New Relatives Room opens at Ward 12 – Withybush General Hospital


A new Relatives Room has opened at Ward 12, Withybush General Hospital thanks to charitable fundraising.

 This new room will enable relatives to have a space to have family conversations and speak with medical staff, or simply somewhere to take a break and reflect. Staff and relatives now have a more calming, comfortable room for sensitive conversations.

Ward 12 has a high number of patients with cognitive impairment which can be very stressful and challenging for relatives. Involvement of carers / relatives in care delivery is encouraged but ‘breaks’ are essential to support patient and relatives well-being.

The staff on ward 12 completed a sponsored walk on 29th April 2018 and all monies raised has gone towards the refurbishment of the relative’s room.

Lisa Marshall, Senior Sister and Nina Griffith, Student Nurse said:

“Everyone on Ward 12 were absolutely delighted with the opening of our wonderful day room. Families are very important to us on Ward 12, they are our key to success. This room will be very beneficial for families to utilize in a calming and tranquil place. It was lovely to see all our families that have spent time on the ward, as well as all our walkers that joined us on the day, plus all the ward staff. Thank you so much for your support”

This room is already making a real difference for families and illustrates the power of local communities to provide impactful new facilities at their local hospital for the benefit of others.



YstafellPerthnasauNewyddynagorar Ward 12 – YsbytyCyffredinolLlwynhelyg.

Mae YstafellPerthnasaunewyddwediagorar Ward 12, YsbytyCyffredinolLlwynhelyggydadiolchiarianelusennol.

Byddyrystafellnewydd hon yngalluogiperthnasauigynnalsgyrsiauteuluol, siarad â staff meddygol, neugymrydegwyl a myfyrio.
Mae gan staff a pherthnasaubellachystafellfwytawel, cyfforddusargyfersgyrsiausensitif. Mae gan Ward 12 niferuchel o gleifion â namgwybyddola all fodynanoddiawn ac ynherioliberthnasau.

Anogirgofalwyr a pherthnasauigymrydrhanmewndarparugofal, ondmaecaelegwylynhanfodoligefnogillescleifion a pherthnasau.

Cwblhaodd y staff ar ward 12 daithgerddednoddedigar 29 Ebrill 2018 ac mae’rhollarian a godwydwedimyndiadnewyddu’rystafell.

Dywedodd Lisa Marshall, UwchBrifNyrs a Nina Griffith, Myfyrwraig:
“Roeddpawbar Ward 12 wrtheuboddaupan agorwydyrystafellarbennig. Mae teuluoeddynbwysigiawniniar Ward 12, maentynallweddolilwyddiant. Byddyrystafell hon ynfuddioliawnideuluoeddgaelymlacio. Roeddynhyfrydgweldeinholldeuluoeddsyddweditreulioamserar y ward, ynogystalâ’nhollgerddwyr a ymunodd â niar y diwrnod, ynghyd â holl staff y ward. Diolchynfawr am eichcefnogaeth”

Mae’rystafell hon eisoesyngwneudgwahaniaethgwirioneddolideuluoedd ac yndangosgrymcymunedaulleoliddarparucyfleusteraunewyddyneuhysbytylleolerbudderaill.


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