Farming Connect is looking to expand its network of farmer mentors. Could this be your chance to share valuable life lessons and experience with others and ‘give back’ to the Welsh agri-industry?


The Farming Connect mentoring programme has been running for two years and over 100 farmers and foresters have already used the service, totalling over 750 hours of peer to peer support. To address growing demand, the search is on for farmers who have experience of farm diversification, family succession and health and safety in particular.

Candidates must have at least 15 years’ experience of running a farm business in Wales have the necessary skills and expertise to act as one-to-one mentors, supporting fellow farmers by asking insightful questions and providing a sounding board to drive forward business and personal development.

Once recruited, successful candidates will be responsible for mentoring a wide range of individuals ranging from new entrants to established farmers considering a significant change of direction such as diversification, adding value, expansion and new enterprises.

A growing number of farmers are investigating diversification opportunities to establish alternative income streams. New ventures have historically centred on accommodation provision, tourism and adding value to food products which are still lucrative options for many but there is growing interest in niche sectors such as alternative livestock (including deer, meat/dairy goats, dairy sheep), horticulture, bee keeping. Farmers that have diversified into traditional or niche sectors and are willing to share their experiences to support others are strongly encouraged to apply to become a Farming Connect mentor.

Succession is another theme driving an increasing amount of farming families to seek support. Farming Connect are looking for farmers who have been through the succession process and would be willing to support other families as they approach the task on their own farms.

We are actively looking to recruit mentors with a farm health and safety specialism. These mentors will be able to provide guidance to other farmers on adopting safer farm practices and will share their experiences of assessing on-farm risks. Farm health and safety mentoring will be offered as part of a package of services available via the Wales Farm Safety Partnership. Farmers who have experience in ensuring high levels of farm health and safety are urged to apply.

Einir Davies, Development & Mentoring Manager with Menter a Busnes, which delivers Farming Connect on behalf of the Welsh Government, says that aim of the mentoring programme is to offer a confidential service which capitalises on the wealth of knowledge possessed by Welsh farmers and share that knowledge to enable other farmers to benefit from their life lessons.

“All applicants will be put through a rigorous recruitment process to ensure that we get the best people to fulfil the role and have a sufficiently diverse pool of experience and skills to match mentors and mentees to best effect.

“You’ll need to be a good listener, have great communication skills, the ability to ask insightful questions and be prepared to provide honest, constructive feedback.

“Mentoring takes a very different approach to that of consultancy and an effective mentor needs to possess several specialist skills in order to nurture a successful relationship. Recipients of the service will need to be able to voice their concerns freely and know that in return they can expect to receive an impartial, independent and informed perspective.

“Many mentors will be able to share their own personal experiences, because hearing about the successes or difficulties faced by others often helps people to have a fresh perspective on their own options,” added Ms Davies.

In addition to providing a soundboard to ideas, mentors will facilitate the process of decision making by suggesting other options that can be based on their personal experiences or wider knowledge of the industry.

They can also signpost mentees to other contacts and networks for personal and business development opportunities through the wider Farming Connect programme and beyond.

If you are interested in applying for a role as a Farming Connect mentor, you will find a detailed job specification and application form at The closing date for receiving applications is Friday, 27 April at 12.00.  Alternatively contact the mentoring programme manager, Einir Davies on 01970 636297 or email:

This project has received funding through the Welsh Government Rural Communities – Rural Development Programme 2014-2020, which is funded by the European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development and the Welsh Government.


Mae Cyswllt Ffermio yn dymuno ehangu ei rwydwaith o fentoriaid sy’n ffermio. Ai dyma eich cyfle i rannu gwersi a phrofiadau bywyd gwerthfawr gydag eraill a rhoi cyfraniad yn ôl i ddiwydiant amaeth Cymru?

Mae rhaglen fentora Cyswllt Ffermio wedi bod ar waith ers dwy flynedd bellach ac mae dros 100 o ffermwyr a choedwigwyr eisoes wedi defnyddio’r gwasanaeth, gyda chyfanswm o 750 awr o gefnogaeth o ffermwr i ffermwr. Er mwyn ymateb i alw cynyddol, rydym yn chwilio am ffermwyr sydd â phrofiad o arallgyfeirio, olyniaeth ac iechyd a diogelwch yn benodol.

Mae’n rhaid i ymgeiswyr feddu ar 15 mlynedd o brofiad o redeg busnes ffermio yng Nghymru yghyd â’r sgiliau a’r arbenigedd angenrheidiol i weithredu fel mentoriaid un i un, gan gefnogi cyd-ffermwyr trwy holi cwestiynau ystyrlon a chynnig clust i wrando er mwyn arwain y busnes a datblygiad personol yn eu blaen.

Unwaith byddant wedi eu recriwtio, bydd ymgeiswyr llwyddiannus yn gyfrifol am fentora ystod eang o unigolion, yn amrywio o newydd ddyfodiaid i ffermwyr profiadol sy’n ystyried newid cyfeiriad yn sylweddol megis arallgyfeirio, ychwanegu gwerth, ehangu a mentrau newydd.

Mae nifer gynyddol o ffermwyr yn ymchwilio i gyfleoedd arallgyfeirio i sefydlu ffrydiau incwm newydd. Yn hanesyddol, mae mentrau newydd wedi ymwneud â darparu llety, twristiaeth ac ychwanegu gwerth at gynnyrch bwyd, sy’n parhau i fod yn opsiynau proffidiol i nifer, ond mae diddordeb cynyddol mewn sectorau gwahanol megis da byw amgen (gan gynnwys ceirw, geifr godro/cig, defaid godro), garddwriaeth a chadw gwenyn. Anogir ffermwyr sydd wedi arallgyfeirio i sectorau traddodiadol neu newydd, sy’n fodlon rhannu eu profiadau i gefnogi eraill, i ymgeisio i fod yn fentor Cyswllt Ffermio.

Mae olyniaeth yn thema arall sy’n arwain nifer gynyddol o deuluoedd ffermio i holi am gefnogaeth. Mae Cyswllt Ffermio yn chwilio am ffermwyr sydd wedi bod drwy’r broses olyniaeth ac a fyddai’n fodlon cefnogi ffermwyr eraill wrth iddynt edrych ar y dasg honno ar eu ffermydd eu hunain.

Rydym yn gobeithio penodi mentoriaid gydag arbenigedd mewn iechyd a diogelwch ar y fferm. Bydd y mentoriaid hyn yn gallu darparu arweiniad i ffermwyr eraill ynglŷn â mabwysiadu arferion ffermio mwy diogel, a rhannu eu profiadau o asesu risgiau ar y fferm. Bydd mentora iechyd a diogelwch ar y fferm yn cael ei gynnig fel rhan o becyn o wasanaethau sydd ar gael trwy Bartneriaeth Diogelwch Fferm Cymru. Anogir ffermwyr sydd â phrofiad o sicrhau lefelau iechyd a diogelwch uchel ar y fferm i ymgeisio.

Dywed Einir Davies, Rheolwr Datblygu a Mentora gyda Menter a Busnes, sy’n darparu Cyswllt Ffermio ar ran Llywodraeth Cymru, mai nod y rhaglen fentora yw cynnig gwasanaeth cyfrinachol sy’n manteisio ar wybodaeth helaeth ffermwyr Cymru a rhannu’r wybodaeth honno i alluogi ffermwyr eraill i elwa o’u profiad.

“Bydd pob ymgeisydd yn mynd drwy broses recriwtio manwl er mwyn sicrhau fod y bobl iawn yn llenwi’r rôl a bod gennym gronfa digon amrywiol o brofiad a sgiliau i baru mentoriaid a mhentai yn y modd mwyaf effeithiol.

“Bydd angen i chi fod yn wrandäwr da, yn meddu ar sgiliau cyfathrebu gwych, yn gallu holi cwestiynau ystyrlon, a bod yn  barod i gynnig cyngor ac adborth onest ac adeiladol.

“Mae mentora yn gofyn am arddull gwahanol iawn i ymgynghori, ac mae angen i fentor effeithiol feddu ar nifer o sgiliau arbenigol er mwyn meithrin perthynas lwyddiannus. Bydd angen i’r rhai sy’n derbyn y gwasanaeth allu lleisio eu pryderon o’u gwirfodd a deall yn yr un modd y gallant ddisgwyl derbyn safbwynt diduedd, annibynnol a deallus.

“Bydd nifer o fentoriaid yn gallu rhannu eu profiadau personol, gan fod clywed am lwyddiannau neu anawsterau a wynebir gan eraill yn aml yn cynorthwyo pobl i weld safbwynt newydd ynglŷn â’u dewisiadau eu hunain,” ychwanegodd Ms Davies.

Yn ogystal â chynnig clust i wrando ar syniadau, bydd mentoriaid yn hwyluso’r broses o wneud penderfyniadau trwy awgrymu dewisiadau eraill a allai fod yn seiliedig ar eu profiadau personol neu ddealltwriaeth ehangach o’r diwydiant.

Gallant hefyd gyfeirio mentai at gysylltiadau a rhwydweithiau eraill ar gyfer cyfleoedd datblygiad busnes a phersonol a trwy’r rhaglen Cyswllt Ffermio ehangach a thu hwnt.

Os oes gennych ddiddordeb mewn ymgeisio ar gyfer rôl fel mentor Cyswllt Ffermio, mae manyleb swydd a ffurflen gais ar gael ar y wefan Y dyddiad cau ar gyfer derbyn ceisiadau yw Dydd Gwener, 27 Ebrill am 12.00. Fel arall, cysylltwch ag Einir Davies, rheolwr y rhaglen fentora, ar 01970 636297 neu e-bostiwch:

Cyllidwyd y prosiect hwn drwy Cymunedau Gwledig Llywodraeth Cymru – Rhaglen Datblygu Gwledig Cymru 2014-2020, a ariennir gan Lywodraeth Cymru a’r Gronfa Amaethyddol Ewrop ar gyfer Datblygu Gwledig.



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