New project to capture memories to mark 80 years of the Castlemartin Range/Prosiect newydd i gasglu atgofion i nodi pen-blwydd Maes Tanio Castellmartin yn 80 oed

image: Penyholt Farm before the Castlemartin Range was created in 1939.

A new project plans to recognise the 80th anniversary of the creation of the Castlemartin Range by capturing stories from the people that experienced this important chapter in the area’s past.

The military took over the area known as Castlemartin Range in 1939, prior to which it had been tenanted farmland on the extensive Cawdor Estate owned by Earl Cawdor of Aberdeenshire.

Interviews, photographs and articles will be combined to retell the history and preserve it for future generations in a series of videos to tell the story of those who lived and worked in the area around this time.

Pembrokeshire Coast National Park Authority Ranger for the Castlemartin Range, Lynne Houlston said: “If you have any stories, memories or information from the days before and during the time the military moved in, please get in touch.

“We are slowly losing the generation that lived through this time so it is important to secure those memories so that people can access, listen to and read about Castlemartin’s history.

“I’d be particularly interested to hear from anyone who has any photographs, letters or newspaper articles featuring the houses, farms or people that could be copied and used to illustrate this time of change in the 1930s.”

The Park Authority and Ministry of Defence have worked together to improve public access and land management for conservation on the Range for more than 30 years; including guided walks which allow access to areas that are usually restricted.

The resulting videos and information will be featured on the Authority’s website

This project is funded by the Defence Infrastructure Organisation’s Conservation Stewardship Fund.

If you have any information that you wish to share please contact Lynne Houlston via 01646 662213, 07866 771188 or

Prosiect newydd i gasglu atgofion i nodi pen-blwydd Maes Tanio Castellmartin yn 80 oed

Mae prosiect newydd yn bwriadu cydnabod 80 mlynedd ers creu Maes Tanio Castellmartin drwy gasglu straeon gan bobl a brofodd y bennod bwysig hon yn hanes yr ardal.

Cymerodd y fyddin feddiant ar yr ardal a elwir yn Faes Tanio Castellmartin yn 1939, a chyn hynny tir amaethyddol ydoedd, yn cael ei osod ar denantiaeth, ar Ystâd helaeth Cawdor, ym mherchnogaeth Iarll Cawdor o Swydd Aberdeen.

Bydd cyfweliadau, ffotograffau ac erthyglau’n cael eu cyfuno i ailadrodd yr hanes a’i ddiogelu ar gyfer cenedlaethau’r dyfodol mewn cyfres o fideos i ddweud hanes y rhai a fu’n byw ac yn gweithio yn yr ardal oddeutu’r cyfnod hwn.

Dywedodd Lynne Houlston, Parcmon Awdurdod Parc Cenedlaethol Arfordir Penfro ym Maes Tanio Castellmartin: “Os oes gennych chi unrhyw straeon, atgofion neu wybodaeth o’r dyddiau cyn ac yn ystod y cyfnod pan symudodd y fyddin i mewn, cysylltwch â ni, os gwelwch yn dda.

“Rydyn ni’n araf golli’r genhedlaeth a fu’n byw drwy’r cyfnod hwn felly mae’n bwysig diogelu’r atgofion hynny fel y gall pobl gael mynediad at hanes Castellmartin, gwrando a darllen amdano.

“Byddai gen i ddiddordeb arbennig mewn clywed gan unrhyw un sydd ag unrhyw ffotograffau, llythyrau neu erthyglau papur newydd yn cynnwys y tai, y ffermydd neu’r bobl y gellid gwneud copi ohonynt a’u defnyddio i arddangos y cyfnod hwn o newid yn yr 1930au.”

Bu Awdurdod y Parc a’r Weinyddiaeth Amddiffyn yn cydweithio i wella mynediad i’r cyhoedd a rheolaeth tir er budd cadwraeth y Maes Tanio am dros 30 mlynedd; gan gynnwys teithiau cerdded tywysedig a fydd yn caniatáu mynediad at ardaloedd sydd fel arfer yn gyfyngedig.

Bydd y fideos a’r wybodaeth yn deillio o hynny yn cael eu dangos ar wefan yr Awdurdod

Caiff y prosiect ei ariannu gan Gronfa Stiwardiaeth Cadwraeth y Sefydliad Seilwaith Amddiffyn.

Os oes gennych chi unrhyw wybodaeth yr hoffech ei rhannu, cysylltwch â Lynne Houlston drwy 01646 662213, 07866 771188 neu

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