Ceredigion Council refuse to support Welsh Government review of Trawscymru Wrexham to Aberystwyth bus route


Reply-To: john.mct@


Dear Elin Jones,


You have not responded to my communication of 22/03/2018.   I would be

grateful to know whether you and the Plaid Cymru party are canvassing the Welsh Government, (on behalf of Ceredigion residents and residents of West Wales), regarding the changes to the Trawscymru T2 service on 15/01/2018, which were damaging to Trawscymru T2 connections in Aberystwyth and regarding the “”high-level”” review commissioned by Ken Skates on 14/11/2017  of a new  Aberystwyth to Wrexham Trawscymru route, (which was recommended by the Bevan Foundation Review of Trawscymru).  I note that Ceredigion Council have said they will not pursue either of these matters and that the First Minister announced in a recent Welsh Assembly plenary that 2 new Trawscymru routes are being considered one being the Chirk to Bangor route, (via South Clwyd and Wrexham), and the other route from Wrexham to Newtown ( probably via South Clwyd). The Wrexham to Newtown route could be continued to Aberystwyth to link with the T1 (to Carmarthen) and T5 (to Cardigan), However it appears that Ken Skates is only concerned with Trawscymru services for the benefit of his South Clwyd constituents and services in West Wales remain neglected, particularly with respect to connectivity on the T2/T1 route through Aberystwyth.  I have also recently written to Ken Skates regarding the T1C Aberystwyth to Cardiff service, which departs at 9.30 and does not connect in Aberystwyth with the T2 arrival from Dolgellau at 9.30/9.32.

The T1C also has only 3 minutes connectivity in Carmarthen to the new Trawscymru T1S service to Swansea.  I have suggested an earlier departure of the T2 in Dolgellau and an earlier departure of the T1C in Aberystwyth to overcome both these problems.  The Welsh government have refused to communicate with me and In view of your close interest in the T1C service I would be grateful if you could also pursue this matter with rhe Welsh Government in addition to those other matters I have already raised with you.


Yours sincerely


John Mctighe


> —-Original message—-

> From : john.mct@

> Date : 10/04/2018 – 12:22 (GMTST)

> To : Elin.Jones@:


> Dear Elin Jones,


> Could you please let me know whether my requests to you of 22/03/2018

> have been considered by yourself and the Plaid Cymru party.


> Yours sincerely


> John Mctighe—-Original message—-

> From : john.mct@

> Date : 22/03/2018 – 20:13 (GMTDT)

> To : Elin.Jones@

> Copies Welsh MPs, Ceredigion Councillors, Aberystwyth Councillors


> Dear Elin Jones,


> I would be grateful if you could  raise, (at the Plaid Spring

> Conference), the subject of the policy of the Welsh Government with

> respect to Trawscymru  long distance services in West Wales and

> ascertain what is the Plaid Cymru policy.


> The Welsh Labour Government policy is “hugely” detrimental to

> passengers in West Wales and this policy is now backed by the Plaid

> Cymru dominated Ceredigion Council.   The Transport representative of

> Ceredigion Council (Alun Williams of Plaid Cymru) has refused to

> complain to the Welsh Government regarding changes to the Trawscymru

> T2 service on 15/01/2018, which were damaging to Trawscymru T2

> connections in Aberystwyth.    The changes of 15/01/2018 were solely

> for the benefit of the AM constituents of South Clwyd.    The

> Trawscymru network in North Wales has been redesigned for the benefit

> of the AM constituents of the Minister for Transport (Ken Skates in

> South Clwyd) and the existing Government Transport Strategy and the

> Bevan Foundation Independent Review conclusions and recommendations

> are being ignored


> Ceredigion Council have also refused to pursue the independent review

> recommendation to route the T3 from Wrexham to Aberystwyth rather than

> Barmouth, despite the receipt by Alun Williams on 17/11/2017 of an

> offer from the Welsh Government of a “high level” review of this

> route.   This review has not been carried out.    This is not

> surprising as the Welsh Government are now discussing a proposed new

> route in North Wales from Bangor to Chirk via Wrexham .   This  is

> another Trawscymru route designed for the benefit of the AM

> constituents of the Minister for Transport (Ken Skates in South

> Clwyd). The route runs West to East from Bangor to Wrexham and then

> does an unnecessary detour in a totally different direction going

> South West to Chirk (a 10 mile detour across the AM constituency of

> South Clwyd). This new route will be unveiled by the Welsh Government

> in May 2018.


> It would be appropriate for the Plaid Cymru Party to state whether

> they agree with Ceredigion Council’s  refusal to complain regarding

> the neglect of Trawscymru Services in West Wales, to and through

> Aberystwyth .  It would also be appropriate for the Plaid Cymru Party

> to state what their own policy would be regarding the Trawscymru

> Network in West Wales and whether Plaid Cymru  would follow the Welsh

> Government Strategy document (to improve journey times on the T2/T1

> Bangor to Carmarthen route) and the Bevan Foundation Review

> recommendation (to route the T3 from Wrexham to Aberystwyth instead of

> Barmouth).


> I would be grateful if you could inform  me, after the Spring

> Conference, of any information you receive on Plaid Cymru policy with

> respect to:-


> (1) Current and future Trawscymru services in Mid and West Wales


> (2) The published  Government strategy to improve journey times on the

> Trawscymru T2/T1 Bangor to Carmarthen route through Aberystwyth


> (3) The Bevan Foundation Review recommendation to route the Trawscymru

> T3 from Wrexham to Aberystwyth.


> I would also be grateful to receive any help from yourself and Plaid

> Cymru with respect to the complaints I have made to the First Minister

> regarding breaches of the Ministerial Code by the Cabinet Secretary

> for Economy and Infrastructure, Ken Skates  The First Minister is

> refusing to investigate and reply to my complaints. This is in respect

> of lies, manipulation of the text of Freedom of  Information Requests,

> and biased internal reviews over a period of 2 years by his officials

> which have not been investigated by the Minister. The most recent

> breach of the Ministerial Code was to allow the Director for

> Transport, Simon Jones, to refuse on 19/02/2018 to answer three

> requests with questions on (1) the “”high level”” review of a

> Trawscymru route from Wrexham to Aberystwyth commissioned by Ken

> Skates on 17/11/2017,  (2) The changes the Trawscymru T2 Bangor to

> Aberystwyth service on 15/01/2018 and (3) The proposed new Trawscymru

> route in North Wales , which we now know is from Chirk to Bangor, The

> refusal to answer my requests was on the basis of my questions being

> “vexatious” and the refusal came one day after I requested information

> from the Welsh Government on the proposed new Trawscymru route in

> North Wales.  The Minister himself has also made incorrect and

> misleading statements regarding the Trawscymru Network on

> 08/08/2017 to the Welsh Assembly and on 14/11/2017 to Ceredigion

> Councillor Alun Williams . The insistence by the Minister on

> favourable treatment of the passengers on the T3 service from Wrexham

> to Barmouth and the inclusion of an unnecessary  diversion across the

> Ministers South Clwyd constituency between Chirk and Wrexham on the

> proposed new Trawscymru route could also be a breach of the

> Ministerial Code..


> Yours sincerely


> John Mctighe —-Original message—-

> From : john.mct@

> Date : 22/03/2018 – 15:14 (GMTST)

> To : edit@cambrian-

> Letter  for the Cambrian News


> Ceredigion Council refuse to support Welsh Government review of

> Trawscymru Wrexham to Aberystwyth bus route


> Dear Madam ,


> I wish to draw your readers attention to the fact that Ceredigion

> Council ,  do not support improvements to Trawscymru long distance bus

> services to and through Aberystwyth.     Ceredigion Council say that

> my efforts to get the Welsh Government to follow  the published Welsh

> Government Transport Strategy (to improve connectivity on the 133 mile

> long T2/T1 (Bangor to Carmarthen route) and follow the Bevan

> Foundation Review recommendation (to route the T3 from Wrexham to



> case.  The network has already been damaged, (to the detriment of the

> overall network and the passengers from and beyond Ceredigion),  by

> the failure of the Welsh Government to implement the recommendation to

> route the T3 from Wrexham to Aberystwyth.   Instead of following that

> recommendation,  the Welsh Government introduced a non-strategic 58

> mile long T3 service from Wrexham to Barmouth and introduced 15 minute

> delays to the T2 (Bangor to Aberystwyth) service in Dolgellau to wait

> for the T3 from Wrexham. The delays to  the T2 in Dolgellau have

> ruined connectivity between the T2 and T1 services in Aberystwyth.

> This policy is of benefit to one group of passengers on a 30 mile

> stretch of the T3 route through the Transport Minister (Ken Skates) AM

> constituency of South Clwyd.  All the passengers on the 133 mile long

> strategic T2/T1 route (Bangor to Carmarthen) in Gwyned , Powys,

> Ceredigion and Carmarthenshire are now disadvantaged for the benefit

> of T3 passengers between Wrexham and Dolgellau (48 miles),  most of

> whom are South Clwyd AM constituents of the Transport Minister.


> Ceredigion Council say that the “”high level”” review to route the T3

> from Wrexham to Aberystwyth rather than Barmouth, promised to

> Ceredigion Councillor Alun Williams on 17/11/2018 by the Transport


> THIS TIME_””.  This is despite the fact that the only recommendation

> regarding the Trawscymru network in the Bevan Foundation Independent

> Review was to route the T3 from Wrexham to Aberystwyth rather than

> Barmouth and this recommendation has been ignored since 2013 by the

> Welsh Government..


> Ceredigion Council are also refusing to approach the Welsh Government

> regarding the recent changes to the Trawscymru T2 service on

> 15/01/2018,  which were detrimental to connectivity in Aberystwyth on

> the North-South T2/T1 Bangor to Carmarthen route.  Ceredigion Council

> say they are not partners in the Trawscymru T2 contract (Bangor to

> Aberystwyth) and the T2 timetable of 15/01/2018 was not subject to

> Ceredigion County Council’s agreement . This is a strange situation as

> Trawscymru contract partners are usually comprised of all Councils on

> the Trawscymru route,  which in the case of the T2 route starts and

> ends in Aberystwyth,    However ,despite not being T2 contract

> partners, Ceredigion Council say they did take part on 07/12/2017 in

> email consultations on the T2 timetable of 15/01/2018 with Gwynedd,

> Powys, Denbighshire and Wrexham Local Authorities and the Welsh

> Government .  Ceredigion Council say they have no plans to ask

> Trawscymru to improve connectivity in Aberystwyth on the T2/T1 route

> (Bangor to Carmarthen),  where there is no connectivity on any of the

> T1/T2  services going North and poor connectivity on the T2/T1 route

> going South.   Ceredigion Council will not complain to the Transport

> Minister regarding 4 of the changes introduced by Trawscymru to the T2

> on 15/01/2018,  which adversely affected connectivity in Aberystwyth

> on the T2/T1 Bangor to Carmarthen route.  Ceredigion Council will not

> complain  despite the fact that 2 of the 4 changes to the T2 on

> 15/01/2018 reversed actions previously taken specifically to improve

> T2 connectivity in Aberystwyth in 2016 by the.previous Transport

> Minister (Edwina Hart) and the Traffic Commissioner for Wales.

> Ceredigion Council will not complain despite the fact that the

> published Welsh Government Transport strategy (page 48)  states

> “”There will be improvements to the north-south TrawsCambria bus

> service and improvements will be concentrated on the reliability and

> journey time on the route. “”. Ceredigion Council accept that the

> T2/T1 route will remain dysfunctional,  with no connectivity in

> Aberystwyth and with journey times INCREASED BY UPTO 2 HOURS, as a

> result of the introduction of the T3 Wrexham to Barmouth service .




> —-Original message—-

> From : technical.services@

> Date : 21/03/2018 – 10:41 (GMTST)

> To : john.mct@

> Subject : Ceredigion Council FOI Trawscymru T2 timetable changes of

> 15/01/2018 and a T3 route to Aberystwyth instead of Barmouth (781192)


> Dear Dr McTighe


> Thank you for your recent correspondence below dated 24 February 2018.



> I respond to your questions to Councillor Williams as follows:


> (1)        Will Ceredigion Council write to the Transport Minister on

> behalf of the residents of Ceredigion  and complain about the T2

> changes of 15/01/2018 ?







> (2)        Will Ceredigion Council write to the Transport Minister on

> behalf of the residents of Ceredigion and complain that the T2 changes

> of 15/01/2018 should not have been carried out in view of


> the imminent “”high level”” review to route the T3 from Wrexham to

> Aberystwyth instead of Barmouth,  which was promised to Ceredigion

> Council on 17/11/2017 ?







> (3)        In what form were the consultations with Ceredigion

> Council on the T2 timetable of 15/01/2018 conducted   ie meeting,

> emails , phone conversations.etc?





> (4)        Which other Personnel  from outside Ceredigion Council

> were involved in the consultation with Ceredigion Council on the T2

> timetable of 15/01/2018?






> (5)        Who was the lead person from outside Ceredigion Council

> involved in the consultation on the T2 timetable of 15/01/2018





> (6)        Do Ceredigion Council hold any documentation on the

> consultation on the T2 timetable of 15/01/2018 in the form of a

> meeting minutes, meeting notes, personal notes etc.?





> (7)        On what date were the consultations with Ceredigion

> Council on the T2 timetable of 15/01/2018 held.?



> 2017.


> (8)        Are Ceredigion Council partners in the T2 contract which

> is managed by Gwynedd Council ?.





> (9)        If Ceredigion Council are partners in the T2 contract, why

> is the T2 timetable not subject to Ceredigion County Council’s

> agreement.?




> (10)    What discussions were held involving Ceredigion Council on 5

> minute waits applied between T1, T3 and T5 and the T2 service and

> delayed departure of T2,T1 and T5 services


> in  Aberystwyth by 5 minutes to wait for late running services?. Could

> Ceredigion Council expand on “not specifically”

> and give more detail on what was discussed .?







> In noting your displeasure at the length of time it took to respond to

> your previous communication, I am sure that you will appreciate that

> Officers from the Authority have a number of pressures and priorities

> which call on their time.  Officers will always endeavour to provide

> appropriate responses within the set timelines.


> Yours sincerely




> Group Manager Local Environment Services


> FROM: L MCTIGHE [mailto:john.mct@

> SENT: 24 February 2018 18:41

> TO: Alun Williams

> CC: Ceredig Wyn Davies; Ivor Williams; Endaf Edwards;



> SUBJECT: Ceredigion Council FOI Trawscymru T2 timetable changes of

> 15/01/2018 and a T3 route to Aberystwyth instead of Barmouth (781192)


> Dear Alun Williams,


> Thank you for Ceredigion Council’s reply received on 22nd February

> from Gerwyn Jones to my request to you of 23/1/2018 regarding the

> Trawscymru T2 timetable changes of 15/01/2018 and routing the T3 from

> Wrexham to Aberystwyth instead of Barmouth.


> I was extremely disappointed in the content of Ceredigion Council’s

> reply and the length of time to provide it.  The reply is extremely

> vague with the use of “not specifically “ on 2 occasions.

> Instead of being proactive in bringing improved Trawscymru services to

> and through Aberystwyth, Ceredigion Council are happy to sit on the

> sidelines and accept a reduced level of connectivity between

> Trawscymru services .


> Ceredigion Council should be complaining about 4 of the changes to the

> T2 introduced on 15/01/2018, (outlined in my letter of 23/1/2018 – see

> Addendum 1 below), which are detrimental to connections in

> Aberystwyth. Two of those 4 changes on 15/01/2018 were a reversal of

> actions taken in 2016 by the previous Transport Minister (Edwina Hart)

> and the Traffic Commissioner for Wales , specifically to improve

> connectivity in Aberystwyth.    Ceredigion Council should also be

> complaining that these changes on15/01/2018  have been carried out

> “““to provide better connections with the T3 service from Wrexham to

> Barmouth””  when the Transport Minister had promised Ceredigion

> Council on 17/11/2017 to review routing the T3 from Wrexham to

> Aberystwyth instead of Barmouth.


> I would therefore ask that you write to the Transport Minister on

> behalf of the residents of Ceredigion  and complain about the T2

> changes of 15/01/2018 ,  which are detrimental to connections in

> Aberystwyth.  I would also ask that you complain that the changes of

> 15/01/2018 have been done for the benefit of a limited number of

> passengers on the T3 from Wrexham to Barmouth and that they should not

> have been carried out in view of the imminent “”high level””

> review to route the T3 from Wrexham to Aberystwyth instead of Barmouth

> which was promised to Ceredigion Council on 17/11/2017


> The reply states Ceredigion Council have had no communication with the

> Welsh Government regarding the “high level” review of a T3 route from

> Wrexham to Aberystwyth which was promised to Ceredigion Council

> on 17/11/2017.   The changes of 15/01/2018  should tell you that Welsh

> Government have no intention of looking at a T3 route from Wrexham to

> Aberystwyth and in May 2018 they will unveil their plans for the

> Trawscymru network which will involve a.new Trawscymru route in North

> Wales. (see





> The T2 changes of 15/01/2018 contravene the Welsh Government strategy

> (page 49 paragraph 4.5 ) regarding improving reliability and journey

> times on the Trawscymru T2/T1 route from Bangor to Carmarthen.  The

> T2/T1 route from Bangor to Carmarthen has now been ruined by delays in

> Dolgellau purely for the benefit of T3 passengers from Wrexham and

> South Clwyd (the Transport Minister Ken Skates home constituency) .

> Unless Ceredigion Council complain, then passengers from Ceredigion

> will continue to suffer, as will any other passengers from elsewhere

> in Wales who want to travel on the T2/T1 route from Bangor to

> Carmarthen through Aberystwyth.


> With respect to Gerwyn Jones explanation of the length of time to

> provide a reply he said “”Please be advised that your correspondence

> was not treated as an FOI request as it was received by us after being

> forwarded by Councillor Alun Williams.  I have explained previously

> that the Freedom of Information Act stipulates that a request for

> information should be addressed promptly.

> irrespective of the person within the organisation who the request. is

> sent to   Councillor Alun Williams is the Councillor responsible for

> Transport in Ceredigion, therefore it is appropriate that he is

> involved in seeing my questions and the Council’s answers and my

> requests will always go to him. . Councillor Alun Williams forwarded

> the request immediately  to the Complaints and Freedom of Information

> Officer who acknowledged the request to me on 24/01/2018. The

> Complaints and Freedom of Information Officer received the request on

> 24/01/2018 and I should have received a prompt reply  The statement

> above that “”your correspondence was not treated as an FOI request as

> it was received by us after being forwarded by Councillor Alun

> Williams. “”  is simply an excuse for a late reply.


> In view of Ceredigion Council’s disappointing reply , I would like to

> ask the following questions and would hope that this time I receive a

> prompt reply.  The first 2 questions are requests for action not an

> foi request : –


> (1) Will Ceredigion Council write to the Transport Minister on behalf

> of the residents of Ceredigion  and complain about the T2 changes of

> 15/01/2018 ?


> (2) Will Ceredigion Council write to the Transport Minister on behalf

> of the residents of Ceredigion and complain that the T2 changes of

> 15/01/2018 should not have been carried out in view of the imminent

> “”high level”” review to route the T3 from Wrexham to Aberystwyth

> instead of Barmouth,  which was promised to Ceredigion Council on

> 17/11/2017 ?


> (3) In what form were the consultations with Ceredigion Council on the

> T2 timetable of 15/01/2018 conducted   ie meeting, emails , phone

> conversations.etc?


> (4) Which other Personnel  from outside Ceredigion Council were

> involved in the consultation with Ceredigion Council on the T2

> timetable of 15/01/2018?


> (5) Who was the lead person from outside Ceredigion Council involved

> in the consultation on the T2 timetable of 15/01/2018


> (6) Do Ceredigion Council hold any documentation on the consultation

> on the T2 timetable of 15/01/2018 in the form of a meeting minutes,

> meeting notes, personal notes etc.?


> (7) On what date were the consultations with Ceredigion Council on the

> T2 timetable of 15/01/2018 held.?


> (8) Are Ceredigion Council partners in the T2 contract which is

> managed by Gwynedd Council ?.


> (9) If Ceredigion Council are partners in the T2 contract, why is the

> T2 timetable not subject to Ceredigion County Council’s agreement.?


> (10) What discussions were held involving Ceredigion Council on 5

> minute waits applied between T1, T3 and T5 and the T2 service and

> delayed departure of T2,T1 and T5 services in Aberystwyth by 5 minutes

> to wait for late running services?. Could Ceredigion Council expand on

> “not specifically” and give more detail on what was discussed .?


> Yours sincerely


> John Mctighe


> Addendum 1


> My request of 23/1/2018.pointed out that the latest Trawscymru T2

> timetable changes of 15/01/2018 had finally destroyed all Trawscymru

> connectivity with the T1 in Aberystwyth and gave 4 T2 timetable

> changes that were detrimental to passengers wishing to use connecting

> Trawscymru T2/T1services in Aberystwyth as shown in a) to d) below.


> TIMETABLE CHANGE (A)  Reintroduced. a 15 minute wait by T2 services

> (to and from Aberystwyth) in Dolgellau (to wait for the T3 service

> from Wrexham.). This reversed a change forced on Trawscymru in 2016 by

> the Welsh Road Traffic Commissioner.


> TIMETABLE CHANGE (B)    Changed the T2 departure in Aberystwyth at

> 10.05 to 10.00,  which reversed a change introduced in April 2016 by

> the previous Transport Minister Edwina Hart in order to improve

> connectivity of the Northbound T5 from Cardigan with the T2 to Bangor.



> TIMETABLE CHANGE (C)   Changed the 16.35 T2 arrival time in

> Aberystwyth which connected to the T1 departure to Carmarthen at 16.40

> The arrival time has been changed to 16.52 so that connectivity has

> been destroyed and passengers have to wait 48 minutes for the next T1

> service to Carmarthen.


> TIMETABLE CHANGE (D)   Changed the 18.40 T2 arrival time in

> Aberystwyth , which should connect to the last T1 departure of the day

> to Carmarthen at 18.40 .  The T2 arrival time has been changed to

> 18.50 by introducing an unnecessary 5 minute stop in Machynleth and an

> unnecessary 5 minute diversion off the A487 on the outskirts of

> Aberystwyth to go through Comins Coch and the Waunfawr housing estate

> in Aberystwyth and back onto the A487.


> —-Original message—-

> From : technical.services@

> Date : 22/02/2018 – 14:44 (GMTST)

> To : john.mct@

> Cc : Alun.Williams@ceredigion.llyw.cymru

> Subject : Request to Ceredigion Council regarding Trawscymru T2

> timetable changes of 15/01/2018 and a T3 route to Aberystwyth instead

> of Barmouth (781192)


> Dear Dr McTighe


> I am writing in response to your email to Councillor Alun Williams

> dated 23 January 2018.  Ceredigion County Council’s responses to the

> questions raised are listed in numerical order as follows:


> (1)             Did Trawscymru/the Welsh Government or any other body

> consult with Ceredigion Council on the changes in January 2018 to the

> Trawscymru T2 timetable ? – YES


> (2)             If Ceredigion Council were consulted on T2 timetable

> changes could you provide the name/job title and organisation of those

> persons who Ceredigion Council were consulted by  ?           – SHAN



> (3)             If Ceredigion Council were consulted on T2 timetable

> changes could you indicate whether Ceredigion Council agreed to the T2

> timetable changes, particularly those changes (a) to (d) outlined




> (4)             If Ceredigion Council were not consulted or

> Ceredigion Council did not agree to the changes, will Ceredigion

> Council be placing a complaint to the Minister responsible for

> Transport          (Ken Skates) ? – NOT APPLICABLE


> (5)             The new T2 timetable contains a quote

> _“”Connections with Services T1/T5/T3. Buses will wait up to 5 minutes

> for late running connections””_.  Could you therefore say

> whether         Ceredigion Council have been involved in discussions

> regarding a  Quality Partnership scheme to delay departure of T2,T1

> and T5 services in Aberystwyth by 5 minutes to wait for         late

> running services in Aberystwyth ? – NOT SPECIFICALLY


> (6)             If  Ceredigion Council have been involved in

> discussions regarding a Quality Partnership scheme in Aberystwyth

> could you provide a list of the T2, T1 and T5 arrival/departure times

> in Aberystwyth that the 5 minute delayed departure will apply to? –



> (7)             If Ceredigion Council have not been involved in

> discussions regarding a  Quality Partnership scheme to delay departure

> of T2,T1 and T5 services in Aberystwyth, do Ceredigion         Council

> intend to ask Trawscymru/the Welsh Government whether the same scheme

> operational in Dolgellau for the last 4 years can be put in place in

> Aberystwyth ? – NOT   APPLICABLE


> (8)             Do  Ceredigion Council have any documentation

> relating to the “”high level”” review into operation of Trawscymru

> services between Wrexham and Aberystwyth.? – NO


> (9)             Have Ceredigion Council received a timetable from

> Trawscymru/the Welsh Government relating to the “”high level””

> review into operation of Trawscymru services between Wrexham and

> Aberystwyth. ? If so,  when will the review start  and when is it

> planned to report the review findings ? – NO


> (10)             Have Ceredigion Council been involved at this stage

> in discussions relating to the “”high level”” review into operation of

> Trawscymru services between Wrexham and Aberystwyth. ?

> – NO


> (11)             If Ceredigion Council have been involved (at this

> stage) in discussions relating to the “”high level”” review , could

> you provide the name/job title and organisation of those persons who

> Ceredigion Council were in discussion with ? – NO OFFICER FROM



> (12)             Do Ceredigion Council have any plans to ask

> Trawscymru to improve connectivity in Aberystwyth on the T2/T1 route,

> where there is no connectivity on any of the T1/T2  services going

> North and poor connectivity on the T2/T1 route going South.? – NOT



> Please be advised that your correspondence was not treated as an FOI

> request as it was received by us after being forwarded by Councillor

> Alun Williams.  The Complaints and Freedom of Information Manager

> wrote to you in January 2017 explaining the procedure for submitting

> Freedom of Information requests to the Council.  I enclose a copy of

> her correspondence for reference.


> I trust that the information provided has answered the questions that

> you asked.


> Yours sincerely




> Group Manager Local Environment Services


> FROM: L MCTIGHE [mailto:john.mct@]

> SENT: 23 January 2018 20:02

> TO: Alun Williams

> CC: Alun Lloyd Jones; Maldwyn Lewis; Cllr Steve Davies; Ivor Williams;

> Paul James; Rowland Rees-Evans; Ellen Ap Gwynn; Paul Hinge; Marc

> Davies; Meirion Davies; Mark Strong; Lloyd Edwards; Gareth Davies;

> Ceredig Wyn Davies; Keith Evans; Endaf Edwards; Elizabeth Evans; Ray

> Quant

> SUBJECT: Request to Ceredigion Council regarding Trawscymru T2

> timetable changes of 15/01/2018 and a T3 route to Aberystwyth instead

> of Barmouth


> copies   Welsh MPs at Westminster,  Welsh Assembly Members and

> Ceredigion Council members


> Dear Alun Williams,


> I am sorry to have to burden you with more questions , but the changes

> made to the Trawscymru T2 timetable on 15/01/2018 leave me no choice.



> As you are aware the Welsh government requested an independent review

> by the Bevan Foundation before the introduction of the T3 Wrexham to

> Barmouth service. The independent review concluded that the T1/T2

> route between Carmarthen and Bangor (through Aberystwyth) was

> strategically more important than the T3 route and recommended that

> the T3 route should go to Aberystwyth not to Barmouth.  The Welsh

> Government ignored this conclusion and recommendation but have, on two

> occasions, made incorrect statements that the Trawscymru network was

> based on the recommendation of the Bevan Foundation review. The last

> incorrect statement was made by the current Minister responsible for

> Transport (Ken Skates) in August 2017. You wrote to Ken Skates

> regarding this matter and on 14/11/2017.he replied saying he had

> commissioned a “”high level”” review into operation of Trawscymru

> services between Wrexham and Aberystwyth..


> The latest Trawscymru T2 timetable changes of 15/01/2018 have finally

> destroyed all Trawscymru connectivity with the T1 in Aberystwyth.

> The following T2 timetable changes are all detrimental to passengers

> wishing to use connecting Trawscymru services in Aberystwyth.


> TIMETABLE CHANGE (A)    A 15 minute wait by T2 services (to and from

> Aberystwyth) in Dolgellau (to wait for the T3 service from Wrexham)

> has been reintroduced.  This 15 minute wait replaces the 10 minute

> wait, which had been operational for the past 18 months after the

> Traffic Commissioner for Wales ruled in May 2016 that T2 delayed

> departures in Dolgellau of 10 minutes under a Quality Partnership

> Agreement were illegal   Trawscymru were forced to reduce delayed

> departures of the T2 to the legal 5 minutes. On 15/01/2018 Trawscymru

> have simply increased the Dolgellau connectivity time between

> arrival/departure in the T2 service timetable from 5 minutes to 10

> minutes to get  around this, thereby allowing Trawscymru to again

> employ a 15 minute wait for every T2 service (both North and South) in

> Dolgellau..


> TIMETABLE CHANGE (B)    Changed the T2 departure in Aberystwyth at

> 10.05 to 10.00,  which reversed a change introduced in April 2016 by

> the previous Transport Minister Edwina Hart in order to improve

> connectivity of the T2 with the Northbound T5 from Cardigan (from 3

> minutes to 8 minutes). The10.05 T2 departure time means T5 to T2

> connectivity in Aberystwyth is now back to 3 minutes, which is a

> nonsensical decision as the T2 then has to wait 15 minutes in

> Dolgellau for the T3.service to arrive from Wrexham .


> TIMETABLE CHANGE (C)    Changed the 16.35 T2 arrival time in

> Aberystwyth which connected to the T1 departure to Carmarthen at 16.40

> The arrival time has been changed to 16.52 so that connectivity has

> been destroyed and passengers have to wait 48 minutes for the next T1

> service to Carmarthen.


> TIMETABLE CHANGE (D)    Changed the 18.40 T2 arrival time in

> Aberystwyth , which should connect to the last T1 departure of the day

> to Carmarthen at 18.40 .  This T2 service was classed as a non

> connecting service , although one T2 driver always managed to get to

> Aberystwyth a couple of minutes early to make the connection with the

> T1 . Trawscymru have changed the T2 arrival time to 18.50 by

> introducing an unnecessary 5 minute stop in Machynleth and an

> unnecessary 5 minute diversion off the A487 on the outskirts of

> Aberystwyth to go through Comins Coch and the Waunfawr housing estate

> in Aberystwyth and back onto the A487. There were plenty of different

> options to make this service connect most of the time (for example a

> Quality partnership agreement to delay departure of the T1 by 2,3,4,5

> minutes to wait for late running T2 services) .  Instead of improving

> connectivity of this T2/T1 service Trawscymru have chosen to destroy

> the connection completely.


> NB It should be noted that this T2 service originally had 15 minutes

> to connect with the T1 to Carmarthen in Aberystwyth (and also had 17

> minutes to connect to the last train to London in Machynleth). The day

> after the T3 service from Wrexham to Barmouth was introduced,

> Trawscymru changed the T2 departure time in Dolgellau by 15 minutes

> from 17.20 to 17.35 thereby ruining connectivity to the last train to

> London in Machynleth , the last T1 to Carmarthen at 18.40 in

> Aberystwyth and therefore the last train from Carmarthen to Cardiff.

> The new(unneccessary) 18.50 T2 arrival time makes absolutely certain

> that all these 3 connections are lost.


> Every single change made to the T2 timetable on 15/01/2018 has ignored

> the conclusion and recommendation of the Bevan Foundation independent

> review into the Trawscymru network and all of the changes are

> detrimental to the connectivity of North/South services through

> Aberystwyth.  It also seems strange that Ken Skates has said to you on

> 14/11/2017 that he has commissioned a review into the T3 route from

> Wrexham to Aberystwyth and on 15/01/2018 Trawscymru are improving the

> T3 route from Wrexham to Barmouth . In the process of improving the T3

> route (by the changes to the T2 timetable) Trawscymru are heaping yet

> more misery onto passengers using the North/South routes through

> Aberystwyth.  I would be grateful if you could therefore answer the

> following questions:-


> (1) Did Trawscymru/the Welsh Government or any other body consult with

> Ceredigion Council on the changes in January 2018 to the Trawscymru T2

> timetable ?


> (2) If Ceredigion Council were consulted on T2 timetable changes could

> you provide the name/job title and organisation of those persons who

> Ceredigion Council were consulted by  ?


> (3)  If Ceredigion Council were consulted on T2 timetable changes

> could you indicate whether Ceredigion Council agreed to the T2

> timetable changes, particularly those changes (a) to (d) outlined

> above. ?


> (4)  If Ceredigion Council were not consulted or Ceredigion Council

> did not agree to the changes, will Ceredigion Council be placing a

> complaint to the Minister responsible for Transport (Ken Skates) ?.


> (5) The new T2 timetable contains a quote  _“”Connections with

> Services T1/T5/T3. Buses will wait up to 5 minutes for late running

> connections””_.  Could you therefore say whether Ceredigion Council

> have been involved in discussions regarding a  Quality Partnership

> scheme to delay departure of T2,T1 and T5 services in Aberystwyth by 5

> minutes to wait for late running services in Aberystwyth ?


> (6) If  Ceredigion Council have been involved in discussions regarding

> a Quality Partnership scheme in Aberystwyth could you provide a list

> of the T2, T1 and T5 arrival/departure times in Aberystwyth that the 5

> minute delayed departure will apply to?


> (7) If Ceredigion Council have not been involved in discussions

> regarding a  Quality Partnership scheme to delay departure of T2,T1

> and T5 services in Aberystwyth, do Ceredigion Council  intend to ask

> Trawscymru/the Welsh Government whether the same scheme operational in

> Dolgellau for the last 4 years can be put in place in Aberystwyth ?


> (8) Do  Ceredigion Council have any documentation relating to the

> “”high level”” review into operation of Trawscymru services between

> Wrexham and Aberystwyth.?


> (9) Have Ceredigion Council received a timetable from Trawscymru/the

> Welsh Government relating to the “”high level”” review into operation

> of Trawscymru services between Wrexham and Aberystwyth. ? If so,  when

> will the review start  and when is it planned to report the review

> findings ?


> (10) Have Ceredigion Council been involved at this stage in

> discussions relating to the “”high level”” review into operation of

> Trawscymru services between Wrexham and Aberystwyth. ?


> (11) If Ceredigion Council have been involved (at this stage) in

> discussions relating to the “”high level”” review , could you provide

> the name/job title and organisation of those persons who Ceredigion

> Council were in discussion with ?


> (12) Do Ceredigion Council have any plans to ask Trawscymru to improve

> connectivity in Aberystwyth on the T2/T1 route,  where there is no

> connectivity on any of the T1/T2  services going North and poor

> connectivity on the T2/T1 route going South.?


> Yours Sincerely


> Dr John McTighe


> —


> Ymwadiad:


> Er y cymerir pob gofal posib i sicrhau cywirdeb unrhyw wybodaeth a

> chyngor a roddir yn yr ohebiaeth hon, ni dderbynnir atebolrwydd am

> unrhyw golledion a all godi o unrhyw gamgymeriadau sy’n gynwysedig ac

> fe’ch atgoffir o’r angen i chi ofyn am gyngor proffesiynol eich hun.


> Bwriedir y neges ebost hon, ac unrhyw atodiadau iddi, at sylw’r

> person(au) y’i danfonwyd atynt yn unig. Os nad chi yw’r derbynnydd y

> cyfeiriwyd y neges hon ato ef neu hi, neu’r person sydd gyfrifol am

> drosglwyddo’r neges hon iddo ef neu hi, mi ddylech hysbysu’r anfonwr

> ar eich union. Oni bai mai chi yw’r person neu gynrychiolydd y person

> y cyfeiriwyd y neges hon at ef neu hi nid ydych wedi eich awdurdodi i,

> ac ni ddylech chi, ddarllen, copio, dosbarthu, defnyddio na chadw’r

> neges hon nac unrhyw gyfran ohoni.


> O dan y Ddeddf Amddiffyn Data 1998 a Deddf Rhyddid Gwybodaeth 2000

> gellir datgelu cynnwys y negest ebost hon.


> Disclaimer:


> While reasonable care is taken to ensure the correctness of any

> information and advice given in this correspondence no liability is

> accepted for losses arising from any errors contained in it and you

> are reminded of the need to obtain your own professional advice.


> The information in this email and any attachments is intended solely

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> Under the Data Protection Act 1998 and the Freedom of Information Act

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Er y cymerir pob gofal posib i sicrhau cywirdeb unrhyw wybodaeth a chyngor a roddir yn yr ohebiaeth hon, ni dderbynnir atebolrwydd am unrhyw golledion a all godi o unrhyw gamgymeriadau sy’n gynwysedig ac fe’ch atgoffir o’r angen i chi ofyn am gyngor proffesiynol eich hun.


Bwriedir y neges ebost hon, ac unrhyw atodiadau iddi, at sylw’r

person(au) y’i danfonwyd atynt yn unig. Os nad chi yw’r derbynnydd y cyfeiriwyd y neges hon ato ef neu hi, neu’r person sydd gyfrifol am drosglwyddo’r neges hon iddo ef neu hi, mi ddylech hysbysu’r anfonwr ar eich union. Oni bai mai chi yw’r person neu gynrychiolydd y person y cyfeiriwyd y neges hon at ef neu hi nid ydych wedi eich awdurdodi i, ac ni ddylech chi, ddarllen, copio, dosbarthu, defnyddio na chadw’r neges hon nac unrhyw gyfran ohoni.


O dan y Ddeddf Amddiffyn Data 1998 a Deddf Rhyddid Gwybodaeth 2000 gellir datgelu cynnwys y negest ebost hon.




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