Community Foundation in Wales awards £20k of grants to help grassroots projects in Ceredigion and Carmarthenshire


A charity that provides a drop-in service to help people facing isolation in rural areas is one of a number of community projects in Ceredigion and Carmarthenshire to receive a funding boost from Community Foundation in Wales.

Community Foundation in Wales, a charity that awards grants of over £2 million each year to charities and community groups on behalf of their donors, has awarded funding to a selection of key community projects across Ceredigion and Carmarthenshire through the Dr Dewi Davies Endowment Fund.

The latest round of awards will help to fund the following projects:

  • Llanybydder Family Centre – awarded £4,828 to provide a drop-in service which helps tackle rural isolation in families and the older generation by working with residents of Cwm Aur.
  • Grwp Ieuenctid Eglwys a Chymuned Tregroes – awarded £3,000 to put on activities for children in a disadvantaged rural area
  • Ieuenctid Tysul Youth – awarded £5,000 to pilot and develop an inter-generational project between young people and older members of the community who are vulnerable to social and rural isolation.
  • Capel Dewi Church Hall – awarded £3,065 to upgrade the church hall cooker to a fully functioning, commercially sized model in order to continue providing a monthly village lunch for the local community
  • Carers Trust Crossroads Sir Gar Ltd – awarded £3,680 to support young carers aged 5-25, helping them reach their full potential.

Community Foundation in Wales has also awarded a grant of £500 to a talented individual who competes for Wales, to help with the purchase of equipment needed for continued development in the sport of Kayak Slalom.

Community Foundation in Wales has helped a number of worthwhile projects and individuals through the Dr Dewi Davies Fund. One initiative that previously received funding from the Dr Dewi Davies fund is Llandysul a Phont Tyweli Ymlaen’s assisted transport service.

This transport service used a fully accessible vehicle, via Dolen Teifi, to transport residents that reside within 15 miles of Llandysul to health and social activities. Community Foundation in Wales awarded a grant of £4,100 from the Dr Dewi Davies Fund to help Llandysul a Phont Tyweli Ymlaen to train its volunteers to establish the much needed transport service.

Richard Williams, Chief Executive of the Community Foundation in Wales, said:

“This service has helped people in Llandysul to overcome isolation and combat loneliness by providing them with a lifeline that allows them to access vital services and attend social gatherings.

This is just one example of the way that Dr Dewi Davies fund has helped the communities of Ceredigion and Carmarthenshire. Projects like this are so important to local people and Community Foundation in Wales is proud to be able to fund initiatives like these and offer continued support and assistance to local communities across Wales.”

Y Sefydliad Cymunedol yng Nghymru yn dyfarnu grantiau gwerth £20k i helpu gyda phrosiectau ar lawr gwlad yng Ngheredigion a Sir Gaerfyrddin

Mae elusen sy’n darparu gwasanaeth galw heibio i helpu pobl sy’n teimlo’n ynysig mewn ardaloedd gwledig yn un o nifer o brosiectau cymunedol yng Ngheredigion a Sir Gaerfyrddin sy’n derbyn hwb ariannol gan y Sefydliad Cymunedol yng Nghymru.

Mae’r Sefydliad Cymunedol yng Nghymru, sef elusen sy’n dyfarnu grantiau gwerth dros £2 filiwn bob blwyddyn i elusennau a grwpiau cymunedol ar ran eu rhoddwyr, wedi dyfarnu cyllid i ddetholiad o brosiectau cymunedol allweddol ledled Ceredigion a Sir Gaerfyrddin drwy Gronfa Waddol Dr Dewi Davies.

Bydd y dyfarniadau diweddaraf yn helpu i ariannu’r prosiectau canlynol:

  • Canolfan Deuluoedd Llanybydder – dyfarnwyd £4,828 i ddarparu gwasanaeth galw heibio sy’n helpu i fynd i’r afael ag ynysu gwledig ymhlith teuluoedd a’r genhedlaeth hŷn drwy weithio gyda phreswylwyr Cwm Aur.
  • Grŵp Ieuenctid Eglwys a Chymuned Tregroes – dyfarnwyd £3,000 i drefnu gweithgareddau i blant mewn ardal wledig dan anfantais.
  • Ieuenctid Tysul – dyfarnwyd £5,000 i dreialu a datblygu prosiect pontio’r cenedlaethau rhwng pobl ifanc ac aelodau hŷn y gymuned sy’n agored i niwed ac ynysu cymdeithasol a gwledig.
  • Neuadd Eglwys Capel Dewi – dyfarnwyd £3,065 i uwchraddio popty’r neuadd eglwys gan osod model maint masnachol cwbl weithredol er mwyn parhau i ddarparu cinio i’r gymuned leol bob mis
  • Carers Trust Crossroads Sir Gar Ltd – dyfarnwyd £3,680 i gefnogi gofalwyr ifanc rhwng 5 a 25 oed, gan eu helpu i gyrraedd eu llawn botensial.

Mae’r Sefydliad Cymunedol yng Nghymru hefyd wedi dyfarnu grant o £500 i unigolyn talentog sy’n cystadlu dros Gymru, i’w helpu i brynu’r offer sydd eu hangen arno er mwyn iddo barhau i ddatblygu ym maes Caiac Slalom.

Mae’r Sefydliad Cymunedol yng Nghymru wedi helpu nifer o brosiectau gwerth chweil ac unigolion drwy Gronfa Dr Dewi Davies. Un fenter a gafodd gyllid gan Gronfa Dr Dewi Davies o’r blaen oedd gwasanaeth cludiant â chymorth Ymlaen Llandysul a Phont Tyweli.

Defnyddiai’r gwasanaeth cludiant hwn gerbyd cwbl hygyrch, drwy Ddolen Teifi, i gludo trigolion a breswyliai o fewn 15 milltir i Landysul i weithgareddau iechyd a chymdeithasol. Dyfarnodd y Sefydliad Cymunedol yng Nghymru grant o £4,100 o Gronfa Dr Dewi Davies i helpu Ymlaen Llandysul a Phont Tyweli i hyfforddi’r gwirfoddolwyr i sefydlu’r gwasanaeth cludiant angenrheidiol.

Dywedodd Richard Williams, Prif Weithredwr y Sefydliad Cymunedol yng Nghymru:

“Mae’r gwasanaeth hwn wedi helpu pobl yn Llandysul i oresgyn teimlo’n ynysig a brwydro yn erbyn unigrwydd drwy eu galluogi i gael gafael ar wasanaethau hanfodol a mynychu digwyddiadau cymdeithasol.

Dyma un esiampl yn unig o’r ffordd y caiff cronfa Dr Dewi Davies ei defnyddio i helpu cymunedau Ceredigion a Sir Gaerfyrddin. Mae prosiectau fel hwn yn hynod bwysig i bobl leol ac mae’r Sefydliad Cymunedol yng Nghymru yn falch o allu ariannu mentrau o’r fath a chynnig cefnogaeth a chymorth parhaus i gymunedau lleol ledled Cymru.”

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