Neath Port Talbot Council has topped the list of all 22 Welsh local authorities when it comes to renewable energy generation.
Latest Welsh Government figures show Neath Port Talbot is the local authority area with the highest total renewable energy capacity (358 MW) and the greatest renewable energy generation with an estimated 1122 GWh.
This is due to the commissioning of projects such as the Lynfi Afan and Mynydd Brombil onshore wind projects and the creation of biomass, solar and other renewable energy schemes across the County Borough.
The figures are contained in the Welsh Governmentās Energy Generation in Wales 2017 report ā 2017 being the latest year for which figures are available for renewable energy generation in Wales. This Autumn will see a report released on the 2018 figures.
While having the greatest amount of renewable energy generation in Wales, Neath Port Talbot Council is also in the process of developing a new Decarbonisation and Renewable Energy Strategy.
And at the same time, the Council is continuing with a wide range of projects, aimed at creating a cleaner, greener future for the area.
One of these involves the Council playing a central role in a multi-million pound project to create next generation low carbon energy systems. Neath Port Talbot is the base for the only demonstration area in Wales for FLEXIS, the Ā£24.5m research operation aimed at developing an energy research capability in Wales.
Councillor Anthony Taylor, Deputy Leader of Neath Port Talbot Council said: āThe Welsh Government has set an ambitious 70% renewable electricity target by 2030 so it is very pleasing to see Neath Port Talbot Council topping the list according to the latest figures.
āWorking with a wide range of partners we continue to work on our decarbonisation agenda for Neath Port Talbotā as evidenced not only by these figures on renewable energy generation but also by the many other initiatives we are involved in to help improve the environment.ā
The Council is continuing to assess the suitability of alternative fuelled vehicles within its fleet, works closely with departments to ensure these vehicles can be introduced at the right times, and continues to move with the latest standards for both vehicles and plant.
And the authority is taking the lead on promoting and delivering the Homes as Power Stations project as part of the wider City Region Deal. This aims to deliver smart, low carbon, energy-efficient homes through a co-ordinated approach across the City Region.
A pathfinder scheme is already being developed at a site in Neath, where 16 houses and flats are being built which will generate, store and release energy – and therefore donāt need boilers.
Other projects include a 30kw hydro-electric scheme due to be installed at Margam Country Park, a solar power generating roof at Gnoll Country Park (already installed and generating energy) and active travel routes which encourage people to walk and cycle instead of using cars.
As part of the Swansea Bay City Deal the Council has also programmed the construction of the Swansea Bay Technology Centre to support start-up companies and indigenous business growth with a focus on the innovation and research and development (R&D) sectors. The centre, an āoffice as power stationā project,will work closely with the University of South Walesās Hydrogen Centre.
Castell-nedd Port Talbot :ar y brig o ran cynhyrchuynniadnewyddadwy
Cyngor Castell-nedd Port Talbot syddar y brig o blith 22 awdurdodlleolCymruymmaescynhyrchuynniadnewyddadwy.
Mae ffiguraudiweddarafLlywodraethCymruyndangosmai Castell-nedd Port Talbot ywārardalawdurdodlleolsyddĆ¢ārcyfanswmuchaf o ran capasitiynniadnewyddadwy(358 MW) aārlefeluchaf o ynniadnewyddadwysyāncaeleigynhyrchu, amcangyfrif o 1122 GWh.
Y rheswm am hynywcomisiynuprosiectaufelprosiectaugwyntLlynfi Afan a Mynydd Brombilar y lan a chreucynlluniauynnibiomas, solar ac ynniadnewyddadwyarallar draws y FwrdeistrefSirol.
Maeārffigurauānrhan o adroddiadLlywodraethCymruarGynhyrchuYnniyngNghymru 2017 ā ffigurau2017 ywārrhaidiweddarafsyddargaelargyfercynhyrchuynniadnewyddadwyyngNghymru. Yrhydrefyma, byddadroddiadyncaeleiryddhauarffigurau 2018.
ErmaiCyngor Castell-nedd Port Talbot syāncynhyrchuārswmmwyaf o ynniadnewyddadwyyngNghymru, maeārCyngorhefydwrthiāndatblyguStrategaethnewyddargyferDadgarboneiddio ac YnniAdnewyddadwy.
Ac aryrunpryd, maeārCyngorynparhau ag ystodeang o brosiectausyānceisiocreudyfodolglanach a mwygwyrddiārardal.
Felrhan o unoārrhainbydd y CyngorynchwaraerĆ“lganologmewnprosiectgwerthmiliynau o bunnoedd i greusystemauynni carbon isel y genhedlaethnesaf. Castell-neddPort Talbot ywlleoliadyrunigardalarddangosyngNghymruargyferFLEXIS, y prosiectymchwilĀ£24.5m syānceisiodatblygugallu i ymchwilioymmaesynniyngNghymru.
Dywedodd y Cynghorydd Anthony Taylor, DirprwyArweinyddCyngor Castell-nedd Port Talbot: āMae LlywodraethCymruwedipennutargeduchelgeisiol o 70% argyfertrydanadnewyddadwyerbyn 2030, felly maeānbrafiawngweldCyngor Castell-nedd Port Talbot ar y brig, ynĆ“l y ffiguraudiweddaraf.
Gweithiogydanifer o bartneriaid, rydymniānparhau i weithioareinhagendadadgarboneiddioargyfer Castell-nedd Port Talbot ā a cheirtystiolaeth o hynnynidynunigyn y ffigurauhynynghylchcynhyrchuynniadnewyddadwy, ondhefydyn y mentraueraillniferusrydymniānrhanohonynt i helpu i wellaāramgylchedd.ā
MaeārCyngorynparhau i asesuaddasrwyddcerbydautanwyddamgenyneigerbydlu, maeāncydweithioānagosagadrannau i sicrhau bod moddcyflwynoārcerbydauhynaryradegaucywir, ac maeānparhau i ymatebiārsafonaudiweddarafargyfercerbydau a pheiriannau.
Maeārawdurdodhefydynarwain y gwaith o hyrwyddo a chyflawniārprosiectCartrefisyānBwerdaifelrhan o Fargenehangach y Ddinas-Ranbarth. Ei nod ywdarparucartreficlyfar, carbon isel, syāneffeithlon o ran ynnitrwyddullgweithreducydlynusar draws y Ddinas-Ranbarth.
Mae cynllunbraenarueisoesyncaeleiddatblyguarsafleyngNghastell-nedd, llemae 16 o dai a fflatiauāncaeleuhadeiladu a fyddyncynhyrchu, ynstorio ac ynrhyddhauynni ā felnadoesangenboeleriarnynt.
Ymhlith y prosiectaueraillmaecynllun hydro-drydan 30kw, syddiāwosodymMharcGwledig Margam, to syāncynhyrchupŵer solar ymMharcGwledig y Gnoll (maehwneisoeswediāiosod ac yncynhyrchuynni), a llwybrauteithiollesolsyānannogpobl i gerdded a beicioynlledefnyddioār car.
Felrhan o FargenDinas Bae AbertawemaeārCyngorhefydwedirhaglennuārgwaith o adeiladuCanolfanDechnoleg Bae Abertawe, i gefnogicwmnĆÆausyāncychwyn a thwfbusnesaucynhenid, gydaffocwsar y sectorauarloesedd ac ymchwil a datblygu (R&D). Bydd y ganolfan, prosiect āswyddfasyānbwerdyā, yngweithioānagosgydaChanolfan Hydrogen Prifysgol De Cymru.
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