Film Review Of Equaliser 2 – By West Wales Chronicle Columnist Adam Roberts


The Equaliser 2: Review.
Written by Adam Roberts. August 23rd, 2018.

So here we are with another Equaliser movie, directed once again by Antoine Fuqua who directed such films as Training Day, Olympus Has Fallen and 2016’s Magnificent Seven. Fuqua is a director I highly admire, but I feel is unfortunately quite underrated. This is a shame because he’s talented and has a real flair for the dramatic scenes in his movies.

Denzel Washington

Denzel Washington, who I’ve been a huge fan of for many years also (once again) just completely knocks this character Robert McCall right out of the park. In this sequel he becomes even more of a vigilante figure than he was in the first film. In this he’s an Uber driver, which I have to say seems a more practical way of staying under the radar while helping others.

Pedro Pascal

As it’s stated in the trailer, his friend Susan Plummer played by Melissa Leo is killed, which seems to be connected to his past and as we all know, the past always catches up with you. Now as we saw from the first film, messing with Robert McCall is not the wisest course of action, as he will bring the action to you……..and bring it hard!

Melissa Leo

Dealing with the death of his friend takes him on a journey that will bring some surprises and disappointment, but the journey will eventually bring him home. This is a sensational movie with an amazing cast including Bill Pullman, Pedro Pascal and Ashton Sanders. All characters blended well together, and the action and drama were written and played perfectly which is why I rate this film 9/10. I highly recommend The Equalizer 2 to anyone.
Thanks for reading.

West Wales Chronicle film columnist Adam Roberts

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