Local Charity Picks Up (the pace) for 21st birthday


Local charity Tir Coed is turning 21 years old, and as part of the upcoming celebrations, staff will be litter picking for 21 miles, from Lampeter to Aberaeron, whilst raising awareness and funds.

On Saturday, May 18th, the team will be joining Dragon Hydro Events on their long distance, which they expect to take up to 10 hours. They saw the organised walk as an opportunity to celebrate Tir Coed’s birthday, and at the same time, to raise sponsorship money to support the charity’s ground-breaking woodland education, wellbeing and training programmes. All the money they raise stays in Wales, directly supporting your community!

But when asked to join in the celebration walk, Steve Parkin, Tir coed’s Ceredigion Mentor, saw the day as an opportunity to do much more: he suggested that, as an environmental charity, team Tir Coed should also take the time to bring benefit to the local environment. Steve says:

“I have lived in the beautiful county of Ceredigion my whole life and it pains me deeply to see the amount of plastic waste strewn into our hedges and roadside. We hope our action will help to raise awareness about the issue and motivate others to follow suit…. Following the heavy flooding of 2018 it became very apparent just how much of this waste ends up in our waterways and rivers and eventually our oceans… Let’s stem the tide of plastics!”

Anyone can sponsor the team at Tir Coed for their long litter picking walk. You can donate via their Just Giving page (just search for Tir Coed). Every little helps – donate whatever you can afford! Or for more information, email Rhys, Tir Coed’s Communications Intern at comms@tircoed.org.uk – or phone the Aberystwyth office on 01970 636909. For more information about Tir Coed, visit their website – www.tircoed.org.uk. To keep up to date with future events, accredited training courses and monthly competitions, be sure to follow them on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter!

Mae’relusenleol Tir Coed yntroi 21 mlwyddoed, ac felrhano’rdathliadau, bydd staff yncasglusbwriel am 21 milltir, o Lanbedr Pont SteffaniAberaeron, wrthgodiymwybyddiaeth ac arian.

ArddyddSadwrn, Mai 18fed, bydd y tÎmynymuno â Dragon Hydro Events areupellterhir, ac maentyndisgwylcymrydhyd at 10 awr. Gwelsant y daithgerddedfelcyfleiddathlu pen-blwydd Tir Coed, ac aryrunpryd, igodiarianigefnogirhaglenniaddysg, lles a hyfforddiantcoetiroeddarloesolyrelusen.

Ond pan ofynnwydi Steve Parkin, Mentor Ceredigion Tir Coed, fewnaeth e weld y diwrnodfelcyfleiwneudllawermwy: awgrymodd, felelusenamgylcheddol, y dylaitĂŽm Tir Coed hefydgymrydamseriddod â buddi’ramgylcheddlleol. Meddai Steve:

“Rydwiwedi bod ynbywyn y sir brydferth o Geredigionfyhollfywyd a dwi’npoeni’nddwfni weld faint o blastigsyddyncaeleidafluimewni’rgwrych ac arochryrheol. Gobeithiofod y weithredymayngallucodiymwybyddiaetho’rsefyllfa ac igymellpoblaralliwneudyrunpeth. Arôl y llifogyddmawryn 2018 fewnaethyndodynamlwgiawn faint o’rgwastraffymasyddynarosyneindyfrffordd, afonydd ac ynbennaf, einmor.Gallemnirhoi’rbônyn y llanw o blastig!”

Gall unrhywunnodditĂŽm Tir Coed am eutaithgerddedysbwrielhir. Gallwchgyfrannudrwyeutudalen Just Giving (chwiliwch am Tir Coed). Mae pob faint o arainynhelpu – rhoddwchbethbynnag y gallwcheifforddio! Neu am fwy o wybodaeth, e-bostiwch Rhys, Intern Cyfathrebu Tir Coed arcomms@tircoed.org.uk – neuffoniwchswyddfa Aberystwyth ar 01970 636909. Am fwy o wybodaeth am Tir Coed, ewchi’wgwefan – www.tircoed.org.uk. Ermwyncael y wybodaethddiweddaraf am ddigwyddiadauyn y dyfodol, cyrsiauhyfforddiachrededig a chystadlaethaumisol, cofiwcheudilynar Facebook, Instagram a Twitter!

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