Regeneration, education, bridge strengthening and a new Aquasplash – all contained in Council’s latest Capital Programme!/ Adfywio, addysg, cryfhaupontydd ac Aquasplashnewydd – mae’rrhain i gydynrhan o RaglenGyfalafddiweddaraf y Cyngor!


Town Centre Projects in Neath, Pontardawe and Port Talbot, hundreds of thousands of pounds going on strengthening the A474 Vale of Neath bridge and millions being ploughed into brand new, 21st Century schools for our children.

Despite austere times, these are just some of the projects over the next few years which will be funded from Neath Port Talbot Council’s Capital Programme (2019/20- 2021/22) which is due be approved by the Council’s Cabinet on February 13th.

The vital Capital Programme – also including exciting plans for a £350,000 upgraded Aquasplash attraction on Aberavon Beach – provides details on the planned expenditure on major capital projects and outlines the resources available to fund them.

Councillor Carol Clement-Williams, the Council’s Cabinet Member for Finance said: “The Council places great emphasis on the importance of capital investment as a means of regenerating our communities across the County Borough and providing modern and safe buildings and infrastructure like roads and bridges.

“The Council will invest around £45m in 2019/20 and when additional external funding from 21st Century Schools and other sources are included it is projected that the total investment over the next three years will be more than £120m.

“Our next stage of ambitious schools improvement proposals total over £60m alone with new build replacement schools planned for the Cefn Saeson Comprehensive and Abbey Primary School sites, extra investment in the north campus of Ysgol Gymraeg Ystalyfera – Bro Dur, a brand new Primary School at Coed Darcy as well state of the art facilities for primary education in the Pontardawe area.”

“In public consultation on our revenue budget, it’s clear people also want to see investment in tourism and the Capital Programme involves money going into several major tourism projects in our towns and valleys.”

The Capital Programme for 2019/20 currently stands at £44.821m and there will extra funding of just over £5m from the Welsh Government which can be used up to the financial year 2020/21.

Among the proposed individual projects to benefit from the extra funding include:

  • Creating a Cefn Coed Valleys Landscape Park (£250k) to develop the Cefn Coed Colliery Museum site as a “Discovery Gateway” for the multi-million pound new Valleys Regional Park.
  • Replacing the popular Aberavon Seafront Aquasplash (£350k) water park to provide an upgraded family facility at the important visitor attraction.
  • Improvements (£150,000 in total) at Resolven Canal Car Park (refurbished toilets and a café), brown signage destination schemes for Pontardawe and Glynneath and ongoing investment in visitor infrastructure at Afan Forest Park plus additional investment for Gnoll Country Park.
  • Town Centre Projects (£290,000) in Neath, Pontardawe and Port Talbot to deliver transformational activities to protect and enhance the three town centres.

The Council has also been awarded £3.795m to facilitate and support the delivery of additional childcare facilities across the County Borough.  Facilities will be developed at seven schools (YGG Castell Nedd, YGG Blaendulais, Abbey Primary, Baglan Primary, Blaen Baglan Primary, Rhos Primary and Wauncierch Primary).

Cllr Clement-Williams added: “The authority continues investing significantly in projects across the county borough including the new nine unit retail development in Neath Town Centre given approval by the Council’s planning committee this week, the development of the former metal box factory as a Strategic Hub for the Valleys (benefiting from £3.5m of Welsh Government Funding)

“Successful grant applications have allowed regeneration projects to progress across the County Borough including, amongst other, the redevelopment of the former Plaza Cinema and Harbourside infrastructure projects in Port Talbot and the provision of 43 additional off street car parking spaces at Pontneddfechan waterfalls.”

Adfywio, addysg, cryfhaupontydd ac Aquasplashnewydd – mae’rrhain i gydynrhan o RaglenGyfalafddiweddaraf y Cyngor!

ProsiectauCanolTrefyngNghastell-nedd, Pontardawe a Phort Talbot,cannoeddarfiloedd o bunnoeddyncaeleutalu i gryfhaupontyr A474 yngNghwm Nedd, a miliynau’ncaeleugwarioarysgolionnewyddyr 21ain ganrifi’n plant.

Ergwaethaf y cyfnod o gyni, dyma rai ynunigo’rprosiectaufyddyncaeleuhariannuynystod y blynyddoeddnesaf o RaglenGyfalafCyngor Castell-nedd Port Talbot (2019/20-2021/22), sydd i gaeleichymeradwyoganGabinet y Cyngorar 13 Chwefror.

Mae’rRhaglenGyfalafhanfodol – syddhefydyncynnwyscynlluniaucyffrous, gwerth £350,000, i uwchraddioatyniadyrAquasplasharDraethAberafan – yndarparumanylion y gwariantarfaethedigarbrosiectaucyfalafpwysig ac ynamlinellu’radnoddausyddargaeli’whariannu.

Dywedodd y CynghoryddCarol Clement-Williams, Aelod Cabinet y CyngorargyferCyllid: “Mae’rCyngorynrhoipwyslaismawrarbwysigrwyddbuddsoddiadaucyfalafermwynadfywioeincymunedauar draws y FwrdeistrefSirol a darparuadeiladau a seilwaith modern, diogel, megisffyrdd a phontydd.

“Bydd y Cyngorynbuddsoddirhyw£45m yn 2019/20 ac o gynnwyscyllidallanolychwanegol o Ysgolionyr 21ain Ganrif a ffynonellaueraill, rhagwelir y byddcyfanswm y buddsoddiadynystod y tairblyneddnesafynfwyna£120m.

“Byddcyfnodnesafeincynigionuchelgeisiolargyfergwellaysgolion, ynddo’ihun, yngyfanswm o fwyna £60m, ac maebwriad i adeiladuysgolionamnewidnewyddarsafleoedd Ysgol GyfunCefnSaesonac Ysgol GynraddAbbey, buddsoddiymhellachyngnghampwsgogleddolYsgol GymraegYstalyfera – Bro Dur, a chreu Ysgol GynraddnewyddsbonyngNghoed Darcy, ynogystalâ’rcyfleusteraudiweddarafargyferaddysggynraddynardalPontardawe.”

“Wrthymgynghoriâ’rcyhoeddynghylcheincyllidebrefeniw, mae’neglur bod pobl am weld buddsoddiadmewntwristiaethhefyd, ac felrhano’rRhaglenGyfalafbyddarianynmynd i sawlprosiecttwristiaethpwysigyneintrefia’ncymoedd.”

Arhyn o brydmaeRhaglenGyfalaf 2019/20yn£44.821m abyddychydigdros £5m o gyllidychwanegolganLywodraethCymru, arian y gellireiddefnyddiohyd at flwyddynariannol2020/21.

Ymhlith y prosiectauunigolarfaethedigsydd i elwao’rcyllidychwanegolmae:

  • CreuParcTirwedd y CymoeddyngNghefnCoed(£250k) ermwyndatblygusafleAmgueddfaGlofaCefnCoedyn “BorthDarganfod” argyferParcRhanbartholnewydd y Cymoedd, fyddyncostiomiliynaulawer.
  • AmnewidparcdŵrAquasplashpoblogaiddGlanMôrAberafanermwyndarparucyfleusterwedi’iuwchraddio i deuluoeddynyratyniadpwysig i ymwelwyr.
  • Gwelliannau (cyfanswm o £150,000) ymMaesParcioCamlasResolfen (adnewyddu’rtoiledau a chreucaffi), cynlluniaucyrchfanarwyddion brown i Bontardawe a Glyn-nedd a buddsoddiadparhausyn y seilwaithymwelwyrymMharcFforestAfan, ynogystal â buddsoddiadychwanegolymMharcGwledig y Gnoll.
  • ProsiectauCanolTref(£290,000) yngNghastell-nedd,Pontardawe a Phort Talbot ermwyndarparugweithgareddautrawsffurfiannol a fyddyndiogelu ac yngwellacanol y tairtref.Dyfarnwyd £3.795m hefydi’rCyngor i hwyluso a chefnogi’rgwaith o ddarparucyfleusteraugofal plant ychwanegolar draws y FwrdeistrefSirol. Byddcyfleusterau’ncaeleudatblygumewnsaithysgol (YGG Castell-nedd, YGG Blaendulais, Ysgol Gynradd Abbey, Ysgol GynraddBaglan, Ysgol GynraddBlaenBaglan, Ysgol Gynradd y Rhosac Ysgol GynraddWaunceirch). Ychwanegodd y Cyng. Clement-Williams: “Mae’rawdurdodynparhau i fuddsoddi’nsylweddolmewnprosiectauar draws y fwrdeistrefsirol, gangynnwys ydatblygiadmanwerthunewydd, 9 uned, yngNghanolTref Castell-nedd, a gymeradwywydganbwyllgorcynllunio’rCyngoryrwythnos hon, a datblyguffatri Metal BoxgyntynGanolbwyntStrategoli’rCymoedd (a fyddynelwa o £3.5m o gyllidganLywodraethCymru). “Mae ceisiadaullwyddiannus am grantiauwedicaniatáu i brosiectauadfywiowneudcynnyddar draws y FwrdeistrefSirol, gangynnwys, ymhlithpethaueraill, ailddatblygu hen Sinema’r Plaza a phrosiectauseilwaithGlannau’rHarbwrymMhort Talbot, a darparu 43 o leoeddparcioychwanegoloddiar y strydgersgydauPontneddfechan.”





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