Local man furthers his construction career on the redevelopment of Aberafan House


Local man furthers his construction career on the redevelopment of Aberafan House

Conor Mcintosh, aged twenty-three from Cwmavon, Port Talbot is the dedicated Health and Safety Consultant for the redevelopment of Aberafan House in Port Talbot.



The Ā£4.7m investment is one of a number of projects in Neath Port Talbot Councilā€™s regeneration programme, which will see over Ā£35m invested in and around the town centre, partly funded by the Welsh Governmentā€™s Vibrant and Viable Places Programme.


Port Talbot is benefitting from Ā£11.4million of Vibrant and Viable Places funding from the Welsh Government.Ā  The Programme has an emphasis on improving or creating new housing supply and delivering projects which provide training and employment opportunities.


The redevelopment of Aberafan House, which is ideally situated in the heart of Port Talbot, adjoining the popular Aberafan Shopping Centre, will see the conversion of the former offices into one and two bedroom affordable apartments for rent.Ā  The scheme is being delivered by Hacer Developments and Pobl Group.

The development will also see the improvements of the immediate surroundings, including improved lighting, cycle racks for residents, benches and street furniture along the riverside walk to create a safer and more welcoming space for both residents and the public.


Neath Port Talbot Council works closely with delivery partners to ensure that training and employment opportunities are offered to local people and, as part of the Vibrant and Viable Places Programme, has set Pobl and Hacer community benefit targets.


Targets were set against completing employment related courses or qualifications, employing and engaging those who have previously been economically inactive and in retaining trainees or apprentices on the project.


In September 2017, after just seven months of the contract, the community benefits targets were met and continue to be exceeded. Conor is one of the people who has benefitted from the Aberafan House redevelopment project.


After leaving school, Conor worked in call centres, and admits that he was coasting through life and wasnā€™t really sure what he wanted to do. As a former Welsh Junior Boxing Champion, Conor coaches at Port Talbot Bulldogs boxing club in Baglan and it was while volunteering here that he met his current boss who spotted his potential and told him about an opportunity to become a Health and Safety trainee through Jobs Growth Wales. Conor applied, was successful and made such an impression that he was taken on permanently after the placement ended.


Conor later went on to complete a number of highly prestigious courses, all of which helped him gain employment with Greenbuild.


Conor said: ā€œI started as a trainee with Greenbuild Management in 2016, since then Iā€™ve passed the NEBOSH General Certificate and the CITB (health and safety courses) Site Managers Safety Training Scheme, gaining these qualifications has enabled me to get out of the office and start working onsite.


ā€œWe were appointed as Hacerā€™s subcontractors at the start of the job and this is my first experience of being the person responsible for health and safety on a development site.

ā€œIā€™m the dedicated Health and Safety person for the development, I deal with all the day to day issues that come with working on such a complex site, ensuring that safety regulations are adhered to.


ā€œThe on the job knowledge Iā€™ve gained since starting on Aberafan House has been invaluable; Iā€™m getting a great grounding in the construction industry and this opportunity has made me realise itā€™s definitely what I want to do in the future. Iā€™ve also done more training whilst on the job and had the chance to do some site management support. Kevin Doherty, Hacerā€™s contracts manager and Rob Brown, Site Manager have both been great mentors to me and Iā€™ve learnt loads from them.ā€


Cabinet Member for Regeneration and Sustainable Development, Councillor Annette Wingrave said: ā€œItā€™s fantastic to see a local lad getting his first break on such a huge site, which will create even more opportunities for local people once itā€™s up and running.


ā€œWe are passionate about making the county borough residents and businesses see the benefits of all of the projects that are underway across Neath Port Talbot, and Conor is a great example of how we are working hard to make the most of these opportunities at every stage and in every new developmentā€.


Conor is excited about his future and is grateful to have been able to grasp the opportunities that came his way, and he feels passionate about giving something back. He explained more about his volunteering at the Bulldogs boxing club:


ā€œThe Bulldogs was formed to support local young people facing barriers and challenges in their life to make positive choices and changes by inspiring success through boxing. As Chair of The Bulldogs Youth Council, I work with people who need a helping hand or just a bit more confidence to take advantage of the opportunities that come their way – Iā€™ve been through it and itā€™s made me really appreciate the help and support Iā€™ve received. Iā€™m more than happy to share my experiences and what Iā€™ve learnt along the way in the hope it helps or motivates someone else.ā€


Jonathan Hughes, Director of Development West at Pobl, explained more about why the community benefit targets are becoming increasingly important ā€œCITB [Construction Industry Training Board] research found that 22% of the workforce in the construction industry are aged over 50, this skills gap means there is a huge opportunity for young people to fill it. Itā€™s great to see how young people like Conor are being attracted into the industry to try to fill this gap and itā€™s great to have worked with Hacer and Neath Port Talbot Council to provide such opportunities on this development. We look forward to working with Conor on the remainder of the Aberafan House contract and wish him a long and lasting career in the industry.ā€


Hacer spokesperson, Amanda Doherty added: ā€œIt has been rewarding to see Conor make this role his own, constantly seeking opportunities to improve and for being a positive, young individual.Ā  Hopefully, Conor can inspire others like him to take a similar path, in what is, a rewarding and buoyant industryā€.

Dyn lleol yn rhoi hwb i’w yrfa adeiladu wrth ailddatblygu TÅ· Aberafan





Conor Mcintosh, sy’n frodor 23 oed o Gwmafan, Port Talbot, yw Ymgynghorydd Iechyd a Diogelwch ymroddedig ailddatblygiad TÅ· Aberafan ym Mhort Talbot.


Mae’r buddsoddiad gwerth Ā£4.7m yn un o sawl prosiect sy’n rhan o raglen adfywio Cyngor Castell-nedd Port Talbot a fydd yn gweld dros Ā£35m yn cael ei fuddsoddi yng nghanol y dref a’r cyffiniau, wedi’u hariannu’n rhannol gan Raglen Lleoedd Llewyrchus Llawn Addewid Llywodraeth Cymru.


Mae Port Talbot yn elwa o Ā£11.4m o gyllid drwy Leoedd Llewyrchus Llawn Addewid gan Lywodraeth Cymru. Mae’r rhaglen yn pwysleisio gwella stoc tai neu ei adeiladu o’r newydd, a chyflwyno prosiectau sy’n cynnig cyfleoedd hyfforddiant a chyflogaeth.


Bydd ailddatblygu TÅ· Aberafan, sydd Ć¢ lleoliad perffaith yng nghanol Port Talbot gyda Chanolfan Siopa boblogaidd Aberafan gerllaw, yn cynnwys trawsnewid hen swyddfeydd yn fflatiau fforddiadwy un neu ddwy ystafell wely i’w rhentu.Ā  Cyflwynir y cynllun gan Hacer Developments a Grŵp Pobl.

Bydd y datblygiad hefyd yn gwellia’r ardal gyfagos, gan gynnwys goleuadau stryd gwell, rheseli beiciau i breswylwyr, meinciau a chelfi stryd ar hyd y llwybr glan afon i greu man mwy diogel a chroesawgar i breswylwyr ac aelodau eraill y cyhoedd.


Mae Cyngor Castell-nedd Port Talbot yn gweithio’n agos gyda phartneriaid cyflwyno er mwyn sicrhau y cynigir cyfleoedd hyfforddiant a chyflogaeth i bobl leol a, fel rhan o’r rhaglen Lleoedd Llewyrchus Llawn Addewid, mae wedi gosod targedau budd cymunedol i Pobl a Hacer.


Gosodwyd targedau ar sail cyflawni cyrsiau neu gymwysterau sy’n gysylltiedig Ć¢’r gwaith, cyflogi neu gynnwys y rheiny sydd wedi bod yn anweithgar yn economaidd yn y gorffennol, a chadw hyfforddeion neu brentisiaid i weithio ar y prosiect.


Ym mis Medi 2017, ar Ć“l ond saith mis o’r contract yn unig, roedd y targedau cymunedol nid yn unig eisoes wedi’u bodloni, ond roedd y llwyddiannau’n mynd y tu hwnt iddynt. Mae Conor yn un o’r bobl sydd wedi elwa o brosiect ailddatblygu TÅ· Aberafan.


Ar Ć“l gadael yr ysgol, roedd Conor yn gweithio mewn canolfannau galwadau ac mae’n cyfaddef nad oedd ganddo syniad o ran yr hyn yr oedd am ei wneud. Fel cyn-Bencampwr Paffio Iau Cymru, mae Conor yn hyfforddwr yng Nghlwb Paffio Bulldogs Port Talbot ym Maglan a dyma lle, wrth weithio’n wirfoddol, y cyfarfu Ć¢’i reolwr presennol a sylwodd yn syth ar ei botensial a dywedodd wrtho am gyfle i fod yn swyddog iechyd a diogelwch dan hyfforddiant drwy Dwf Swyddi Cymru. Cyflwynodd Conor gais, bu’n llwyddiannus a chreodd gryn argraff fel y cafodd ei gyflogi’n barhaol unwaith y daeth y lleoliad i ben.


Yn hwyrach, aeth Conor ymlaen i gwblhau nifer o gyrsiau mawr eu braint, a phob un ohonynt wedi ei helpu i sicrhau cyflogaeth gyda Greenbuild.


Meddai Conor, “Dechreuais fel gweithiwr dan hyfforddiant gyda Greenbuild Management yn 2016 ac ers hynny, rwyf wedi pasio Tystysgrif Gyffredinol NEBOSH a’r CITB (sef cyrsiau iechyd a diogelwch), Cynllun Hyfforddiant Diogelwch i Reolwyr Safleoedd, ac mae ennill y cymwysterau hyn wedi fy ngalluogi i adael y swyddfa a dechrau gweithio ar safleoedd.


“Cawsom ein penodi fel is-gontractwyr ar ddechrau’r gwaith a dyma fy mhrofiad cyntaf o fod y gyfrifol am iechyd a diogelwch ar safle datblygu.

“Fi yw’r person dynodedig Ć¢ chyfrifoldeb dros Iechyd a Diogelwch. Dw i’n ymdrin Ć¢’r holl faterion o ddydd i ddydd sy’n rhan o weithio ar safle mor gymhleth, gan sicrhau ein bod ni’n cydymffurfio Ć¢ rheoliadau diogelwch.


“Mae’r ddealltwriaeth ymarferol dw i wedi ei hennill ers dechrau gweithio ar DÅ· Aberafan wedi bod yn hynod werthfawr. Dw i’n datblygu sylfaen gadarn yn y diwydiant adeiladu ac mae’r cyfle hwn wedi gwneud i fi sylweddoli mai dyma dw i am ei wneud yn y dyfodol. Dw i hefyd wedi gwneud mwy o hyfforddiant wrth weithio a dw i wedi cael y cyfle i gefnogi rheoli’r safle. Mae Kevin Doherty, rheolwr contractau Hacer a Rob Brown, Rheolwr y Safle wedi bod yn fentoriaid gwych i mi a dw i wedi dysgu llawer ganddynt.”


Meddai Aelod y Cabinet dros Adfywio a Datblygu Cynaliadwy, y Cynghorydd Annette Wingrave, “Mae’n wych i weld dyn ifanc lleol yn cael ei gyfle cyntaf ar safle mor fawr sy’n mynd i greu hyd yn oed mwy o gyfleoedd i bobl leol pan fydd yn gweithredu’n llawn.


“Rydym ni’n awyddus i ddangos buddion yr holl brosiectau sydd ar waith ar draws Castell-nedd Port Talbot i breswylwyr a busnesau’r fwrdeistref sirol, ac mae Conor yn enghraifft wych o sut rydym ni’n gweithio’n galed i wneud y mwyaf o’r cyfleoedd hyn ar bob cam mewn pob datblygiad newydd.”


Mae Conor yn gyffrous am ei ddyfodol ac mae’n ddiolchgar am allu achub ar y cyfleoedd a gynigwyd iddo. Mae’n angerddol am roi rhywbeth yn Ć“l. Esboniodd fwy am ei waith gwirfoddoli yng Nghlwb Paffio’r Bulldogs,


“Sefydlwyd y Bulldogs er mwyn cefnogi pobl ifanc leol a oedd yn wynebu rhwystrau a heriau yn eu bywydau i wneud penderfyniadau a newidiadau cadarnhaol drwy feithrin llwyddiant drwy baffio. Fel cadeirydd Cyngor Ieuenctid y Bulldogs, dw i’n gweithio gyda phobl sydd angen ychydig o help neu ychydig mwy o hyder er mwyn achub ar y cyfleoedd sydd ar gael iddynt. Dw i wedi bod drwy hynny ac mae’n gwneud i fi wir werthfawrogi’r help a’r gefnogaeth dw i wedi eu derbyn. Dw i’n fwy na hapus i rannu fy mhrofiadau a’r hyn dw i wedi ei ddysgu ar hyd y ffordd, gan obeithio y bydd yn helpu rhywun arall neu yn ei ysgogi.”


Ymhelaethodd Jonathan Hughes, Cyfarwyddwr Datblygiad y Gorllewin i Pobl, ar pam mae targedau buddion cymunedol yn dod yn fwyfwy pwysig byth, gan ddweud “Mae ymchwil y CITB [sef Bwrdd Hyfforddiant y Diwydiant Adeiladu] wedi canfod bod 22% o weithlu y diwydiant adeiladu dros 50 oed, a golyga’r bwlch sgiliau hwn fod cyfle enfawr i bobl ifanc i’w lenwi. Mae’n wych i weld sut y mae pobl ifanc fel Conor yn cael eu denu i’r diwydiant er mwyn ceisio llenwi’r bwlch hwn, ac mae’n wych i allu gweithio gyda Hacer a Chyngor Castell-nedd Port Talbot i ddarparu cyfleoedd o’r fath fel rhan o’r datblygiad hwn. Rydym yn edrych ymlaen at weithio gyda Conor ar weddill contract TÅ· Aberafan a dymunwn yrfa hir a llewyrchus yn y diwydiant iddo.”


Ychwanegodd llefarydd Hacer, Amanda Doherty, “Mae wedi rhoi boddhad mawr i weld Conor yn ymgartrefi yn ei rĆ“l, yn chwilio am gyfleoedd cyson i wella ac am fod yn unigolyn ifanc a chadarnhaol.Ā  Gobeithio y gall Conor ysbrydoli eraill sy’n debyg iddo i ddilyn llwybr tebyg mewn diwydiant sy’n rhoi boddhad ac sy’n llewyrchu.”

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