Well over 100 people descended on Castle Square, Haverfordwest earlier today to join a Pembrokeshire for Europe protest against the Suspension of Parliament by Prime Minister Johnson.

After the meeting, Alistair Cameron from Pembrokeshire for Europe said: “We are delighted that so many people joined our protest at such short notice. We will continue to protest until Mr Johnson abandons this outrageous assault on our democracy. Whether you are a leaver or a remainer, you cannot be happy at this denial of our democratic rights. We urge everyone to write to their MP. We will be organising further protests and there will be another protest on Monday at 7pm again at Castle Square.”

“During this crucial period in our history our elected representatives must be allowed to meet, debate and scrutinise the government’s actions on Brexit. It is undemocratic and without precedent to prevent them from doing this. People in this country have fought long and hard for our democratic rights and representation. We cannot allow our Prime Minister to suspend democracy in this outrageous way. Come and support democracy.”


“Thank you to everyone who has come to this protest today. Croeso pawb. It is a tremendous turnout given the short notice that you had.

I am only going to say a few words, not least because I am aware that the Wales vs Ireland match kicks off in a couple of hours.

This protest is about democracy. We are justly proud of our democracy and people have given their lives for it. 200 years ago protesters for democracy were murdered in Peterloo in Manchester. The Suffragettes went on hunger strike to give women the vote and in the second world war our forefathers defended this country against the Nazis.

We rightly reprimand dictators for denying democracy to their people in China, North Korea or Russia.

The Prime Minister tells us it is normal to suspend parliament for 5 weeks. This is not true.

Parliament has never been suspended for as long as 5 weeks since the second world war. Yet Mr Johnson wants to close it for 5 weeks during the most critical time for this country since the Second World War. He only had to close it for one day to start a new parliamentary term.

Whether you support Brexit or wish to remain you cannot deny that such a critical decision that will affect all of us now and in the future needs to have proper scrutiny and discussion by our elected representatives in parliament.

If our Prime Minister is allowed to get away with this outrage what will he do next to avoid being scrutinised in Parliament?

During the Conservative Leadership election, prominent members of the current government were asked for their views about suspending parliament. Amber Rudd said it would be “absolutely outrageous.” Sajid Javid said: “You don’t deliver democracy by trashing democracy…We are not selecting a dictator in our country.”  Nicky Morgan said it was “clearly a mad suggestion.”

Last night Lord Roger Roberts put a message on facebook from Syrian friends of his:

“People in my country are literally dying in our struggle for the democracy that your people are handing gift-wrapped to this dictator. Fight to keep it. Don’t ever let them take it from you.”

This is why we want you to support our protest today.

Whatever party you support, whoever you vote for, we want you to email or write to our 2 elected MPs and tell them this is unacceptable and cannot happen.

Thank you for coming today. We will continue to campaign and organise further protests in Pembrokeshire and West Wales. Please continue to support us and do write to our MPs.

Diolch yn fawr.”

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