Council gears up for Foster Care Fortnight 2019


To highlight this year’s Foster Care Fortnight, Neath Port Talbot Council’s Fostering Team are hosting a series of ‘drop-in’ sessions across the county borough.

With more than 300 children currently being looked after by foster carers in Neath Port Talbot, the team is encouraging anyone who is interested in becoming a foster carer to come along to one of the sessions. The sessions will give people the chance to find out more about what is involved in becoming a foster carer, the ongoing support that is available and the opportunity to ask the team questions.

Throughout the two weeks, the Team will be at the following locations:

  • Monday 13th May – Neath Sports Centre (9am to 2pm) or Neath Civic Centre (4:30pm to 6pm)
  • Tuesday 14th May – St. Paul’s Centre (10am to 5:30pm)
  • Wednesday 15thMay –Gwaun-Cae-Gurwen Library (3:30pm to 5:30pm)
  • Saturday 18th May – Aberavon Shopping Centre(11am to 3pm)
  • Monday 20th May – Glynneath Library (2:30pm to 4:30pm)
  •  Tuesday 21st May – Pontardawe Library (10am to 12pm)
  • Wednesday 22nd May – Neath Town Centre (11am to 4pm), St.Paul’s Centre(5pm to 7pm)
  • Friday 24th May – Gwaun-Cae-GurwenLibrary (10am to 12pm)



Foster Care Fortnight is the UK’s biggest foster care awareness raising campaign, delivered by leading fostering charity, The Fostering Network. The campaign showcases the commitment, passion and dedication of foster carers. It also supports the Fostering Team to highlight the need for more foster carers.

Councillor Alan Lockyer, Cabinet Member for Children’s Social Services, said:

“We are passionate about the difference that foster care makes to the lives of fostered children and young people, and Foster Care Fortnight is an excellent opportunity to showcase that difference.

“We are always looking for new carers who have the desire to provide a secure and welcoming home for vulnerable children. This could includepeople from a wide range of backgrounds and family make-up such as people who are single, families with children or same sex couples.

“I would encourage anyone who is interested about foster care to come along to one of our information points and speak to the team.”

The theme for this year’s Foster Care Fortnight is ‘Change a Future’. The theme is aiming to help raise awareness of how foster carers can make a positive change to the future of children and young people. Using the hashtag #changeafuture, people are being encouraged to share a particular moment in their life that had a major influence on their future.

For more information about fostering in Neath Port Talbot, visit or search for their Facebook page, Fostering NPT.

Cyngor yn paratoi ar gyfer Pythefnos Gofal Maeth 2019

 I hyrwyddo Pythefnos Gofal Maeth eleni, mae Tîm Maethu Castell-nedd Port Talbot yn cynnal cyfres o sesiynau ‘galw heibio’ ar draws y fwrdeistref sirol.

Gyda thros 300 o blant yn derbyn gofal gan ofalwyr maeth yng Nghastell-nedd Port Talbot ar hyn o bryd, mae’r tîm yn annog unrhyw un sydd â diddordeb mewn dod yn ofalwr maeth i alw heibio un o’r sesiynau.

Drwy gydol y pythefnos bydd y tîm ar gael yn y lleoliadau canlynol:

  • Dydd Llun 13 Mai – Canolfan Chwaraeon Castell-nedd (9.00am tan 2.00pm) neu Ganolfan Ddinesig Castell-nedd (4.30pm tan 6.00pm)
  • Dydd Mawrth 14 Mai – Canolfan Sant Paul (10.00am tan 5.30pm)
  • Dydd Mercher 15 Mai – Llyfrgell Gwauncaegurwen (3.30pm tan 5.30pm)
  • Dydd Sadwrn 18 Mai – Canolfan Siopa Aberafan (11.00am tan 3.00pm)
  • Dydd Llun 20 Mai – Llyfrgell Glyn-nedd (2.30pm tan 4.30pm)
  • Dydd Mawrth 21 Mai – Llyfrgell Pontardawe (10.00am tan 12.00pm)
  • Dydd Mercher 22 Mai – Canol Tref Castell-nedd (11.00am tan 4.00pm), Canolfan Sant Paul (5.00pm tan 7.00pm)
  • Dydd Gwener 24 Mai – Llyfrgell Gwauncaegurwen (10.00am tan 12.00pm)



Penwythnos Gofal Maeth yw ymgyrch cynyddu ymwybyddiaeth o faethu fwyaf y DU, wedi’i chyflwyno gan yr elusen faethu fwyaf, Y Rhwydwaith Maethu. Mae’r ymgyrch yn amlygu ymrwymiad, angerdd ac ymroddiad gofalwyr maeth. Mae hefyd yn cefnogi’r Tîm Maethu i amlygu’r angen am fwy o ofalwyr maeth.


“Rydym yn frwd am y gwahaniaeth mae gofal maeth yn ei wneud i fywydau plant a phobl ifanc sy’n cael eu maethu, ac mae Pythefnos Gofal Maeth yn gyfle gwych i ddangos y gwahaniaeth hwnnw.

“Rydym bob amser yn chwilio am ofalwyr newydd sydd am ddarparu cartref diogel a chroesawgar i blant diamddiffyn. Gallai hyn gynnwys pobl o ystod eang o gefndiroedd a theuluoedd, megis pobl sengl, teuluoedd â phlant neu barau o’r un rhyw.

“Byddwn yn annog unrhyw un sydd â diddordeb mewn gofal maeth i ddod i un o’n pwyntiau gwybodaeth a siarad â’r tîm.”

Thema Pythefnos Gofal Maeth eleni yw ‘Newid Dyfodol’. Bydd y thema’n cynyddu ymwybyddiaeth o sut gall gofalwyr maeth wneud newid cadarnhaol i ddyfodol plant a phobl ifanc. Gan ddefnyddio’r stwnshnod #NewidDyfodol, mae pobl yn cael eu hannog i rannu adeg benodol o’u bywydau a ddylanwadodd yn fawr ar eu dyfodol ar gyfryngau cymdeithasol.

I gael mwy o wybodaeth am faethu yng Nghastell-nedd Port Talbot, ewch i neu chwiliwch am eu tudalen Facebook, Fostering NPT.


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