Homecare service awarded for making a difference /

The Homecare Rapid Response Team receiving their Patient Choice Award at Singleton Hospital.

Neath Port Talbot Council’s Homecare Rapid Response Team has been praised for its high standards of care delivered to patients.


The team were described as a ‘group of amazing individuals’ by the person who put them forward for ABMU’s Patient Choice Award.


Winners of the award are nominated by patients, carers or relatives to say thanks to a member of staff or team they feel have made a real difference and provided outstanding care. The awards were launched in 2015 to recognise the good work of primary and community care across the ABMU health board area.


The Homecare Rapid Response Team supports people to receive care in their own home and reduce the pressures placed on local care and health services. The Team provides a ‘step down’ service for people who are medically fit to leave hospital but need support at home, and provides personal care and support at home to people at risk of being admitted to hospital.


The team were nominated by a Neath Port Talbot resident whose late father was cared for by the service.


The resident said:


The team were assigned to my late father after his release from hospital. At first my dad was very anxious at the thought of ‘strangers looking after him’. 


“However, within the first few days of the team calling to dad, all his fears were diminished. The ladies were so compassionate and kind, ensuring he maintained his dignity at all times. They were so helpful to him, always so cheerful and happy that he began to look upon them as friends not strangers.


“As a family we cannot thank the team enough for all the work and outstanding service they provide to the most vulnerable in society.”


Councillor Peter Richards, Cabinet Member for Adult Social Services & Health, said:


“I am pleased our Homecare Rapid Response Team has been recognised for their hard work and dedication.


“The team plays a vital role in reducing the pressures placed on local health services and supporting people to maintain their independence. Even though hospital admissions are necessary on times, where appropriate, it is important that people can recover in their familiar surroundings.”


The team were winners amongst a number of disciplines including consultants, doctors, domestics, nursing staff, therapists and clerical staff but they were all united by the contribution they had made to the public.


Gwobr i Wasanaeth Gofal Cartref am wneud gwahaniaeth




Mae Tîm Ymateb Cyflym Gofal Cartref Castell-nedd Port Talbot wedi derbyn clod am y safonau uchel o ofal a roddir i gleifion.




Disgrifiwyd y tîm fel ‘grŵp o unigolion rhyfeddol’ gan y person a wnaeth eu henwebu am Wobr Dewis Cleifion PABM.




Caiff enillwyr y wobr eu henwebu gan gleifion, gofalwyr neu berthnasau i ddiolch i aelod o staff neu dîm y maent yn credu sydd wedi gwneud gwahaniaeth gwirioneddol ac sydd wedi rhoi gofal rhagorol. Lansiwyd y gwobrau yn 2015 i gydnabod gwaith da gofalwyr cynradd a chymunedol ar draws ardal bwrdd iechyd PABM.




Mae Tîm Ymateb Cyflym Gofal Cartref yn cefnogi pobl sy’n derbyn gofal yn eu cartrefi, gan leihau’r pwysau ar wasanaethau gofal ac iechyd lleol. Mae’r tîm yn cynnig gwasanaeth ‘camu i lawr’ ar gyfer pobl sy’n feddygol iach i adael yr ysbyty ond y mae angen cefnogaeth arnynt gartref, a darparu gofal a chefnogaeth bersonol gartref i bobl sydd mewn perygl o gael eu hanfon i’r ysbyty.




Enwebwyd y tîm gan breswylydd yng Nghastell-nedd Port Talbot, y derbyniodd ei ddiweddar dad gefnogaeth gan y gwasanaeth.




Meddai’r preswylydd,




“Anfonwyd y tîm i’m diweddar dad ar ôl iddo adael yr ysbyty.Yn gyntaf, roedd fy nhad yn gofidio wrth feddwl am ‘bobl ddieithr yn gofalu amdano’.




“Fodd bynnag, o fewn dyddiau ar ôl i’r tîm ddechrau galw i weld fy nhad, diflannodd ei bryderon. Roedd y menywod mor drugarog a charedig, gan sicrhau y cadwodd ei urddas ar bob adeg. Roeddent yn gymorth mawr iddo, a bob amser mor hwyliog ac yn hapus fel y dechreuodd e eu hystyried yn ffrindiau yn hytrach na phobl ddieithr.




“Fel teulu, rydym mor ddiolchgar i’r tîm am yr holl waith a gwasanaethau rhagorol maent yn eu darparu i bobl fwyaf diamddiffyn y gymdeithas.”




Meddai’r Cynghorydd Peter Richards, Aelod y Cabinet dros Wasanaethau Cymdeithasol ac Iechyd i Oedolion,




“Rwyf wrth fy modd fod Tîm Ymateb Cyflym Gofal Cartref wedi’i gydnabod am ei waith caled a’i ymroddiad.




“Mae’r tîm yn chwarae rôl hanfodol wrth leihau’r pwysau ar wasanaethau iechyd lleol ac wrth gefnogi pobl i gadw eu hannibyniaeth. Er bod derbyn unigolion i’r ysbyty yn angenrheidiol weithiau, mae’n bwysig y gall pobl wella yn eu hamgylchiadau cyfarwydd.”




Bu’r tîm yn fuddugol mewn nifer o gategorïau gwahanol, gan gynnwys meddygon ymgynghorol, therapyddion a staff gweinyddol, ond roeddent oll yn unedig gan y cyfraniad yr oeddent wedi’i wneud i’r cyhoedd.




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