Mycoplasma Bovis – Autogenous (Farm Specific Vaccinations)/Mycoplasma Bovis – Hunangenedledig (Brechiadau i’r fferm)


Please join Farming Connect and AHDB at Wern Farm for an information session and discussion on Mycoplasma Bovis with Vet David Staak.

Mycoplasma Bovis is a bacteria which causes serious clinical disease in cattle including arthritis, mastitis, middle ear infections, reproductive disorders and pneumonia, which calves are particularly affected by. Mycoplasma Bovis is increasingly difficult to treat and only responses to certain medicines. The cases of Mycoplasma Bovis has increased in recent years, so much so that New Zealand has decided to implement a phased eradication cull.

Wern Farm is undertaking a project with Farming Connect, this project has involved developing an Autogenus vaccine (farm specific) to look to prevent Mycoplasma Bovis in calves.

Please RSVP for catering purposes to Abby James

Am fwy o wybodaeth, cysylltwch â / For more information, contact:

Abigail James

07399 970 988 /

Mycoplasma Bovis – Hunangenedledig (Brechiadau i’r fferm)

Ymunwch â Cyswllt Ffermio ac AHDB ar Fferm Wern am sesiwn wybodaeth a thrafodaeth ar Mycoplasma Bovis gyda’r milfeddyg David Staak.

Bacteria yw Mycoplasma Bovis, sy’n achosi clefydau clinigol ddifrifol i ddatblygu mewn gwartheg, gan gynnwys llid y cymalau, mastitis, haint y glust ganol, anhwylderau atgynhyrchu a niwmonia, sy’n cael effaith difrifol ar lloi. Mae Mycoplasma Bovis yn anodd tu hwnt i’w drin ac ond yn ymateb i ambell feddygyniaeth. Mae’r nifer o achosion Mycoplasma Bovis wedi cynyddu yn ystod y blynyddoedd diwethaf., cymaint fel bod Seland Newydd wedi penderfyny gweithredu cynllun difa.

Mae Fferm Wern yn ymgymryd â phrosiect gyda Cyswllt Ffermio – mae’r prosiect hwn yn ymwneud a datblygu brechlyn hunangenedledig (yn benodol i’r fferm) er mwyn ceisio atal Mycoplasma Bovis mewn lloi.

RSVP i Abby James, oherwydd pwrpasau arlwyo os gwelwch yn dda.

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