LLANELLI NEWS – Tree planting plans for Llanerch



Tree planting plans for Llanerch

Visions of cherry blossom have inspired residents who have been taking a closer look at the possibility of planting some attractive and colourful trees in the Llanerch area of Llanelli.

They were attending a public meeting in Llanerch Hall, which was organised by Nia Griffith MP and Cllr Rob James in response to proposals by some residents for enhancing the area with trees.

Leaflets about the project were delivered to all the householders in nearby streets who might be able to see the plot in question, which is the grass square in front of Llanerch Terrace bordered by Heol Goffa and Corporation Avenue.

At the meeting local resident Sai Giridhar gave a presentation and suggested that possible species to consider might include rowan, acer, cherry blossom, crab apple, alder, maple, white willow and silver birch.

There was general support for the idea of more trees on the green, provided that the plan was carefully drawn up to ensure easy access for continued grass-cutting and maintenance by the County Council and to avoid hidden spots that could attract litter and anti-social behaviour. David Hurford, whose home overlooks the area, pointed out that the wildflower areas planted by the Council had looked pretty in bloom, but had subsequently become litter traps.

Some householders on Corporation Avenue, who look up towards the land in question were concerned about the dangers of allowing the existing trees to grow too tall and become a threat to their properties, as well as the problems of leaves blowing into their gardens and blocking drains on the road.

Commenting on the discussions, Nia Griffith MP said: “This is a welcome initiative, particularly as we have sadly lost a great many urban trees across Wales in recent years.

“We have already had agreement in principle from Council officers providing we follow the appropriate guidance, and the next step is for interested residents to work with them on the detail. We will make sure there is full public consultation before anything goes ahead.

Cllr Rob James added: “I think it is important now that we involve a wider circle such as gardening groups and schools in planning the project so that there is buy in from the wider community, and that we make sure that all the issues of safety and maintenance are fully addressed.”

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