Parking at Glangwili and Prince Philip Hospitals has changed– this is what you need to know


Parking at Carmarthenshire’s two largest hospitals, Glangwili Hospital in Carmarthen and Prince Philip Hospital in Llanelli has changed.

Parking continues to be free, but use of the car parks is now strictly monitored by Automatic Number Plate Recognition (ANPR) number plate recognition cameras managed by CP Plus.

The introduction of this system is in response to long running parking challenges on both sites and to ensure that patient access is prioritised while at the same time providing parking for those staff who need it most.

Patients and visitors can park for four hours in the designated public parking zones. These areas are clearly indicated with purple or blue signage. You do not need to pay or get a display ticket.

If you need to stay longer than four hours, you must register your vehicle registration at one of the parking validation terminals available at key locations across the hospital sites. This will allow you to park for the rest of the day.

Patients and visitors are reminded not to use staff car parks under any circumstance (clearly indicated with red signage).

All staff who need to park at the Glangwili or Prince Philip hospital sites are required to apply for a new permanent staff parking permit (available from the staff intranet site from 1 May). Staff are able to park in zones clearly indicated with red or purple signage.  Under no circumstances should staff park in blue patient and visitor zones.

Joe Teape, Director of Operations at Hywel Dda UHB, said: “Parking at Glangwili and Prince Philip hospitals has long been a source of frustration for staff and visitors and we’re hopeful that these new measures will go a long way to changing that.

“That said, for the new system to work we recognise that everyone must ensure that they park in the correct zones and that some staff may not be eligible for permits as we ensure only staff who have no other reasonable alternative but to travel to work by car can park on site.”

Staff, patients and visitors are reminded that a Park and Ride service is available for Glangwili Hospital. This operates between Glangwili Hospital and the Carmarthen Showground car park in Nantyci (SA31 3SA).

Parking is free and you will only have to pay for the bus. The bus costs £1 per person but is free for staff, concessionary pass holders and under 16s accompanied by and adult.

For staff to receive a free bus ride, you will need to present your ID badge to the bus driver.

If you attend Glangwili or Prince Philip hospitals for your appointment and you need advice about parking, you can visit or contact the car park operator CP Plus between 9am and 5pm on 020 7431 4001 for more information.


Mae trefniadau parcio wedi newid yn y ddau ysbyty mwyaf yn Sir Gaerfyrddin, sef Ysbyty Glangwili Caerfyrddin ac Ysbyty Tywysog Philip Llanelli.

Mae parcio yn parhau i fod am ddim, ond mae’r defnydd o’r meysydd parcio bellach yn cael ei fonitro gan gamerâu Adnabod Rhifau Cerbydau yn Awtomatig (ANPR) sy’n cael eu rheoli gan gwmni CP Plus.

Mae’r system hon wedi’i chyflwyno mewn ymateb i heriau parhaus o ran parcio ar y ddau safle ac er mwyn sicrhau bod mynediad i gleifion yn cael blaenoriaeth ar yr un pryd â darparu parcio i’r staff hynny sydd ei angen fwyaf.

Gall cleifion ac ymwelwyr barcio am hyd at bedair awr yn y parthau parcio cyhoeddus. Mae’r parthau hyn wedi’u nodi’n glir gydag arwyddion porffor neu las. Does dim angen i chi dalu na chael tocyn arddangos.

Os oes angen i chi aros cyfnod hirach na phedair awr, mae’n rhaid i chi nodi rhif cofrestru eich cerbyd ar un o’r peiriannau dilysu parcio sydd wedi’u lleoli ar hyd a lled yr ysbytai.

Atgoffir cleifion ac ymwelwyr i beidio â defnyddio meysydd parcio staff dan unrhyw amgylchiadau (maen nhw wedi’u nodi’n glir gan arwyddion coch).

Mae angen i bob aelod o staff sy’n parcio ar safle ysbyty Glangwili neu Tywysog Philip wneud cais am drwydded barcio. Gall staff barcio yn y parthau sydd wedi’u nodi’n glir gan arwyddion coch neu borffor. Ni ddylai staff barcio ym mharthau parcio glas cleifion ac ymwelwyr dan unrhyw amgylchiadau.

Meddai Joe Teape, Cyfarwyddwr Gweithrediadau BIP Hywel Dda: “Ers amser maith, mae parcio yn Ysbyty Glangwili ac Ysbyty Tywysog Philip wedi bod yn achos rhwystredigaeth i staff ac ymwelwyr ac rydym yn hyderus y bydd y mesurau newydd hyn yn gwneud llawer i newid y sefyllfa.

“Wedi dweud hynny, er mwyn i’r system newydd hon weithio rydym yn cydnabod y bydd yn rhaid i bawb sicrhau eu bod yn parcio yn y parthau cywir. Hefyd, efallai na fydd rhai aelodau o staff yn gymwys ar gyfer trwydded barcio wrth i ni sicrhau mai dim ond y staff hynny nad oes ganddynt ddewis arall rhesymol ond teithio i’r gwaith mewn car, all barcio ar y safle.”

Atgoffir staff, cleifion ac ymwelwyr bod gwasanaeth Parcio a Theithio ar gael i Ysbyty Glangwili. Mae’n rhedeg rhwng Ysbyty Glangwili a maes parcio Nantyci (SA31 3SA) ger maes y sioe.

Mae parcio am ddim, ond mae tâl am ddefnyddio’r bws. Y tâl yw £1 y person ond mae am ddim i staff, deiliaid pàs bws ac i’r rhai dan 16 oed sydd yng nghwmni oedolyn.

Er mwyn i staff allu defnyddio’r bws am ddim, rhaid dangos eich bathodyn adnabod i yrrwr y bws.

Os ydych chi’n dod i Ysbyty Glangwili neu Ysbyty Tywysog Philip ar gyfer apwyntiad ac angen cyngor ynghylch parcio, ewch i neu cysylltwch â gweithredwr y meysydd parcio sef CP Plus rhwng 9am a 5pm ar 020 7431 4001 am fwy o wybodaeth.

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