Following the success of the Wales YFC & Menter Moch Cymru initiative in 2017 we are pleased to announce that the application window for 2019 has now opened and 6 finalists will soon be selected and be provided with 5 weaners each.

Support & training will be provided to develop the skills required to establish, manage and develop this new venture. From practical advice on rearing through, to business skills such as marketing. These transferrable skills gained will be valuable and applicable to any on-farm enterprise.

MenterMoch Cymru is an initiative funded by the Welsh Government Rural Communities – Rural Development Programme 2014-20, which is funded by the European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development and the Welsh Government.


Pigs can be kept in various management systems ranging from indoor to outdoor. Many farms already have suitable general-purpose buildings or land that are currently being under-utilised that could be easily converted for pig keeping with little capital investment. Therefore, providing an alternative income and enterprise on farm.

“Menter Moch Cymru is delighted to be working with Wales YFC again on this exciting and unique opportunity for their members” said Melanie Cargill, Menter Moch Cymru Project Manager

“The initiative aims to encourage and support the next generation of pig farmers. It’s a great introduction for any young farmer thinking of entering the pig sector. Not only are they provided with the weaners to start them off but they are also given training and support throughout the whole process.”

“We’re also grateful to be working with the Royal Welsh Agricultural Society (RWAS) and are delighted to announce that this year’s participants will have their very own live pig class at the RWAS Winter Fair to show off their efforts and compare the finish of the pigs against each other.”

Ffion Medi Rees, who participated in this initiative previously and whose pig carcass won the carcass competition at the RWAS Winter Fair, said“I’m very grateful to Menter Moch Cymru and Wales YFC for the opportunity I received and extremely grateful for the support and training from the Menter Moch Cymru project. I really enjoyed the whole experience and have continued to keep pigs since being part of the initiative!”

Hefin Evans, Wales YFC Rural Affairs Chairman noted, ‘We as Wales YFC are grateful to have the opportunity to work with the Menter Moch Cymru on this initiative again. The project provides a great opportunity for young farmers to get their foot on the industry ladder and to be involved with the development of the pig sector in Wales. 160,000 tonnes of pork, ham and sausages are sold throughout the UK retail industry annually. As a nation, we consume more pork than we do lamb and beef combined. Pork is a nutritious meat that offers a range of important nutrients. We encourage our membership throughout Wales to consider this exciting opportunity and to get in touch for more information.”

For further details and to find out how to apply, please visit or

Closing Date for Entries is 10:00 am on Wednesday 29th May 2019.

The 6 winning applicants will be announced at the RWAS Royal Welsh Show in July 2019.


YndilynllwyddiantmenterCFfI Cymru a MenterMoch Cymru yn 2017, mae’nblesergennymgyhoeddi bod y ffenestrymgeisioargyfer 2019 bellachwediagor a bydd 6 yn y rowndderfynolyncaeleudewisynfuan ac yncaeleudarparugyda 5 porchelldiddwynyr un.

Darperircefnogaeth a hyfforddiantiddatblygu’rsgiliausyddeuhangenisefydlu, rheoli a datblygu’rfenternewydd hon. O gyngorymarferolarfagutrwodd, isgiliaubusnesfelmarchnata. Bydd y sgiliautrosglwyddadwyhynynwerthfawr ac ynberthnasoliunrhywfenterar y fferm.

Mae MenterMoch Cymru ynfenteraariennirganRaglenDatblyguGwledig – CymunedauGwledig 2014-20 Llywodraeth Cymru, sy’ncaeleihariannuganGronfaAmaethyddolEwropargyferDatblyguGwledig a Llywodraeth Cymru.

Gellircadwmochmewnamrywiolsystemaurheoliynamrywio o dan do iawyragored. Mae ganlawer o ffermyddadeiladaupwrpasol neu diraddassy’ncaeleutanddefnyddioarhyn o bryd y gellideuhaddasu’nhawddargyfercadwmochhebfawr o fuddsoddiadcyfalaf. Felly, darparuincwm a menteramgenar y fferm.

“Mae MenterMoch Cymru ynfalchiawn o fodyngweithiogydaCFfI Cymru etoar y cyflecyffrous ac unigrywhwni’whaelodau” meddai Melanie Cargill, RheolwrProsiectMenterMoch Cymru.

“Nod y fenterywannog a chefnogi’rgenhedlaethnesaf o ffermwyrmoch. Mae’ngyflwyniadgwychiunrhywffermwrifancsy’nystyriedmyndimewni’r sector moch. Nidynunigmaennhw’ncaeleudarparugyda’rperchylli’wcychwynondmaennhwhefydynderbynhyfforddiant a chefnogaethdrwygydol y broses.”

“Rydymhefydynddiolchgar o fodyngweithiogydaChymdeithasAmaethyddolFrenhinol Cymru (CAFC) ac mae’nblesergennymgyhoeddi y byddgangyfranogwyrelenieudosbarthmochynbyweuhunainynFfairAeaf CAFC iddangoseuhymdrechion a chymharugorffeniad y mochynerbyneigilydd.”

Dywedodd Ffion Medi Rees, a gymerodd ran yn y fenter hon ynflaenorol ac yrenilloddeicharcasmoch y gystadleuaethcarcasynFfairAeaf CAFC, “Rwy’nddiolchgariawniMenterMoch Cymru a CFfI Cymru am y cyfle a gefais ac ynddiolchgariawn am y gefnogaethhyfforddiant o brosiectMenterMoch Cymru. Fe wnesifwynhau’rprofiadcyfan ac rwyfwediparhauigadwmochers bod ynrhano’rfenter!”

NododdHefin Evans, CadeiryddMaterionGwledigCFfI Cymru, ‘RydymnifelCFfI Cymru ynddiolchgar o gael y cyfleiweithiogydaMenterMoch Cymru ar y fenter hon eto. Mae’rprosiectynrhoicyflegwychiffermwyrifancroieugorauiysgol y diwydiant a bod ynrhan o ddatblygiad y sector mochyngNghymru. Mae 160,000 tunnell o borc, ham a selsigyncaeleugwerthuledleddiwydiantmanwerthu’r DU bob blwyddyn. Felcenedl, rydymynbwytamwy o borc nag yrydymyneiwneud o gig oen a chigeidion. Mae porcyn gig maethlonsy’ncynnigamrywiaeth o faetholionpwysig. Rydymynannogeinhaelodaethledled Cymru iystyried y cyflecyffroushwn ac igysylltu am fwy o wybodaeth. ”

Am fanylionpellach ac igaelgwybodsutiwneudcais, ewchi neu

DyddiadCauargyferCofrestriadauyw 10:00 am ddyddMercher 29 Mai 2019.

Cyhoeddir y 6 ymgeisyddbuddugolynSioeFrenhinol Cymru CAFC ym mis Gorffennaf 2019.


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