Report highlights first steps towards the ‘Neath Port Talbot We Want’


Highlighting the impact of substance misuse; providing support for those at risk of social isolation; and protecting and enhancing local green spaces – these are just some of the local issues which are being are being tackled by a partnership from across the public, voluntary and community sector in Neath Port Talbot.

Neath Port Talbot Public Services Board has this week published its first annual report, outlining work which has been undertaken and the next steps it plans to take towards improving wellbeing in the county borough.

Other key areas of work have included raising awareness of the threat of cybercrime,addressing wellbeing in the workplace and minimising the risk and impact of adverse childhood experiences.

The priorities were set last year following a well being assessment in 2017 which highlighted a number of challenges,particularly in relation to the wellbeing of children and young people.

Work in this field has included the formation of a multi-agency group to develop a children’s community zone in Sandfields West and participation in the Welsh Government’s First 1,000 Days Programme, a scheme which the focusses on the critical period from conception to two years of age.

Chair of Neath Port Talbot Public Services Board and Council Leader, Cllr Rob Jones, said:

“Last year, Neath Port Talbot Public Services Boardset out its vision and well-being priorities for the county borough through its plan ‘The Neath Port Talbot We Want’.

“The plan identifies and aims to address a number of complex and cross-cutting issues and as such could not be achieved by any one organisation working in isolation. I am therefore pleased to see our members collaborating on both a local and regional basis to progress our ambitions for the area.”

“It is evident that partners are beginning to work together differently going forward and are committed to delivering on our agreed well-being objective areas to make a meaningful contribution to our communities in Neath Port Talbot.”

The report is available online at:

Adroddiadynamlygu’rcamaucyntaftuag at

‘y Castell-neddPort Talbot a Garem’

 Amlygueffaithcamddefnyddiosylweddau; darparucefnogaethi’rrhaisyddmewnperygl o gaeleuhynysu’ngymdeithasol; a diogelu a gwellamannaugwyrddlleol – dyma rai ynunigo’rmaterionlleolsy’nderbynsylwganbartneriaethar draws y sectoraucyhoeddus, gwirfoddol a chymunedolyngNghastell-neddPort Talbot.


Yrwythnos hon maeBwrddGwasanaethauCyhoeddus Castell-nedd Port Talbot wedicyhoeddieiadroddiadblynyddolcyntaf, ynamlinellugwaith a wnaeda’rcamaunesafmae’nbwriadueucymrydtuag at wellallesiantyn y fwrdeistrefsirol.

Mae’rmeysyddgwaithallweddoleraillwedicynnwyscynydduymwybyddiaeth o fygythiadseiberdroseddu, ymdrin â llesiantyn y gweithle, a lleiafurisg ac effaithprofiadauniweidiolynystodplentyndod (ACEs).

Pennwyd y blaenoriaethau y llynedd, yndilynasesiadllesiantyn 2017 aamlygoddnifer o heriau, ynarbennigyngnghyswlltllesiant plant a phoblifanc.

Mae’rgwaithyn y maeshwnwedicynnwysffurfiogrŵpamlasiantaeth i ddatblyguparthcymunedol i blantyngNgorllewinSandfields, a chyfranogiadynrhaglenY 1,000 DiwrnodCyntafLlywodraethCymru, cynllunsy’ncanolbwyntioar y cyfnodhollbwysig o feichiogihyd at ddwyflwyddoed.

DywedoddCadeiryddBwrddGwasanaethauCyhoeddus Castell-nedd Port Talbot, syddhefydynArweinydd y Cyngor, y Cyng. Rob Jones:

“Y llynedd, cyflwynoddBwrddGwasanaethauCyhoeddus Castell-nedd Port Talbot eiweledigaetha’iflaenoriaethaullesiantargyfer y fwrdeistrefsiroltrwyeigynllun‘Y Castell-neddPort Talbot a Garem’.

“Mae’rcynllunynnodi ac ynceisiorhoisylw i nifer o faterioncymhleth, trawstoriadol, ac felly nidoeddmodd i unrhywsefydliadunigoleigyflawnitrwyweithio’nynysig. Rwy’nfalch, felly, o weld einhaelodau’ncydweithioynlleol ac ynrhanbarthol i symudymlaengyda’ndyheadauargyferyrardal.”

“Mae’namlwg bod y partneriaidyndechraucydweithiomewnfforddwahanolwrthsymudymlaen, a’u bod nhw’nymroddedig i gyflawniymmeysyddyramcanionllesiant y cytunwydarnynt, ermwyngwneudcyfraniadystyrloni’ncymunedauyngNghastell-neddPort Talbot.”


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