Think pharmacy first this festive season / Dewis y Fferyllfa’n gyntaf y Nadolig hwn


With Christmas fast approaching, people are being urged to be Winter Wise this season by visiting their local pharmacist for minor conditions rather than attending their GP or accident and emergency department.

From back pain to heart burn to teething, pharmacists can provide free advice and treatment for a range of common conditions for the whole family.

The Common Ailments Service covers 27 conditions whereby a pharmacist can assess and provide medication at no charge, if suitable, without the need for a prescription. The service allows patients to seek advice or treatment from a participating community pharmacy, rather than their GP, for a defined list of ailments.

The pharmacist will, after a short consultation, give advice, supply medication from an agreed formulary or if necessary, refer the patient to their GP.

The service was introduced to pharmacies across Carmarthenshire, Ceredigion and Pembrokeshire early 2017 and currently 92 pharmacies out of 99 in the three counties participate in the scheme.

Richard Evans, a community pharmacist participating in the Common Ailments Service, said: “Community pharmacists have traditionally advised patients on a wide range of ailments. We have always recommended appropriate treatments to the patient, or if necessary refer them to another Healthcare Professional.

“The Choose Pharmacy Common Ailments Service uses the expertise of the pharmacist, with no cost to the patient for the service.

“Since I have started providing the new service in various community pharmacies in west Wales, I have had several referrals from GP surgeries, such as conjunctivitis and athletes foot, so that the patient was able to receive advice and treatment for the conditions, if required.

“This releases valuable GP time to concentrate on more complex medical problems, whilst the pharmacist is able to use their expertise during the consultation in the community pharmacy.”

Many pharmacists also offer Triage and Treat, a service which treats minor injuries such as superficial cuts and wounds, sprains and strains, eye complaints, minor burns and removal of items from the skin such as a splinters.  

In addition to the professional expertise offered at pharmacies, eligible patients can also receive their free flu vaccine to protect themselves and others this winter.

For more information on how the  health board’ is planning for winter and advice on how you can help, please visit

Dewis y Fferyllfa’n gyntaf y Nadolig hwn

Gyda’r Nadolig yn prysur agosáu, mae pobl yn cael eu hannog i fod gall y gaeaf hwn trwy ymweld â’u fferyllydd lleol ar gyfer mân gyflyrau, yn hytrach na mynd at eu meddyg teulu neu’r adran damweiniau ac achosion brys.

O boen cefn i losg cylla i ddannodd, gall fferyllwyr ddarparu cyngor am ddim a thriniaeth ar gyfer ystod o gyflyrau cyffredin ar gyfer y teulu cyfan.

Mae’r Gwasanaeth Anhwylderau Cyffredin yn cwmpasu 27 o gyflyrau lle y gall fferyllydd asesu a rhoi meddyginiaeth am ddim, os yw’n addas, heb fod angen am bresgripsiwn. Mae’r gwasanaeth yn rhoi cyfle i gleifion ofyn am gyngor neu driniaeth gan fferyllfa gymunedol sy’n cymryd rhan, a hynny ar gyfer rhestr benodol o anhwylderau, yn hytrach na mynd at eu meddyg teulu. 

Yn dilyn ymgynghoriad byr, bydd y fferyllydd yn rhoi cyngor, yn cyflenwi meddyginiaeth ar sail fformiwla y cytunwyd arni, neu, lle bo angen, yn atgyfeirio’r claf at ei feddyg teulu. 

Cyflwynwyd y gwasanaeth i fferyllfeydd ledled Sir Gaerfyrddin, Ceredigion a Sir Benfro ar ddechrau 2017 ac ar hyn o bryd mae 92 o fferyllfeydd allan o 99 yn y tair sir yn cymryd rhan yn y cynllun.

Dywedodd Richard Evans, fferyllydd cymunedol sy’n cymryd rhan yn y Gwasanaeth Anhwylderau Cyffredin: “Mae fferyllwyr cymunedol wedi arfer cynghori cleifion ar ystod eang o anhwylderau. Rydym bob amser wedi argymell triniaethau priodol i’r claf, neu os oes angen, eu cyfeirio at Weithiwr Gofal Iechyd Proffesiynol arall.

“Mae’r Gwasanaeth Anhwylderau Cyffredin Dewis Fferyllfa yn defnyddio arbenigedd y fferyllydd, heb unrhyw gost i’r claf ar gyfer y gwasanaeth.

“Ers i mi ddechrau cynnig y gwasanaeth newydd mewn nifer o fferyllfeydd cymunedol yn y gorllewin, yr wyf wedi cael sawl atgyfeiriad o feddygfeydd meddygon teulu, megis tarwden y traed a llid pilen y llygad, fel bod y claf yn gallu cael cyngor a thriniaeth ar gyfer y cyflyrau, os oedd angen.

“Mae hyn yn rhyddhau amser gwerthfawr y meddygon teulu i ganolbwyntio ar broblemau meddygol mwy cymhleth, wrth i’r fferyllydd allu defnyddio ei arbenigedd yn yr ymgynghoriad yn y fferyllfa gymunedol.”

Mae nifer o fferyllwyr hefyd yn cynnig Brysbennu a Thrin, sef gwasanaeth sy’n trin mân anafiadau megis briwiau a chlwyfau arwynebol, ysigiadau a streifiadau, anhwylderau y llygad, mân losgiadau a thynnu eitemau o’r croen megis sblinter.  

Yn ogystal â’r arbenigedd proffesiynol a gynigir yn y fferyllfeydd, gall cleifion cymwys hefyd gael brechlyn y ffliw am ddim i ddiogelu eu hunain ac eraill y gaeaf hwn.

Am ragor o wybodaeth am gynlluniau gaeaf y Bwrdd Iechyd, a chyngor ar y modd y gallwch chi helpu, ewch i 


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