Launch of Friends of Pontardawe Arts Centre/LawnsioCyfeillionCanolfanCelfyddydau Pontardawe


Neath Port Talbot Council is giving its backing to the newly formed ‘Friends of Pontardawe Arts Centre’ group ahead of its official launch event this week.


The group, which has been established to promote and support the venue, will be holding a launch event at the theatre within the centre on Thursday 25thJanuary at 7.30pm.


Speaking ahead of the launch event Councillor Peter Rees, Cabinet Member for Education, Skills and Culture said: “The Council welcomes the formation of the ‘Friends of Pontardawe Arts Centre’ and looks forward to working in partnership to sustain and develop what is an important cultural hub for the county borough”.


“Continuing cuts to the Council’s budget require us to pursue every option to give us the best chance of sustaining local services, particularly those which whilst not statutory remain highly valued by residents”.


“There is an increasing need for services which are income-generating to operate more independently in order to help ease the pressure on other vital services and an active ‘Friends of’ group will help to meet the ongoing challenge which austerity presents”.


“Similar groups established elsewhere in Neath Port Talbot have achieved a great deal for their communities and are also often able to access funding which local authorities are not able to apply for”.


Friends of Pontardawe Arts Centre spokesman David Davies said: “We are keen for local people to show their support for the Arts Centre. All users of the Centre and members of the public are invited to attend the launch and we hope they come along in numbers because we want this important venue to survive and thrive”.


Pontardawe Arts Centre has been open for 21 years and attracts more than 60,000 visitors per annum, hosting and supporting the performing and visual arts with a wide range of shows, events and projects which encompass everything from rock to classical and from pantomime to poetry.


There is a weekly programme of events and activities including a cinema club and 15 organisations regularly use the building including Arts in the Tawe Valley which exhibits artwork in the upstairs gallery.


A range of user activities will be on display at the launch event. For more information contact Pontardawe Arts Centre on 01792 863722, on Twitter @NPTtheatres or

LawnsioCyfeillionCanolfanCelfyddydau Pontardawe


Mae Cyngor Castell-nedd Port Talbot yncefnogigrŵpnewyddsef ‘CyfeillionCanolfanCelfyddydau Pontardawe’ cyneilansiadswyddogolyrwythnos hon.


Bydd y grŵp, a sefydlwyd i hyrwyddo a chefnogi’rlleoliad, yncynnallansiadyntheatr y ganolfannosIau, 25 Ionawr am 7.30pm.


Wrthsiaradcyn y lansiad, dywedodd y Cynghorydd Peter Rees, aelod y cabinet drosAddysg, Sgiliau a Diwylliant: “Mae’rcyngoryncroesawusefydlu ‘CyfeillionCanolfanCelfyddydau Pontardawe’ ac mae’nedrychymlaen at weithiomewnpartneriaeth i gynnal a datblygu’rhynsy’nganolfanddiwylliannolbwysigi’rfwrdeistrefsirol.”


“Mae toriadauparhaus i gyllideb y cyngoryneigwneudhi’nofynnol i niystyriedpobopsiwn i roi’rcyflegorau i nigynnalgwasanaethaulleol, ynenwedig y rhaisydd dal i gaeleugwerthfawrogiganbreswylwyrernadydyntynstatudol.”


“Mae angencynyddol am wasanaethausy’ncynhyrchuincwm i weithredu’nfwyannibynnolermwynhelpu i leddfu’rpwysauarwasanaethauhanfodoleraill a byddgrŵp ‘Cyfeillion’ gweithredolynhelpu i ymatebi’r her barhaus a geiroherwyddcyni. ”


“Mae grwpiautebyg a sefydlwydmewnmannaueraillyngNghastell-nedd Port Talbot wedicyflawnicryndipynargyfereucymunedau ac maenthefydynamlyngallu cael gafaelarariannadywawdurdodaulleolyngalluymgeisioamdano.”


DywedoddLlefaryddar ran CyfeillionCanolfanCelfyddydau Pontardawe, “Rydynni am i boblleolddangoseucefnogaethargyfer y GanolfanGelfyddydau.  Mae croeso i hollddefnyddwyr y ganolfan ac aelodau’rcyhoeddfyndi’rlansiad ac rydynni’ngobeithio y byddannhw’ndodynlluoherwyddrydynni am weld y ganolfanbwysighonyngoroesi ac ynffynnu.”


Mae CanolfanCelfyddydau Pontardawe wedi bod aragor am 21 mlynedd ac mae’ndenumwyna 60,000 o ymwelwyr bob blwyddyn, gangynnal a chefnogi’rcelfyddydauperfformio a gweledolgydagystodeang o sioeau, digwyddiadau a phrosiectausy’ncynnwyspopeth o gerddorieath roc i glasurol ac o bantomeim i farddoniaeth


Mae rhaglenwythnosol o ddigwyddiadau a gweithgareddau, gangynnwysclwbsinema ac mae 15 sefydliadyndefnyddio’radeiladgangynnwys y CelfyddydauyngNghwmTawesy’narddangosgwaithcelfynyroriel i fyny’rgrisiau.


Byddystodeang o weithgareddau i ddefnyddwyryn cael euhywyddoyn y lansiad.  Am fwy o wybodaeth, cysyltwch â Chanolfan y Celfyddydau Pontardawe drwyffonio 01792 863722, ar Twitter yn@NPTtheatresneuarFacebook  yn

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