Habits Of The Superfit With Health & Fitness Columnist Jamie Stedman

West Wales Chronicle Health & Fitness Columnist Jamie Stedman

Habits Of The Superfit

You know those people who are always on the move?
The people who probably get told ‘I just don’t know how you do it’ 10 times a day.
The people who are up bright and early packed full of energy and spend their day being productive in work, exercise, plus eat an awesome clean diet on top.

Who envies them?
Are you interested in being this exclusive club? If you are then read on as I will share with you some of the top habits of the super fit which separate them from the rest.

Just to warn you this is no quick fix, you aren’t going to suddenly change everything after reading this article. You’re going to have to work your ass off to make these habits I’m going to mention actually become your habit. This is hopefully the start of a long term behaviour change not just a short term get fit for holiday ploy.

*Habits Of The Super Fit
*No Junk Food In The House

Be sensible with your food shopping, make a clear list and stick to it. If you don’t want to eat junk, don’t buy junk simple as that. I guarantee you that a bar of galaxy is a lot easier to resist when it’s on the supermarket shelf rather than a few yards away from you in the kitchen cupboard.

Clear Goals
If you don’t have a clear goal which you are 100% committed to it’s so much easier to skip a workout or have an extra treat. Your goal needs to be well thought out, realistic yet challenging and it’s got to mean so much to you. Just think how much better your life will be once you’ve achieved your goal and let that act as a constant reminder and motivational tool.

West Wales Chronicle Health & Fitness Columnist Jamie Stedman

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