn ‘Brosiect Adeiladu’r Flwyddyn’ y DU yng Ngwobrau Rhagoriaeth Adeiladu 2017, wythnos yn union ar ôl cael ei gwobrwyo’r ‘Adeilad Addysg Gorau’ yn rowndiau terfynol Gwobrau Rhagoriaeth Adeiladu LABC 2017.


Goruchwyliwyd y gwaith adeiladu gan dîm Gwasanaethau Pensaernïol a Rheoli Prosiectau adran Eiddo ac Adfywio’r cyngor a chyflawnwyd y gwaith ar amser ac o fewn y gyllideb gan Bouygues UK.


Meddai’r Cyng. Annette Wingraxe, Aelod y Cabinet dros Adfywio a Datblygu Cynaliadwy, “Rwy’n falch iawn bod safon Ysgol Bae Baglan wedi cael ei chydnabod yn nwy o seremonïau gwobrwyo mwyaf blaengar diwydiant adeiladu’r DU. Roedd y cyngor wedi gweithio’n agos gyda Bouygues UK a phartneriaid eraill i sicrhau bod y prosiect yn cyflwyno’r manteision gorau yn y cam adeiladu ac yn y tymor hir.”


“Mae disgyblion yn yr ysgol yn elwa o’r dechnoleg ddiweddaraf yn y dosbarth a systemau megis arlwyo heb arian a meddalwedd llyfrgell, yn ogystal â chyfleusterau chwaraeon arbennig ac amgylchedd dysgu sydd wedi’i ddylunio’n benodol i gael effaith gadarnhaol ar eu lles.”


“Nod ein rhaglen strategol gwella ysgolion yw gwneud y defnydd gorau posib o fuddsoddiad megis cyllid Rhaglen Ysgolion yr 21ain Ganrif gan Lywodraeth Cymru i ddatblygu cyfleusterau addysgol, sy’n cefnogi pob plentyn a pherson ifanc i gyflawni ei botensial.”


Roedd Ysgol Bae Baglan wedi cyrraedd rownd derfynol genedlaethol Gwobrau Rhagoriaeth Adeiladu LABC, wedi iddi ennill yn seremonïau rhanbarthol Cymru ac yn lleol yng Nghastell-nedd Port Talbot yn gynharach eleni.


Mae’r rowndiau terfynol yn wobrau busnes i fusnes mwyaf yn y sector rheoli adeiladu ac yn cydnabod safon ym mhob math o brosiect adeiladu. Cyflwynwyd y wobr i bartneriaid prosiect Bouygues UK gerbron dros 700 o bobl ym Mharc Plaza San Steffan yn Llundain.


Yn yr un modd, cafwyd llwyddiant yn rowndiau terfynol Gwobrau Rhagoriaeth Adeiladu a gynhaliwyd yn Llundain ar ôl llwyddiant cynharach yn seremoni Cymru ym mis Gorffennaf.


Cafodd y prosiect ei wobrwyo â ‘Medal Aur am Bensaernïaeth’ yn Eisteddfod Genedlaethol Cymru yn ystod yr haf hefyd.


Gweithiodd Bougues UK ar y cyd â llawer o fusnesau lleol ar y datblygiad mawr £40m hwn a helpodd y cyngor i wireddu ei weledigaeth ar gyfer ysgol gymunedol, flaengar ar gyfer yr 21ain ganrif. Bouygues UK yw’r prif gontractwr adeiladu ar gyfer dau brosiect mawr sy’n adeiladu ysgolion newydd yn y fwrdeistref sirol, Ysgol Gymraeg Bro Dur ac Ysgol Newydd Margam.


Meddai Rob Bradley, Rheolwr-gyfarwyddwr Bouygues UK, “Mae’n wych bod Ysgol Bae Baglan wedi’i hanrhydeddu yng Ngwobrau Rhagoriaeth Adeiladu 2017 a Gwobrau Rhagoriaeth Adeiladu LABC. Roedd y prosiect yn gymhleth ac yn heriol; fodd bynnag, wrth weithio gyda Chyngor Bwrdeistref Sirol Castell-nedd Port Talbot a’i bartneriaid, roeddem yn falch o allu cwblhau’r gwaith dair wythnos yn gynnar. Rydym bob amser yn hapus iawn i weithio ar brosiectau sy’n darparu’r cyfleoedd addysgol gorau posib i bobl ifanc.”


Caiff Ysgol Newydd Margam, ysgol pob oed newydd ar gyfer disgyblion 3 i 16 oed sy’n werth £30 miliwn, ei hadeiladu ar safle presennol Ysgol Uwch Dyffryn/Ysgol Gynradd y Groes.


Caiff Ysgol Gymraeg Bro Dur, ysgol Gymraeg newydd i ddisgyblion rhwng 11 ac 16 oed ei hadeiladu, ar safle Ysgol Gyfun Sandfields ac ysgolion cynradd Traethmelyn gynt. Bydd y buddsoddiad gwerth £19.3m yn darparu addysg uwchradd Gymraeg yn ne’r fwrdeistref sirol.


Ariennir y prosiectau gan Gyngor Castell-nedd Port Talbot a Llywodraeth Cymru, fel rhan o Raglen Ysgolion yr 21ain Ganrif.


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