REVEALED: Most Popular Names Drivers Give to Their Cars


Do you name your car? Every year, there are lists of the most popular baby names being released, but how about popular car names?, a leading comparison website, has found that 1 in 10 drivers like to name their cars, and the top 10 car names are names given to humans, like Betty, Bob and Dave.

So, move over baby names, here’s the list of UK’s Top 10 Most Popular Car Names.

UK’s Ten Most Popular Car Names
1 Betty 6 Bertie
2 Bob 7 Alfie
3 Bert 8 Peggy
4 Dave 9 Katy
5 Amy 10 Tilly


Can Cars Have A Gender?

We can also reveal that the most common car gender on UK roads is female!

According to figures, 50% of cars are perceived as female in gender and 30% of cars are considered male, while 20% have no gender identification.

This is mainly down to 1 in 2 female respondents considered their car as female, and 1 in 2 male respondents saw their car as female too.

 Naming Your Car Makes Your More Attached to It

66% of our respondents said that naming their cars make them feel more attached to the vehicles.

So, what makes people want to name their car? According to our car owners, a car’s outer and inner beauty (personality) are the top two inspirations when naming their motors.

Top 5 Inspirations Drivers Use When Naming Their Cars

Car’s colours or appearance – 28%

Car’s personality – 20%

Friend/family member – 15%

Movie/TV show – 11%

Celebrities – 7%

When we delve further into what kind of perceived personality traits a car can have, 39% of our respondents described their car as dependable and reliable. 20% said their car has a ‘playful’ nature, and 15% said their cars are sexy.

Perceived Personalities According to Car Brands 

Adventurous – Honda

Confident – Fiat

Cute – Nissan

Dependable/Reliable – Ford, BMW

Intelligent – Mercedes, Honda

Playful – Fiat, Peugeot

Sexy/Good Looking – Honda, BMW

How About Unusual Names One Can Give to Their Car?

We have also found that ‘human’ names weren’t the only naming category given to their cars, 11% of our respondents said that movies and TV shows influenced the naming of their vehicles such as:

Mrs. Potter
Pavel Andreievich

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