Rowan Pateman from Whitchurch High will take part in the Build Sound Minds event
  • Action for Children Senedd event sponsored by Rhianon Passmore AM to mark Children’s Mental Health Awareness Week
    • Whitchurch High pupils to address AMs and discuss the Blues Programme
    • Range of projects puts charity in vanguard of improving Welsh children’s mental health

    Action for Children is marking Children’s Mental Health Week (4-10 February) by showcasing its services for young people’s mental health in Wales at the Pierhead Building at the Welsh Assembly on the 6th February from 12 – 1.30pm.

    The Build Sound Minds event, sponsored by Rhianon Passmore AM, is an opportunity to hear from young people who have benefitted from the charity’s services and speak to staff who are in the frontline delivering the diverse and innovative projects that are proven in improving the mental health issues so many of our children and young people are confronted with.

    Brigitte Gater, national director for Action for Children in Wales, said: ‘Action for Children is at the vanguard of providing innovative mental health services in Wales. We are delivering the Blues Programme in secondary schools with funding from Royal Mail for teenagers who show early signs of mental health issues and recently launched The Guide initiative for year 9 pupils to increase mental health literacy and equip these young people with the tools to seek appropriate help.

    ‘We also deliver pioneering family intervention services, support young carers and provide Skills for Living for young people leaving care and many other services that put the wellbeing of our young people front and centre of everything we do. I am thrilled we have a platform at the Senedd during Children’s Mental Health Week and have our commitment to the mental health and wellbeing of our children, young people and their families recognised in this way.’

    The need among children and young people for mental health support right across the UK is urgent and growing. One third (1) of the 15-18-year olds assessed by Action for Children in 2017/18 to take part in the Blues Programme were found to be suffering from mental health and emotional wellbeing issues and two students from Whitchurch High in Cardiff who’ve participated in the Blues Programme will join a panel to discuss these issues.

    Rhianon Passmore, AM for Islwyn, said: ‘It is a privilege to sponsor Action for Children’s Build Sounds Minds event at the National Assembly for Wales on 6th February. It will be a timely showcase, taking place during Children’s Mental Health Week, of the positive work of Action for Children across Wales. The partnership working between Action for Children delivering the innovative Blue Programmes in secondary schools with funding from Royal Mail demonstrates the creative ways we can aid young people with a better understanding of mental health literacy.

    ‘The Welsh Government has stated that the mental health and wellbeing of our children and young people is an absolutely priority. This was further evidenced by the announcement by the Welsh Health Minister, Vaughan Gething AM, on 14th January that an additional £7.1 million was being made available to help protect, improve and support the mental health of children and young people in Wales. The funding will build on previous investments to improve child and adolescent mental health services and will also support the whole-school approach to improve mental health and wellbeing in schools.

    ‘I offer my thanks to the work of Action for Children. Following this exciting event in the National Assembly for Wales, I will be excited to see how young people in the communities I represent in Islwyn can benefit from the exciting developments taking place within this field.’

    For further media information please contact Alastair Love, media officer at Action for Children, on 02920 347068 / 07872 675688 / alastair.love@actionforchildren.org.uk

    Out–of–hours enquiries should be directed to the duty press officer on 07802 806679/ media.team@actionforchildren.org.uk

Notes to Editors

• (1) Based on a study of over 5,000 questionnaires, one-third (33%) of 15-18 year-olds assessed by Action for Children were found to be suffering from mental health and emotional wellbeing issues, with many experiencing problems on a regular basis.

About the Blues Programme
• The Blues Programme is a semi-targeted course aimed at young people aged 13-19 who are suffering from, or at risk of developing, a mental health condition. It blends cognitive behavioural therapy, coping strategies and physical activity, and is delivered in schools in group settings over a six-week period by specially trained Action for Children employees.
• The Blues Programme is being delivered in schools across all four nations. Funded through our partnership with Royal Mail, the programme is currently being delivered in Worcestershire, Wirral, Cardiff, Rhyl, Glasgow, the Westerns Isles of Scotland, Derry and Downpatrick.

About The Guide

• Action for Children has been awarded a Welsh Government grant for the delivery of The Guide to all year 9 pupils across Wales at no cost to the schools.

• The programme was developed in Canada and provides a complete set of resources proven to increase the understanding of mental health and mental disorders, decrease the stigma of mental illness and increase the ability to seek help, amongst students and teachers.

• The programme provides a two-day face-to-face professional learning session for three teachers per school, with ongoing back-up support from the team to encourage, develop and embed the Guide within schools.

• The Guide aims to reach 30,000 Year 9 pupils aged 13-14 as well as 615 teachers throughout all 205 Welsh secondary schools

How Action for Children works
• Action for Children helps disadvantaged children across the UK through intervening early to stop neglect and abuse, fostering and adoption, supporting disabled children, and by campaigning tirelessly to make life better for children and families. With over 550 services the charity improves the lives of more than 300,000 children, teenagers, parents and carers every year. actionforchildren.org.uk buildsoundminds.org.uk

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