5 Signs That Make You A Pro Player

Source: https://www.google.com/search?q=pictures+of+pro+video+game+players&tbm=isch&source

The path to competitive gaming is nothing if not an uphill task. Most gamers who consider themselves pros haven’t the slightest clue what it means to get to the very top, and compete among the very best.

With millions of dollars in annual payouts, eSports has become one of the most sought after professions today. So how do you know that you are a pro player? And does it take more than just 12 hours a day on your killabee big and tall chair?

Here is a list of signs that indicate pro status.


 The first and most obvious sign that you’ve gone pro is if you have an eSports organization sponsoring your competitive campaigns. These organizations usually scout exceptional players and sponsor them in global series competitions.

For many gamers, however, the idea is to join an already existing eSports team of like-minded individuals and join tournaments collectively as a team. This increases their chances of success. Having a branded eSports team is the first clear indication that you have earned pro status.

Target Specificity

For most gamers, the term going-pro is a bit of a grey area. A few online tournaments with a $100 prize pool doesn’t make you a pro. The evolution of eSports has made it such that you, as the gamer, are established as a brand. That said, it is close to impossible to be a master of many games.

This brings us to the second sign. Being a pro requires hours of practice and commitment, days and weeks of gruelling, cutthroat competition with the best on the global series. This is why, if you want to be a pro, you have to pick a game that you excel in, just one. You can’t be a FIFA pro with 30,000 series ranking points and still be a Fortnite grandmaster. You have to pick a struggle. In essence, if you’re on a quest to become a pro player, then you have to pick one game that you are good at and stick to it.


This point may be a bit contentious, but for the most part, you will realize those pro gamers spend hundreds, even thousands of quid on their gaming rigs. Whether PC or Console, modern-day pro gamers even get custom equipment purchased for them by their sponsorship organizations and even branded merchandise when they compete in tournaments.

Source: https://www.google.com/search?q=pictures+of+pro+gaming+equipment&tbm=isch&source

Top of the line, cutting edge equipment is in a line of requirements that are necessary if you want to join the ranks of pro gamers today.

Inclusion in Tournaments

For you to get a seat at the big table, you need to have a consistent run of good results. If you are constantly on the list of some of the most prestigious and most televised tournaments within your niche, then you are definitely doing something right. For you to get to this point, you need to have gone through hundreds of hours of qualification campaigns, which means you are pretty good.

If you make to the big league a couple of times, or if you are in global competitions that have the highest prize pools, then you can consider yourself a pro.

Playing Full Time

eSports has mutated from what used to be a pass time, to a multimillion-dollar enterprise with thousands of pro gamers who actually make a living out of playing a game that they love. We’re talking about global tournaments that have prize pools up to $110 million with projections of up to $1 billion dollars by the close of 2020.

Source: https://www.google.com/search?biw=1517&bih=730&tbm=isch&sa=1&ei=3acIXZvEO8mCjLsPgqqR2Aw&q=pictures+of+pro+gamers

It’s not just about playing for the fun of it, its constant practice, constant research, and constantly playing against the best in the business. eSports today is a franchise that allows gamers to play full time, and to make a living out of it.


Going pro is not an easy task, and very few make it to these ranks, however, with the right kind of coaching and commitment, it is a dream that can be realized.



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